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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

From the Times...
Deborah Glass, the IPCC Commissioner for London, said:
We have had a remarkable response from the public and I would like to thank those people who have contacted us for all their help. Much of the video evidence we have passed to the CPS was collected by members of the public on cameras or mobile phones.”

Funny innit, London allegedly being cctv'd to the max... and its ordinary folks evidence which is the base of the evidence...

Interesting to see how this pans out....
I feel quite surprised at the moment.

This beeb http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8183293.stm article stated solely that the cause of death was a heart attack earlier today and the caption on the picture only said that too, I sent a message explaining that the first post mortem was conducted by a suspended coroner who is under investigation and that a second autopsy showed that internal bleeding was the cause of death and now it's all changed. I doubt I was only one who noticed, but i was surprised to see it changed.

That being said, I'm not exactly hopeful that we will see a prosecution brought against the officer in question.
Surprised? You won't be:

Investigators decided there was no evidence of police wrongdoing in the death of Ian Tomlinson just three days after he collapsed at the G20 protests, it has emerged tonight. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) planned to announce that it had completed its assessment into Tomlinson's death on 1 April and discovered nothing suspicious. At 11.30am on 4 April, investigators prepared a document announcing Tomlinson died of a heart attack after being caught up among protesters "dressed entirely in black" who, it said, were charging police.

That being said, I'm not exactly hopeful that we will see a prosecution brought against the officer in question.

Would have thought that assault would be pretty clear cut - in terms of having sufficient evidence / chance of success to make the prosecution worthwhile.

I would possibly share your pessimism in a lower profile case, but this one is in the spotlight. If no charges are brought at all - bearing in mind this officer's very sketchy history - then a media lynching, Guardian leading the charge, will ensue.
Surprised? You won't be:

Investigators decided there was no evidence of police wrongdoing in the death of Ian Tomlinson just three days after he collapsed at the G20 protests, it has emerged tonight. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) planned to announce that it had completed its assessment into Tomlinson's death on 1 April and discovered nothing suspicious. At 11.30am on 4 April, investigators prepared a document announcing Tomlinson died of a heart attack after being caught up among protesters "dressed entirely in black" who, it said, were charging police.


What a fucking shambles. :(

But it was idiotic to expect anymore from the Independant Police Lies Commission. Evil evil cunts.
What a fucking shambles. :(

But it was idiotic to expect anymore from the Independant Police Lies Commission. Evil evil cunts.

it was an attempted hush job from start to finish, as should be obvious from the first autopsy being conducted by the Mets pet pathologist.

Unfortunately for the Met, citizen journalism has shown them up as the right cunts they are.

office@againstpoliceviolence.org.uk - www.againstpoliceviolence.org.uk
Press: Patrick Ward 07894 49 7705

PRESS RELEASE - For immediate release

Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August - assemble 5.30pm Junction of Fairmount Road and Brixton Hill, Brixton, London
Rally at Brixton Police Station, SW9 7DD – Candlelight vigil

On 21 August 2008, at approximately 7.30pm, Sean Rigg was arrested and restrained by four Brixton police officers, placed in a van and driven to Brixton police station. Within approximately one hour of being arrested, Sean, a physically fit and healthy man, was dead.

Since Sean’s death, his family have campaigned tirelessly for justice. But their commitment to seeing justice done has met with opposition from the supposedly Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), whose weak, flawed investigation seems immensely biased towards the police.

The United Campaign Against Police Violence fully supports this evening of remembrance, starting at the hostel at which Sean was staying to Brixton police station. We must ensure that justice is done, and that there are no more deaths in police custody.

No justice – no peace!

Samantha Rigg-David, Sean Rigg Justice and Change Campaign and sister of Sean Rigg, said:

"Friday 21st August 2009 will be a year to the day since Sean died and we are still fighting for answers, answers that make sense. We have called for a robust and fair investigation, but still the IPCC continue to take the word, side and perspective of the police.

“As a family it has been hard to grieve. Instead, we have had to campaign tirelessly and ask some very hard questions and almost conduct our own investigation into what happened to Sean on the night he died in Brixton police station. Our questions only raise yet more questions and lead us into further suspicion.

“We can only continue in our quest for justice and hope that all those responsible for Sean's death, all those that failed him on that fateful day, will be called to account. These needless deaths need to stop, the police need to indeed work with us, the community, learn to treat us with the respect and care that we deserve in truly working together for 'a safer London' , not one where innocent people turn up 'dead' in the hands of the police."

office@againstpoliceviolence.org.uk - www.againstpoliceviolence.org.uk
Press: Patrick Ward 07894 49 7705
So have we found out the results of the third PM? Is the investigation still going on? Just how fucking long is it going to take? Is anything ever going to actually come out of this? Before any witnesses die of old age? :mad:
So have we found out the results of the third PM? Is the investigation still going on? Just how fucking long is it going to take? Is anything ever going to actually come out of this? Before any witnesses die of old age? :mad:

No police person will ever be convicted in connection with the death of Ian Tomlinson, of that you can be sure.

