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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

The SWP has taken advantage of the political vacuum left by anarcho-inactivity and set up its own Justice For Ian Tomlinson campaign grafting on its usual cronies in the Muslim Association of Britain and Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Meanwhile the ANARCHIST are invisible - failing to take advantage of te biggest anti-police feeling for decades.

If the trots have taken over the campaign, it’s being served even worse by them than usual. Hvaeing seen the protest outside Scotland Yard then the protest outside the City of London Police HQ - both had pisspoor attendances.

There is a choice. ANARCHIST can leave this important matter in the hands of the effete and ineffectual trots, or they can take on the challenge. If they leave this alone, then the trots will make a bollox of it like they do with everything. The trots weren’t fucking there on 1 April - ANARCHIST was - and it’s a fucking insult, not only to poor Mr Tomlinson’s family, but also to those who were out, that they (the trots) have got their hands on this campaign without any difficulty.

If the ANARCHIST continue the way there going, they also leave the campaign very much in the fickle hands of the media. It’s time for the ANARCHIST movement (if there is one?) to now stand up and be counted. Not just for Ian Tomlinson. But also for the hundreds of people assaulted by the police on 1 and 2 April, and for the people who’ve suffered at the hands of the police over the years. The police are very rarely in this position, of being on the run.

Trots with their sycophantic,crocodile tears for the family and friends of the deceased, or,us outside the hearing with the guillotine from the Movement Against Monnerchy demo planted fairly and squarely right in front of a thousand ANARCHIST and friends screaming for our own justice.

And what about the thousands of other people of police thuggery that coped it on the streets of brutal Britain; why can’t we open a forum for these people to air their experience,and direct them straight to the biggest anti Police movement/march for decades.This is a chance for us to meet working class victims of the police and importantly for us,to air some of our own alternatives to the Police ,such as ’self control’ of working class areas.

Another golden opportunity for The so called ANRCHIST movement to kick a goal-if we stand up and go public. What about a campaign of leaflets(similar to the build up leafleting to the G20 conference) urging people who have suffered at the hands of the cops.This is us walking into estates and meeting real people and inviting them and their raw working class experience to a meetings.

Its also ANOTHER opportunity to ask the so called, ANARCHIST movement,what are our REAL alternatives to the cops. Do they have any? Or are they going to continue to call for “Demolish the Prisons” and “Abolish the Police”…..and other empty sloganeering. Most importantly,what about real,street level payback for Ian Tomlinson…..we are sure that ‘7000 strong ANARCHIST Batallion’ in Europe would do more than throw a tantrum over a murdered comrade

The trots here are simply doing what Trots always do - taking over a campaign for their own ends, if they continue to hold the reins, they will lead the wagon into a tree. ANARCHIST on the other hand must show their own values in any response, not just ape the Trots. Already ANARCHIST are uinmasking those cops who were witnesses or accomplices to the Tomlinson assault and the dog attack on Threadneedle Street and the Climate Camp clearance on Bishopsgate.

ANARCHIST are working hard to ascertain the command and control of the G20 policing operation, right down to frontline orders. The future viability of the FIT and the doctrine of political policing as developed over the past ten years and more is at stake. Experienced FIT officers may well be shown to be directly and undeniably culpable; those higher up the food chain might potentially fall.

ANARCHIST have been leading by example and not trusting to the IPCC or the ‘normal channels’, (at a time when much of the general public shares that mistrust), choosing instead to investigate openly, and share findings publicly - names, faces, actions, responsibilities, all outlined. If all you do is ‘protest’ our horror, then you shall only follow in the wake of others.

If they instead to ‘demonstrate’ how we feel killer cops should be treated, by rooting out them and their three-monkeys colleagues, by exposing the whole rotten system from top to bottom, by offering real, practical ways of dealing with genuinely anti-social crime, then they lead by example. If not us, who? If not now, when? Ian Tomlinson was killed because they thought he was one of us. We owe it to him, to his family, to his friends, to make sure that the cops don’t get away with it.

So we repeat here and agree - to keep the momentum going - Sir Paul Stephenson addresses the first full meeting of the MPA since Ian Tomlinson’s death at 10 am April 30th City Hall. We must be there in the public gallery and outside to kettle him. It’s the very least we can do. BE THERE!

Source for info here
Couldn't you just have advertised the meeting without the party/non-party politics?:hmm:

A good example of why folk get put off of getting involved in important stuff like this...too much finger pointing and not enough unity!

