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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

I did read somewhere that they intend to to stay put until Sunday at Bank...

Roughly correct. The vigil is being held about 100m from Bank, where Ian died.

The police seemed to be aware of the possible stay-over situation, as I overheard one of them reporting in "no sign of any pop up tents at the moment" at the start in Bethnal Green.

My guess - and it is just a guess - is that the police won't be doing any clearance/kettling type stuff tonight and will let it continue as long as things remain peaceful (which I think they will, given the nature of the day). There's no business tomorrow, no "business interest" type politics to prompt the type of bad decisions that led to all of this.

Worth popping along to sit for an hour or whatever, for anyone who's interested. I'll be going back in a bit.
First few, a couple more to follow:


Large: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3338/3431988514_011be713f8_b.jpg


Large: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3396/3432066244_34f29f3c7a_b.jpg


Large: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3629/3432088900_d65783a830_b.jpg
Good pics paolo

Thanks. :)

I did - a little - feel sorry for the two cops who had to do the lead. The one I shot looked a bit nervously overwhelmed. At a guess he's 20 years younger than me, and looked quite unequipped to deal with the sentiment of the day.

His partner for the duty, the big black guy, took a brief but very emotive bit of verbal at the flower laying spot. I didn't see how it started, but I felt it was harsh (the sentiment I totally understand, BTW). He looked exhasperated and walked off.

For me it's the senior guys, who decided 'strategy', are who need bawling out. Today the senior officer was completely accessible. I did see one or two people go to have a reasonable chat. I wasn't close enough to hear the conversation. He was fairly expressionless.

Not blanking as such. He did appear to be listening, but not saying much in response.

Next time I'll go and speak up. It's harder - and so it should be - for the commanders etc to put everyone in the "trouble maker" box if we speak to them, explain why. [/Idealist ;) ]

Just seen the rest at your flicker can you put them onto indymedia? and i note a large police presance, more intimidation?

Thanks for the images, thanks for people being there, but wtf are the SWP up to?
Great Pics P999

Just seen the rest at your flicker can you put them onto indymedia? and i note a large police presance, more intimidation?

Thanks for the images, thanks for people being there, but wtf are the SWP up to?

i was just thinkin the same.. I hope there wont be a shitstorm over it here..

but WTF thats the first swp presence/placards i have seen yet... and I have been doing some looking..


*sorry for disrail*
Great Pics P999

i was just thinkin the same.. I hope there wont be a shitstorm over it here..

but WTF thats the first swp presence/placards i have seen yet... and I have been doing some looking..


*sorry for disrail*

No it aint a disrail, while people was geting there heads kicked in they was marching from a to fucking nowhere as normall, with little or no police presance, once done of they all trot like good sheep to there homes, from what i understand not one of them was at the bank of england, or climate camp, now a man is murderd by the police and shit there presance is there, been be there i would have asked them to take there placrards and fuck off, how fucking disrespectful can they be turning up with placards, at a wake for Ian who was killed by the police fucking wankers..
Pathologist in Police’s Pocket! r the Met guilty of Perverting the Course of Justice

The pathologist who gave the initial ‘heart attack’ findings in relation to the death of Ian Tomlinson has a history of professional misconduct. Dr Freddy Patel was once condemned by the General Medical Council for releasing information about a man who had died in police custody. Roger Sylvester, a 30-year-old black man died under suspicious circumstances whilst in police custody and Dr Patel released medical evidence that suggested Mr Sylvester was a crack addict - a suggestion that was later refuted in court.

Dr Patel was also involved in an incident where the police asked him to record a ‘death by natural causes’ verdict for a woman found dead in a flat even when the evidence was, at best, inconclusive. The man who lived at the flat where the woman’s body was found went on to kill two other people.

Dr Patel’s competence as a pathologist has also come into question in less sinister, but equally as tragic, cases. Which may be why the Met and the Home Office favour him - shit sticks and all that.

Ian Tomlinson’s case should have been referred to the Forensic Pathology Services, not Dr Patel. The Met knows this and we now know why the Met were covering their tracks.

The original post mortem was released suspiciously early because it was completely bogus. The Met have used a pathologist that is in their pocket to cover up another death. This time their victim was not hidden away in a cell, he was walking down a public street surrounded by cameras.

Their guilt - in both the death of Ian Tomlinson and their attempts to cover up a murder - is plain for all to see.

Perverting the Course of Justice carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
enumbers, when you post up something like that, can you give the source pls? it seems very much like C&P, as the spelling/grammar/punctuation is not consistent with the rest of your posts.

ty :)
Just seen the rest at your flicker can you put them onto indymedia? and i note a large police presance, more intimidation?

Thanks for the images, thanks for people being there, but wtf are the SWP up to?

I think a few groups were there in questionable taste, but it's nit picking and the majority were there in good faith.

No, the police attitude wasn't - for me at least - at all intimidating. There were plenty, but they were respectful.
I think a few groups were there in questionable taste, but it's nit picking and the majority were there in good faith.

No, the police attitude wasn't - for me at least - at all intimidating. There were plenty, but they were respectful.

Fucking respectful? would have been taking of there uniform and refusing to beat kick and imprison people due to fact they was protesting, from what your images say to me are a load of riot vans, police whereing riot gear under there high vis, this scum murdered Ian and they have the crass audacity to be on such an event, with such a fucking presence?
Yes underclassrising and i trust them..

We don't yet know how important it is whether the cops asked him, or he made a stupid and/or incompetent mistake, or he just wanted to go home, or...

But you can see how it could be.

And all we have is someone called "underclassrising" and their writeup that definitely smells of them reading the Guardian report that he did make that report (easily checked) and thinking "stands to reason that the agents of the state would have asked..." (not easily checked).
i thought you were dismissing this earlier on. be nice to see some consistency tbh. rip ian tomlinson.
Ah, c'mon. That's a bit harsh. The tone of the G20 Meltdown publicity was cringe-making, and that's where her comments came from. It's not like she doesn't give a shit.
Ah, c'mon. That's a bit harsh. The tone of the G20 Meltdown publicity was cringe-making, and that's where her comments came from. It's not like she doesn't give a shit.
i wasn't asking you, i was asking her. tbf. my comments stand for now. you can't pick and choose this stuff imo. you need to know what side people stand.
Avaaz petition

Petition to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the Parliamentary Home Affairs Committee and Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson:
We are shocked by the policing of the G20 demonstrations in London. We call on you to hold those responsible to account and to change the policies which led to this failure: to end the use of batons on peaceful protesters and the pressure-cooker tactic of “kettling”, to make the policing of protests more responsive and accountable, and to reverse wider policies and laws which constrain and marginalise peaceful protest in the UK.

They have millions of members who all got the e-mail. 10,392 signed up so far, and I only got the e-mail a few minutes ago. :cool:
The crude opportunism of the swp is both pathetic and predictable. Whilst it pisses me of though, I can't get too annoyed about it - there's bigger fish to fry at the moment, the people who killed Ian Tomlinson.

However, if the trots start playing their games in any future support groups that will be another matter.

More importantly, we should all find ways of working with the family and at their pace, whilst also being able to express our rage over this and all the other victims of the police - on that day and beyond.
The sort of stuff ISM did - beyond vigils and demonstrations - was things like help setting up a website, making good press contacts, media work, that sort of stuff. If anyone wanted to donate time/skills, Tucker's would probably pass the offer on to the family.
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