No police person has ever been convicted in connection with the death of a member of the public whilst they were on duty.
Home Office FoI Release on G20 Protests

A week ago, I mentioned that Home Office had received a Freedom of Information request asking for documents it held or produced between 1st and 8th April of this year that were either "briefings, notes, minutes, emails or letters prepared for ministers and senior officials concerning the 1 April 2009 G20 'financial fools day' demonstration" or "memos, papers, emails, minutes or documents relating to either the 1st April 2009 demonstration at the Bank of England or Ian Tomlinson’s death".

The Home Office website indicated that these were available "in hard copy only" so I requested them on Monday and, with surprising speed, they turned up in the post today.


On the morning of 2 April, the day after the protests, the Independent Police Complaints Commission sent an e-mail to the Home Office saying that a man "had collapse in an alley way during the protests" but that the IPCC did "not know yet whether he was a demonstrator". That afternoon, Jacqui Smith's private secretary circulated an e-mail with suggested comments for a statement by the Chancellor, Alistair Darling, expressing the government's "thanks and appreciation to the police for their professionalism", along with a briefing for the Chancellor.


On 8 April, an e-mail from Stephen Webb was sent to the IPCC asking if they would now take over direct control of the investigation rather than supervise the City of London police. The response (presumably from Nick Hardwick, the IPCC's chair) is far from firm or decisive: "on what I know now, I can't imagine that we won't do this an an independent - but we need to make a proper decision. And there are v significant resource issues - city have a huge team on the case which we cannot match."

That afternoon, an e-mail from Anna O'Rourke, the Commission Secretary, confirms that the IPCC intends to resolve the problem of lack of resources by paying the City of London police.

The IPCC today confirmed it had received a new complaint from Tomlinson's family, who believe possible attempts to cover up police involvement in the death have not yet been investigated.

The complaint alleges that a senior Met officer "misled" investigators by suggesting Tomlinson, 47, fell to the ground minutes before the police attack – which was captured on video – took place. The senior officer's claim, which had an impact on the investigation, does not appear to have been supported by any evidence.

The Tomlinson family have become more vocal about their concerns about a suspected cover-up in recent weeks. Today, they will speak at a vigil in Tomlinson's memory. It will be held at 6pm near the Bank of England, close to the spot where he was attacked on his way home from work.
The second one's not true.

(cf. PC John Dougal, PS Mark Kitching, PI Geoffrey Ellerker, maybe more)
Thanks. Most of the research was by me and another LDMG person.

Meanwhile, epic PR fail:
Last night, with phenomenally insensitive timing The Times newspaper published a puff piece aimed at rehabilitating the Metropolitan Police's Territorial Support Group, at exactly the same time as Ian Tomlinson's family were attending a candlelit vigil to remember him at Royal Exchange Buildings, near to the spot were he was attacked by a TSG officer on April 1st. The article was later pulled from The Times website, but not before copies were cached by other online news services.

In the article Chris Allison, the Met's kettler-in-chief, explained that the TSG are just misunderstood and do a lot of great work for charity...

The Times piece was published here:

See traces here:
Officers from the Territorial Support Group, which has been criticised for its heavy-handedness during several protests, are embarking on a good will tour to explain to people what their job really entails.

The road shows across the capital have been given the go-ahead after the death of Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests earlier this year which also resulted in hundreds of complaints.


Part of the show will involve getting members of the public to interact with the TSG officers. They will be given different scenarios and then be asked to make decisions like senior officers. They will also be given full TSG kit to wear.

Mr Allison said that lots of people thought officers wore balaclavas to disguise their identity when in fact they wore them for protection.


His officers will also be pushing figures that show in the last few years the number of allegations against them has fallen. From August 2006 to July 2007 there were 1,740 allegations but this fell in the last year, which included G20, to 1,114.

The article's back up at the original Times URL.
Update: Patel

The GMC has said the fitness to practise of a pathologist criticised over his report into a man's death at the G20 protests is "impaired".

A disciplinary panel upheld allegations earlier this week against Dr Freddy Patel of misconduct and "deficient professional performance".

More Here

I wonder what the police will have to say about this?
freddy patel remains a fucking disgrace to his profession.

as I recall the inquiry concluded in 'no case to answer' because of 'a disagreement in pathologist reports'. The chief disagreement being that patel hadn't done his fucking job properly so that is whay two other pathologists had to have a go. And coming in the week where Smiley Culture managed to die mysteriously from a stab wound (self inflicted they say) while in police custody.... scum.
Patel did do his job properly - concotting a verdict that Ian Tomlinson 'died of natural casues' - as requested by the met.
The coroner has:

• Told the jury to ignore the fact that the director of public prosecutions (DPP) chose not to bring criminal proceedings against the officer. "That was not a final decision, but a provisional decision," he said. "He may review that decision after the inquest."

I'm assuming that final 'He' refers to the DPP not the coroner himself?

Be interested to learn what the stuff the papers are unable to report from yesterday was about.
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