The irony is it reads like complaining about axes being ground whilst grinding a fair few at the same time.:rolleyes:

It doesn't need to be so bloody complicated, just remove all the sticky labels and advertise the meeting. :)
This is you copying, re-arranging and editing the words of four different people from a blog post and comments on it. And then pasting the whole mess on more than one thread here without comment.

Who said one of those comments was not from us?, therefore it is a comment, just another one of your assumptions, the only justice for Ian would not be the reform or any public enq etc, it would be the complete smashing of the state, look at the protest around G20, done by fear and intimidation, perhaps if there was an anarchist movement that was organised and militant The Filth might just think twice about attacking protesters, also killing one of them, perhaps if the so called anarchist movement had done as promised it said and had a riot we might not be where we are today.

All ive seen is the sheep, getting beaten attacked and kicked, it is perhaps to utopian for me to ask, where is the militant anarchist movement, there is not one and if there was would the trots as they have done be empowered by the lack of an anarchist movement of course not, this is not to remove the very good work of some anarchist, but a few dose not make a movement.
"the only justice for Ian would not be the reform or any public enq etc, it would be the complete smashing of the state"

so we will have to wait a while then?
Who said one of those comments was not from us?, therefore it is a comment, just another one of your assumptions, the only justice for Ian would not be the reform or any public enq etc, it would be the complete smashing of the state, look at the protest around G20, done by fear and intimidation, perhaps if there was an anarchist movement that was organised and militant The Filth might just think twice about attacking protesters, also killing one of them, perhaps if the so called anarchist movement had done as promised it said and had a riot we might not be where we are today.
Just about the last thing 'normal' protesters need or want is a bunch of self-elected Anarchist wannabe vigilantes trying to beat up the police on behalf of Ian Tomlinson.

I can't say I'm finding your hijacking of Tomlinson's death ("the only justice for Ian ...would be the complete smashing of the state") particularly palatable. In fact, I find it downright distasteful and crassly opportunistic.

It's up to Tomlinson's family to decide what action they want taken, and I'm pretty sure unleashing a bunch of hooded up Herberts at the next demo isn't figuring on their list right now.
Just about the last thing 'normal' protesters need or want is a bunch of self-elected Anarchist wannabe vigilantes trying to beat up the police on behalf of Ian Tomlinson.

I can't say I'm finding your hijacking of Tomlinson's death ("the only justice for Ian ...would be the complete smashing of the state") particularly palatable. In fact, I find it downright distasteful and crassly opportunistic.

It's up to Tomlinson's family to decide what action they want taken, and I'm pretty sure unleashing a bunch of hooded up Herberts at the next demo isn't figuring on their list right now.

hijacking of Tomlinson's death, is not what is been said, just a thought and agreed in context not particularly palatable and could be seen as downright distasteful, but the actions of The Trots is just the same is it not?

it is just a point of view and i would not ask or expect for all to agree, but i do not agree in any fucking context with The Trots or lack of an organised anrchist movement either, if it comes across as us hijacking of Tomlinson's death this was not the aim.

but we need to look at the widder aspects of Ian,s death, and not like sheep wonder into a cul de sac of asking the state to look at there actions, we know why they acted as they did, the ipcc and others are nothing but tools of said state and the moment we begin to ask or trust them then we have lost, the aim objective here is to keep up the presure, the fact moust people do not trust The Police is nothing new, lets build on this.
Just about the last thing 'normal' protesters need or want is a bunch of self-elected Anarchist wannabe vigilantes trying to beat up the police on behalf of Ian Tomlinson.

I can't say I'm finding your hijacking of Tomlinson's death ("the only justice for Ian ...would be the complete smashing of the state") particularly palatable. In fact, I find it downright distasteful and crassly opportunistic.

It's up to Tomlinson's family to decide what action they want taken, and I'm pretty sure unleashing a bunch of hooded up Herberts at the next demo isn't figuring on their list right now.


Worth noting, e-numbers, that there was a specific request by the family that the protest would be peaceful, at Bethnal Green nick last week.
I'm probably the last on the thread to have watched it, but the CC video, linked by The Times... is appalling. The midnight clearance is a bulldozing. It's a commanded clearance. I'm probably not only repeating myself, but also the sentiment of many here, this isn't just a rank and file "bad apple" behaviour issue.

