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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

The ITN footage definitely confirms the batton and they also say that their own crew were hit in a separate incident.

All the news media have picked this up - even the Daily Mail is running with the story that Tomlinson was attacked _twice_.

The police are a national disgrace, no amount of spin will get them out of this one.
All the news media have picked this up - even the Daily Mail is running with the story that Tomlinson was attacked _twice_.
Does this twice refer to an attack before the one shown, of which footage has yet to appear, or twice as in the batton attack and the push?
They are FIT, what makes you think they are senior?

Are FIT the only ones who wear the blue bibs? I thought senior officers wore them too. There are a lot of blue bibs around when the assault happens, none of them has any camera or recording equipment but they all have NATO helmets on and several of them are carrying batons.
Fucking pigs - I keep trying not to look at this thread cos it makes me so fucking angry :(
That is what should happen though. I dont see the matter as concluded - it wont be until the inquest - but personally I would let the IPCC investigation run its course. Thats my view - what you do is up to you, and after all many more of you have been more right than I was on this.

How does that make you feel about your employers?
Ch4 confirm with evidence that demonstrators let the ambulance through without delay. The police did not. More criminal activity. More menaces to pursue.
any medical types on here?

I think even if there was it would all be purely speculation.

Sadly I'm not sure that this will get the entire police force labelled as thugs in the eyes of the general public. The policeman that commited the act will be offered up for slaughter, the rest will get off scot free.

Now is the time for those with footage or accounts of specific incidents where the police used unreasonable force to come forward. As many people as possible should be aware of what goes on at protests and demos so they think twice before labelling protesters as the violent ones.
Fucking pigs - I keep trying not to look at this thread cos it makes me so fucking angry :(

We're all extremely angry. But we must be rational too. We can not go on future demos without being better prepared to defend our collective health and safety.
Channel 4 news just reported that the officer who assaulted Ian Tomlinson has now come forward.
I would say as soon as the picture of Tomlinson was released that caused all the witnesses to come forward
The footage that caused the media storm? Rather than the fact that he knew the assault had happened, as did his colleagues nearby, but said nothing for nearly a week?

Yes, I know. I was being sarcastic.
Have a look at this sequence of stills from the Ian Tomlinson assault video. Does it look to you like the officer in the hi-viz jacket with blue flashing - possibly a FIT cop - kicks or prods Ian Tomlinson with his foot as he lies prone on the ground?

Many officers who were present at the assault that may have led to Ian Tomlinson’s death have not come forward to speak with the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The suspicion lingers that none would have come forward had video footage of Ian Tomlinson being battered to the ground by a policeman been released by a newspaper six full days after he died.

That the IPCC initially called in the City of London Police to investigate the death of Ian Tomlinson - despite CoL cops being a large part of the G20 policing operation - did nothing to inspire public confidence in the objectivity and thoroughness of the enquiry.

The subsequent emergence of the video - in which City of London police officers are clearly visible, witnessing the assault on Ian Tomlinson - only helped to fan the flames of anger and distrust.

The IPCC has now pulled the CoL cops off the investigation. But is that enough to convince people that this will not be a sham, a whitewash, a cover-up?


There isn't afaik any footage of the FIRST attack come to light.........yet

The ITN/Channel4 story about more footage coming to light is a bit of a red herring, as it shows the same incident as the grauniad footage
To clarify. The police are accused of two attacks on Mr Tomlinson. There are two videos of the second attack in which Mr Tomlinson already looks dazed. There are witness statements regarding the first but as yet no video.
Does it look to you like the officer in the hi-viz jacket with blue flashing - possibly a FIT cop - kicks or prods Ian Tomlinson with his foot as he lies prone on the ground?
From that angle, it does, but we'd need to see it from another angle too, to know the distance. He could be some way behind Tomlinson.
Seriously? What does that mean? An investigation? An enquiry? What's Hutton up to these days?
The process will proceed, boxes will be ticked, many fine words may or may not be said and no-one will be charged. All in a very serious and concerned manner I guess...but hardly taken seriously in that anyone might get in trouble or that police procedure will change.
The more people and independent agencies that get involved, the harder it is to cover up the truth.

There's obviously still plenty of scope for arse-covering, rank closing and sleight of hand, but sometimes the legal system does work (perhaps I have a little more faith than you after personally going through an Old Bailey trial and finding the judge to be extremely fair when faced with dodgy police evidence).
That the IPCC initially called in the City of London Police to investigate the death of Ian Tomlinson - despite CoL cops being a large part of the G20 policing operation - did nothing to inspire public confidence in the objectivity and thoroughness of the enquiry.

The subsequent emergence of the video - in which City of London police officers are clearly visible, witnessing the assault on Ian Tomlinson - only helped to fan the flames of anger and distrust.

The IPCC has now pulled the CoL cops off the investigation. But is that enough to convince people that this will not be a sham, a whitewash, a cover-up?

Were they CoL cops in that incident though? From what i saw on the day, CoL were hugely outnumbered by the Met and the riot police in the vid all seem to have MP on their helmets (i.e. Met Police). There seem to be a few CoL standing around there (red and white checked pattern on their caps) but the ones in riot gear seem to be Met.

Not that that makes any difference as to the investigation: CoL, by their presence on the day, would not be impartial (nor would Hampshire/Sussex for the same reason)
One positive light from this mess is the speed with which the facts have unravelled with what i see as zero help from those 'in charge' of policing the events. I sincerely hope the 1st attack as witnessed by people there is still on the relevant cctc and police recordings. The Guardian deserve a pat on the back imo.

I won't post it here as i don't want to divert the thread, but Jenney Jones, a member of the met police authority has been making comments about Kettling that i fund interesting. See thread below.

Have a look at this sequence of stills from the Ian Tomlinson assault video. Does it look to you like the officer in the hi-viz jacket with blue flashing - possibly a FIT cop - kicks or prods Ian Tomlinson with his foot as he lies prone on the ground?

From that sequence of stills - yes. But after watching the vid again - no.

There's no point adding pure speculation to this.
The thug responsible is unlikely to have known that the dead man was (one of) the guy(s and gals) s/he assaulted until pictures of Tomlinson were released. After that, there's no way s/he didn't know that s/he had attacked Tomlinson that day - he was very distinctive looking and not obscured by a mass of people at the time.

The groups present on that day need to submit their own complaints to the IPCC - and individuals too, of course, but it would have a lot of power if the larger organisations organising protests that day requested that the scope be extended to all incidents of unprovoked police thuggery that day. No doubt they're on the case. It is pure chance that Tomlinson died and noone else did. At least half the officers policing that area must have been shitting themselves when they heard that the guy had been assaulted before his death. Except that they wouldn't be because they'd know that nothing would happen anyway...
the police said it would take a very brave coroner to proclaim that the cause of death was because he was beaten up, or because of the protests that day. They said it would take a brave coroner to suggest the cause of death was because of any wrongdoing by the police.


And that's the point. It's about time they were forcefully reminded that they are not above the law and that an awful lot of middle England won't be quite so naive and trusting the next time they try to lie their way out.

RIP Ian.
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