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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Was desperate to have a debate with real people. Who would try and understand both sides. Seem
like I am a dreamer. What a shame. The only thing I am sure of is there is to much hate.

Anyway Sainsbury's here I come.

Your are most likely a paid Israeli bot. Your have been answered.
Weirdly, most people on here - and indeed through out the world - believe that the people remorselessly massacring civilians and flattening their homes and infrastructure are the ones who are very much in the wrong.

Said before. No one should die. There is no easy answer.
Hamas believe that ever Israeli should die.

I don't care if it's Muslim or Jew it is wrong. But there is only one opinion on here.

This is war and it stinks.
What we ( the British) did to Dresden in the Second World War was wrong.
Where was the proportionally in Hirosima or Nagasaki

This is war and it stink. It's the innocent who suffer.

Was desperate to have a debate with real people. Who would try and understand both sides. Seem
like I am a dreamer. What a shame. The only thing I am sure of is there is to much hate.

Anyway Sainsbury's here I come.

You don't appear to want a debate. If you did, you would be having one.
The difference between me and you is I don't hate. I believe everybody has a right to a descent life.
I think little children should not be killed and are no martyrs.
Also if there is a god it doesn't matter if it's yours or mine. He must be crying what is happening.

No one want to understand or improve. You think this is Israeli Arab problem!
What about Syria. Iraq. Lebanon.
I am positive you will ignore or come back with a hateful answer. What a pity.

No hate on here bonnie lad, just disgust at the actions of a supposedly democratic and civilised nation against helpless civilians.

Was desperate to have a debate with real people. Who would try and understand both sides. Seem
like I am a dreamer. What a shame. The only thing I am sure of is there is to much hate.

Anyway Sainsbury's here I come.

You've been answered twice now, you don't like the answer you've received. That's fine, that's your prerogative, but stop pretending no one's answered you and repeating the same old toss. It's the same with you lot all over the Internet. You ask a question, it gets answered, you don't like the answer so you claim no one's answered your question and that everybody loves Hamas.

You have a transparent agenda with your name. There is no middle ground in this. Either you're in favour of illegal occupation, murder and theft or your on the side of the people being occupied illegally, having their land stolen from them and being murdered in the process. That's pretty much it. No great biblical battle needs to be invoked, no clash of civilisations, no 'yeah but I was here first 2000 years ago' none of that just stick to what's happening now. What's happening now is that, legally, Israel is in the wrong on virtually all counts, that's a fact, look it up if you like. Now either you care about international law, democracy and that sort of thing or you don't. Again, your choice but those are the facts and it's all you really need to focus on. Everything else is just guff, frankly.

Does that clear some things up for you?

Was desperate to have a debate with real people. Who would try and understand both sides. Seem
like I am a dreamer. What a shame. The only thing I am sure of is there is to much hate.

Anyway Sainsbury's here I come.
Yep, gotta get some dates...........

The sad bit is you probably think that you were honestly asking fair questions
You were/are completely unable to see that the questions you posed were already so riddled with biased assumption and constant, oh woe these people are so barbaric, they fire fireworks at us, what can Israel do other than shell/bomb/shoot/kill them.
If you want the killing to stop I suggest a period of self examination would help
Perhaps not bringing universal peace but at least making you aware of your own deeply ingrained bias
it is interesting how this latest shift was precipitated by both israeli and palestinian teenagers becoming sacrificial lambs and testaments to how relatively cooped up and restricted everybody is in their own heritage: i pray it be testified to the face of those men who keep all those fortresses and the garrisons with greedy disregard for what ought to be the true protocols for peace in Jerusalem and all its surroundings.

and, how much face does hamas have left to save after all of this? but israel are even worse, because they don't gaze in the mirror, and don't mind being the ultimate villans, as if it is acceptable to trust in bars, gates, walls, weapons.....
Sorry new this
Why is Hamas building tunnels into Israel.
What I'd like to know is why Israel needs to bomb the strip flat to get at the tunnels
Surely the Israeli have the technology to discover where these tunnels are unless Hamas and others are able to defy the laws of physics and dig them out in complete silence
Watching a bit of day time TV should have given them the idea
Non stop repeats of The Great Escape and a bit of Time Times geo-fiz boys with the ground penetrating radar should give em enough hints......
If they are are all digging hundreds of yards into Israel they MUST be able to detect that and block those tunnels on their own side of the fence without killing thousands of civilians.......
Oh wait.......maybe they WANT to kill all the civilians......
ISIS’s Rise Choreographed in Israel



"In politics you always have to ignore rhetoric and see what is done! In the immortal words of Deep Throat – follow the money. "

"It’s all about Pipelines. Israel is planning to connect into Turkey’s Nabuco pipeline (across Lebanon and Northern Syria (in ISIS territory). And Saudi Arabia and Qatar will be doing the same (across ISIS territory) to Turkey! Russia’s stranglehold on European gas sales will be choked off – and new ‘friendly’ suppliers will be established from the Middle East! That is the plan. Trillions of dollars are at stake."

An interesting "take" on events in the entire region and one that may have more than an element of truth to it..
Hamas are a bunch of cunts but and its a big butt they are incapable of inflicting serious damage on israel.