Quite pissed off. I don't have much time for masked up men (of whatever side), but alot of time for peaceful protestors. If CC wasn't peaceful, then what is? Writing a letter? :(
I'm probably the last on the thread to have watched it, but the CC video, linked by The Times... is appalling. The midnight clearance is a bulldozing. It's a commanded clearance. I'm probably not only repeating myself, but also the sentiment of many here, this isn't just a rank and file "bad apple" behaviour issue.

Quite pissed off. I don't have much time for masked up men (of whatever side), but alot of time for peaceful protestors. If CC wasn't peaceful, then what is? Writing a letter? :(
Have a look at the CC website - the CC Legal Team report into the clearance is on there now (I linked on the discussion, reaction & chat thread). It's powerful stuff
Have a look at the CC website - the legal report into the clearance is on there now (I linked on the discussion, reaction & chat thread). It's powerful stuff

Good that Bindmans are on it. I used them once (not directly related - employment law)... had a flick through their scrapbook in reception. They seem like the guys & girls to hire. Tenacious. :)
Good that Bindmans are on it. I used them once (not directly related - employment law)... had a flick through their scrapbook in reception. They seem like the guys & girls to hire. Tenacious. :)
I should point out it's from the CC Legal Team rather than the solicitors but either way it's powerful
I should point out it's from the CC Legal Team rather than the solicitors but either way it's powerful

The law firm will work with what's relevant.

Very very good that someone got a "top shot" though... otherwise it would have been much less clear as to it being a surge like that.
The SWP has taken advantage of the political vacuum left by anarcho-inactivity and set up its own Justice For Ian Tomlinson campaign

If the trots have taken over the campaign, it’s being served even worse by them than usual.

Trots with their sycophantic,crocodile tears for the family and friends of the deceased, or,us outside the hearing with the guillotine from the Movement Against Monnerchy demo planted fairly and squarely right in front of a thousand ANARCHIST and friends screaming for our own justice.

Another golden opportunity for The so called ANRCHIST movement to kick a goal-if we stand up and go public. What about a campaign of leaflets(similar to the build up leafleting to the G20 conference) urging people who have suffered at the hands of the cops.This is us walking into estates and meeting real people and inviting them and their raw working class experience to a meetings.

Most importantly,what about real,street level payback for Ian Tomlinson…..we are sure that ‘7000 strong ANARCHIST Batallion’ in Europe would do more than throw a tantrum over a murdered comrade

The trots here are simply doing what Trots always do - taking over a campaign for their own ends,

You lambaste the Vanguard parties for using the death of a man for their own political needs, then explain how the Anarchist movement could do the same?
The SWP has taken advantage of the political vacuum left by anarcho-inactivity and set up its own Justice For Ian Tomlinson campaign grafting on its usual cronies in the Muslim Association of Britain and Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Meanwhile the ANARCHIST are invisible - failing to take advantage of te biggest anti-police feeling for decades.

If the trots have taken over the campaign, it’s being served even worse by them than usual. Hvaeing seen the protest outside Scotland Yard then the protest outside the City of London Police HQ - both had pisspoor attendances.

This pisses me off. I actually read your post, then realised you're saying nothing.

I'm ex SWP. I'm left wing. You put people like me off. You idiot.
Just saw the news that it wasn't a heart attack on the BBC website. What an absolute shit storm this is gonna turn into now eh? :eek:

even the fucking Mail had that on it's front page :eek:

Brilliantly dead-pan comparison of the two pathologists by the Graun:


seriously inapropate lols at seing this as the side banner ad on that artical

Wheeling a cardboard guillotine through
the streets is not going to win people over
to Anarchism. It will put people right off
and make anarchists look like the sort of
people who would want to see a return
to public be-headings. I, as an anarchist,
have spend years trying to counter the
myth that we are a bunch of idiots bent
on violence and mayhem. Pushing stupid
cardboard guillotines through the streets
would only help to perpetuate this image
and drive people, who may well have been
interested in Anarchism, away.
similarly in response to enumbers:

My belief in anarchism as the right course is based upon respect for the equality and innate value of all people, regardless of race, colour, creed, class or anything else.

That's somewhat at odds with jumping to violence until absolutely forced, from my PoV.
Who said one of those comments was not from us?
Oh, fucking marvellous! Enumbers plays semantic games with us now.

Apologies to others for briefly diverting this thread, but this needs to be said.

