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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

Thanks for the update Nice one.

Perhaps his leaky memory made it hard to cram for the sergeants' exam?

gonna be writing up a full account of the last two days in the meantime:
On the anniversary on the killing of Ian Tomlinson by police at the G20 protests PC Discombe of the notoriously incompetent and unreliable Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) was supposed to be appearing at Ian Tomlinson’s inquest. Instead a short statement was read out to the court about Discombe’s recollections of the day. In witnessing PC Harwood violently strike Tomlinson and shove him to the ground Discombe said only this: “the baton strike was delivered in an almost perfect training stance”.

He offered no further information about Tomlinson’s killing.

Look forward to it. Any mention of when police witnesses came forward? And any mention of Palfrey? Or what was said amongst the cops before/during/after Tomlinson was taken down?
Look forward to it. Any mention of when police witnesses came forward? And any mention of Palfrey? Or what was said amongst the cops before/during/after Tomlinson was taken down?

there's no mention in anybody's notes about the tomlinson incident. EAB (evidence and action books) are written up at the time by coppers and none had mentioned tomlinson specifically.
You're supposed to record the use of batons, use of force in your EAB.
Coppers so far say they didn't record the tomlinson incident cos they didn't use force/batons and "the incident seemed insignificant at the time".

The female in riot gear, closest to tomlinson when he was shoved, says she spoke to him and told him to move that way indicating with her baton (although the video footage contradicts this). She first made a statement on 6th april (assuming to police) and fuller statement on 16 May (presumably to ipcc). The barristers were largely going off the fuller statements made. Interestingly she made no mention of tomlinson in her orginal EAB notes but amended them on 3rd april to include the tomlinson incident, after her chief inspector at fulham contacted her saying city police wanted her to make a statement about tomlinson incident.

the other driver cop in riot gear (far left during the incident) made his first statement on 3rd april, again city police wanting him to make a statement.

No mention of palfrey as yet.
gonna be writing up a full account of the last two days in the meantime:
On the anniversary on the killing of Ian Tomlinson by police at the G20 protests PC Discombe of the notoriously incompetent and unreliable Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) was supposed to be appearing at Ian Tomlinson’s inquest. Instead a short statement was read out to the court about Discombe’s recollections of the day. In witnessing PC Harwood violently strike Tomlinson and shove him to the ground Discombe said only this: “the baton strike was delivered in an almost perfect training stance”.

He offered no further information about Tomlinson’s killing.


And they wonder why they are HATED.
Thanks Nice One.

discombe didn't give evidence. A statement by him was read out in court. It was short and contained little detail. He was actually present in the building but never called to answer questions at the inquest, which seems a little odd.
I suspect he gets confused by long words.
the other driver cop in riot gear (far left during the incident) made his first statement on 3rd april, again city police wanting him to make a statement.
He was third from left, far left guy wasn't called.

No mention of palfrey as yet.
Discombe's statement included him in his team of three with Cowlin.

This is Cowlin in happier times:
10.20am: Williams, an inspector for TSG 41 (Harwood's unit) has explained the use of force training undergone by all officers. He said it is always stressed than it is down for an officer to decide what force is "justifiable". He described batons as generally a "defensive" instrument, used to protect police and members of the public.

has anyone told the police?
Williams admitted the kettle was planned ahead of any disorder, to prevent protesters wandering around the city. Initially it was a 'filter cordon' meaning people "determined to not be protesters" were allowed to pass through, later becoming an 'absolute cordon'.
From the Grauniad's live feed,

The inspector is forced to accept that he tried to persuade Harwood he that the officer in the footage was not him, on the basis of an erroneous "rumour" that the officer was from Hackney.

A case of "Shut up, and keep your head down"? :hmm:
Did his wife dob him in?

He said Harwood returned home. An officer from the Police Federation (the police equivalent of a union) later told him he had a call from Harwood's wife, who was insistent it was him in the footage.
It's quite obvious from the comments that once senior coppers (and Harwood himself, although im sure he knew full well at the time) had seen the footage they knew how serious it was. This wasn't something that could be easily explained away.

What still gets me is that none of them went to help the guy up. None of them showed ANY empathy or concern.

A bunch of fucking mindless drones.
10.47am: Inspector Williams said the atmosphere at the G20 changed as the day progressed. He said it went from friendly to a more hostile atmosphere, with indications that "disorder" was likely to break out.

Hardly surprising is it?

The four marches converged on the bank of england where they had to cross lines of officers to get in. Lines which were quickly sealed for everybody. Lines which appeared to be pre-planned.

In fact, a bit of violence was exactly what they wanted to happen in order to justify the kettle. In my opinion, it was provoked by sending in a group of police to the middle of the crowd to try and form a cordon and split the crowd. This resulted in police hats being lost and red flares being let off and a retreat out of the crowd by some red-faced officers.

And how much violence and masking up was there at the climate camp?
They attacked Climate Camp for their own good. Some violent anarchists might have infiltrated them if some violent coppers hadn't saved the day. :mad:
Guardian blog

2.09pm: Harwood is talking about the training he received as a Territorial Support Group (TSG) officer in the Met. His voice is extremely quiet and he is speaking slowly. The coroner has asked him to speak up.

2.08pm: The coroner has told Harwood that he is under no obligation to answer any questions that he believes may incriminate himself.

2.08pm: Ian Tomlinson's son Paul King had left the room in emotional scenes. When Harwood informed the coroner he had attended to answer questions and "help the family at this difficult time" other family members also became upset, and left.
It's quite obvious from the comments that once senior coppers (and Harwood himself, although im sure he knew full well at the time) had seen the footage they knew how serious it was. This wasn't something that could be easily explained away.

What still gets me is that none of them went to help the guy up. None of them showed ANY empathy or concern.

A bunch of fucking mindless drones.

^^^ This
Harwood is asked about appropriate use of a baton. Turning to the jury, he said: "With baton use, it can be used for offensive but also defensive use. Again that would depend on what the officer sees in front of him."

A bloke with his back to you and his hands in his pockets? :hmm:
Informed by the coroner that he was not obliged to give evidence that would incriminate himself, Harwood replied:

I was very aware of that. I'm here as a witness to help the inquest and also to give some sort of answers to help the family.

My numbers are always visible. I always have my numbers as it is a policy, a Metropolitan police policy, to always have your numbers displayed, especially on public order ...

The yellow jacket I wore - that was a new jacket that was issued to me. I used pins and clasps to put my numbers on my jacket that day.
He said the operation was to involve "robust" policing". "Not just going and picking on people, but robust in terms of keeping the demonstration where it should be,"

keeping the demonstration where it should be? :confused:
Questioning on the "suspect" Harwood says he was trying to arrest earlier - possibly trying to explain why he left his post by the van:

4.14pm: Hewitt has asked Harwood to explained a previous written statement in which he said: "The suspect, in an attempt to escape, ran into the door."

In reply, he said the suspect was becoming uncontrollable and was trying to escape. He said he realised the man had struck the van "because of the noise it made when he hit the door".

Harwood said the incident also prompted a reaction from the crowd: "There was a large gasp from quite a large number of people," he said, adding that he said he began to feel the situation "was getting out of control".

Asked whether he considered changing his approach toward the suspect, Harwood replied: "No."

4.08pm: Harwood is still describing his attempted arrest of the protester, who he said had a bottle in his hand.

His colleague PC Hayes opened the the van door opened as he the protester tried to wrestle free, Harwood said. "The suspect unfortunately collided with the door," he added.

The jury is being shown images of the suspect's head striking the TSG van door.

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