Meanwhile the idf as turned 40% of gaza into scorched earth hit hospitals and the power station:mad:
“WE can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.’’- Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, United Nations General Assembly, 1972."

"All those that fail to understand what Hamas really stands for and that do not know that ever since the Gaza strip was handed back to the Palestinians by the Israeli’s in 1994 it has been used as a launching pad for rockets that kill and maim innocent Israeli civilians, women and children should read and meditate on the words of Golda Meir. "

"The other day, ISIS ordered that all Christians that reside in the parts of Iraq that they control must either leave the country or convert to Islam or be killed. Since then, thousands of Christians have been butchered and crucified in public places in that country but the world has remained silent and turned a blind eye to the whole thing. Today ISIS has ordered that all the women that reside in the parts of Iraq that they control must be subjected to female genital circumcision. Simply put, ISIS has ordered that all women that reside in the parts of Iraq that they control must have their clitoris cut off. This would deprive them of any form of sexual pleasure for the rest of their lives. What could be worse than that? Yet this is the sort of thing that the Haramites have in mind for the whole of Nigeria and this is what all the jihadist militias that exist throughout the world wish to impose on humanity. Sadly, in many parts of the world, they seem to be gaining ground and making progress."


And yet this also is true. :(

Iraq violence: UN confirms more than 2,000 killed, injured since early June


"It was barely a year ago, in April 2013, that ISIS announced the expansion of its operations from Iraq into Syria. By changing its name from the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) by adding the words “and al-Sham”, translated as “the Levant” or “Greater Syria”, it signified its quest to conquer a wider area than present-day Syria."

" ISIS may have up to 6,000 fighters in Iraq and 3,000-5,000 in Syria, including perhaps 3,000 foreigners; nearly a thousand are reported to hail from Chechnya and perhaps 500 or so more from France, Britain and elsewhere in Europe."

"The carnage in Iraq, though not as numerically horrendous as in Syria, has been growing ferociously, leaving 5,400 people dead this year alone. According to some estimates, ISIS has been responsible for 75% to 95% of all the attacks. It has organised a number of prison breaks, such as one in 2013 from Abu Ghraib, whence several hundred jihadists escaped to join the fray; this week ISIS may have freed some 2,500 hardened fighters from jail in Mosul."

"Whether in Iraq or Syria, ISIS has sought to terrify people into submission. On June 8th, as a typical warning to others, it crucified three young men in a town near Aleppo for co-operating with rival rebels. It has kidnapped scores of Kurdish students, journalists, aid workers and, more recently, some Turkish diplomats."


Things are extremely bad now but it looks like there are terrifying times ahead for the middle east. :(
Jason Burke for Guardian

I’ve been at the larger of two medical facilities in Rafah which are still open. One of the biggest was shut after sustained shelling in Friday.

I saw the bodies of seven individuals, victims of an air strike on a UN-run school in Rafah this morning. It is difficult to judge the ages, and we do not yet have that information, but at least three were children or young teenagers. The dead include young boys who were selling sweets and biscuits. I understand that one of the school’s caretakers was also killed, although that is not confirmed.

The death from this morning’s air strike is thought to be 10, or even 12 people, with about 20-30 injured. Witnesses described a normal scene at the school gates before a missile struck at 10.30.

Here at the hospital there are beds outside in the parking area to give extra capacity. There are no, or very restricted, morgue facilities currently in Rafah. I saw a young boys corpse being taken out of the hospital in a shroud by his family. They will now bury him immediately as is the custom, but it is also necessary because there is no means of refrigerating the body. In the hospital there are a number of corpses on the floor in an unrefrigerated room.

Victims with shrapnel wounds, many of them young boys and teens, can be seen in the corridors. Many of them are internally displaced, who sought shelter in the UN school after they had to escape their homes.
"It’s all about Pipelines. Israel is planning to connect into Turkey’s Nabuco pipeline (across Lebanon and Northern Syria (in ISIS territory). And Saudi Arabia and Qatar will be doing the same (across ISIS territory) to Turkey! Russia’s stranglehold on European gas sales will be choked off – and new ‘friendly’ suppliers will be established from the Middle East! That is the plan. Trillions of dollars are at stake."

An interesting "take" on events in the entire region and one that may have more than an element of truth to it..
sounds like biting off more than can be chewed x10. i would love for modern amenities to reach everybody in all places, especially for the poor regular citizens: but without inclusive provisions and peace sufficient to quell every grievance, those plans are a "pipe dream": though they might stir strength enough to build/protect them over as many dead bones as would assay to interrupt it.
Mark Steele, Independent
Even more imaginative was Michael Oren, ex-Israeli ambassador to the US, on Channel 4 News. He explained that Hamas was to blame for all this death, because “toasters and refrigerators have been booby-trapped”.
It goes to show you should never make up your mind too quickly. Many of us see pictures of buildings reduced to rubble with a bomb sticking out, and hastily conclude the bomb had something to do with the explosion. But look carefully and it becomes obvious it was caused by the silly sods blowing themselves up with a toaster.

I was speaking to a friend in Lebanon last night and he was telling me that there are calls for hezbollah fighters to return from Syria to attack Israel. He said this is unlikely at this time as the financiers of hezbollah want them to remain fighting in Syria.
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