I'm not in any way connected with any of these anarchist or leftist organisations and I'm a long way from being any kind of activist, but I find my views converging with theirs on regular occasions. A thread like this is a fabulous opportunity for me - and, no doubt, others who have been as shocked and horrified by what's gone as I have been - to learn a bit more about the politics, philosophies and history of what is happening.

Your slabs of diatribe don't help, enumbers. When I have bothered to read them, they always seem to be impenetrable walls of ideology and dogma, couched in terms which make them incomprehensible to anyone not already steeped in the language and culture of that kind of stuff.

Not only that, but I find the way you seem to regard Urban as your very own personal write-only metablog REALLY FUCKING IRRITATING. You rarely engage with other posters, but just barrel up and fire off yet another thousand word post - which is rarely, if ever, original in any case - every time it suits you to, derailing discussion and irritating lots of people. It comes across as thoroughly discourteous.

Please consider getting your own blogging site and doing all that shit there. Then you can post a cheeky link here every time - if you really must - you've made another entry (or cooked something together out of someone else's work,which seems to be more often what's happening).
Oh, fucking marvellous! Enumbers plays semantic games with us now.

Apologies to others for briefly diverting this thread, but this needs to be said.

I'm not in any way connected with any of these anarchist or leftist organisations and I'm a long way from being any kind of activist, but I find my views converging with theirs on regular occasions. A thread like this is a fabulous opportunity for me - and, no doubt, others who have been as shocked and horrified by what's gone as I have been - to learn a bit more about the politics, philosophies and history of what is happening.

Your slabs of diatribe don't help, enumbers. When I have bothered to read them, they always seem to be impenetrable walls of ideology and dogma, couched in terms which make them incomprehensible to anyone not already steeped in the language and culture of that kind of stuff.

Not only that, but I find the way you seem to regard Urban as your very own personal write-only metablog REALLY FUCKING IRRITATING. You rarely engage with other posters, but just barrel up and fire off yet another thousand word post - which is rarely, if ever, original in any case - every time it suits you to, derailing discussion and irritating lots of people. It comes across as thoroughly discourteous.

Please consider getting your own blogging site and doing all that shit there. Then you can post a cheeky link here every time - if you really must - you've made another entry (or cooked something together out of someone else's work,which seems to be more often what's happening).

Take Look at the history of TROTS, it has imposed itself on workers struggles. It has been opportunistic and parasitical. The bulk of the SWP were at the American embassy on April 1st for another dismal Islamic/trot love-in with the SAME FUCKING SPEAKERS!

The so called ANARCHIST movement, is just hype, agreed what was seen on G20 would be a shock, but this is the aim objective of such policing, we name it intimidation escalation, and do as The Police did G20, there is little wonder a man is killed, but a few batons on the heads of a few middle class might have just woken them up.

slabs of diatribe do not help agreed, my comments have been very much in keeping with the events pointing out the abuse and actions of The Police that day, and as said on R4 today (20 4 09) there was not Tear Gas Watter Cannons etc, so lets take matters in proportion shall we, what was seen on G20 is what most working class people see at football matches, in there everyday life's are there asking for the state to look at itself of course not.

Yes the truth needs to come out over Ian,s death and if you look read between the lines it has done, but all this fucking bleating on for Justice is just a cul de sac.
The so called ANARCHIST movement, is just hype, agreed what was seen on G20 would be a shock, but this is the aim objective of such policing, we name it intimidation escalation, and do as The Police did G20, there is little wonder a man is killed, but a few batons on the heads of a few middle class might have just woken them up.
Do you think you could get any more patronising?
Last Hours has just published a very important preliminary timeline of the events that led to the death of Ian Tomlinson, based on evidence in the public domain. Links to that evidence are provided throughout.

This is an attempt to compile a comprehensive narrative about the situation around Royal Exchange when Ian Tomlinson was assaulted, and subsequent events, referenced to photos, videos and eyewitness accounts. It is still very much a work in progress, and will be updated frequently as additional material is located.


Please read it, digest it, and distribute it.
The SWP has taken advantage of the political vacuum left by anarcho-inactivity and set up its own Justice For Ian Tomlinson campaign grafting on its usual cronies in the Muslim Association of Britain and Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

just for refference don't ever confuse as you have done here the PSC as being some SWP shop front or even attempt that personal polictcal attack from a launchpad of your own personal prejudices...

got any proof of this outragious claim if so do post it up...

which is what you're doing here and oddly at the same time critising the SWP for it's bandwagoneering whilst attempting to do the same ...


not the first time you've used someones death to promote your own poltical ends is it...

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