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Freeman-on-the-land idiocies

I prefer to just ignore them. But it would be funny to rape them in the botty they way they rape us.

ok then, instead of your usual patronising "I know better than you" stance, would you like to point out the points that I pointed away from and point in in the right direction of said points that I missed?
(I'm also waiting DotCs various links to the multiple times I've linked to antisemite websites btw, if you're around Dot)
ok then, instead of your usual patronising "I know better than you" stance, would you like to point out the points that I pointed away from and point in in the right direction of said points that I missed?
(I'm also waiting DotCs various links to the multiple times I've linked to antisemite websites btw, if you're around Dot)

For starters you seem to think that someone has somehow beaten the system here. They haven't. Not even a tiny, teensy weensy bit.

You also seem to think that by pointing this out people are saying that we should all roll over and accept anything a government does. They aren't.

You also seem to have failed to see the right wing thinking behind the FOTL bollocks.
They haven't beaten it yet, fair enough, but I have faith that they will eventually. And it'll be the start of something beautiful.

What would your best way of lawful dissent be, then? Nobody else has anything better than the FOTL lot. Oh yes, lets go stand in London for a bit, which will do nothing at all. Great idea, I'm sure the goverment give a fuck and everything.

No, I still don't see what's right wing about wanting to move the fuck out of home and stand on my own 2 feet. Taking responsibility for myself and my own actions. Wow, I'm soooooo right wing!!! (why is it that when ever I do a political compass thing, I always end up left of Ghandi and the Dhali Lama, have I gone too left and ended up in the right wing campus? I don't think so)
Collective action to 'stand on our own two feet' = left wing

Individualist action to 'stand on our own two feet' = right wing.

FOTL are the individualist strand on this. If you look at the types involved in the US it's libertarians (US version), free republic types and people from Montana. The emphasis on not paying ones debts (to anyone, not just corporations) is inherently a selfish approach, as it means you discard any responsibilities you have to others.
If there is more than 1 FOTLer, then is it an Individual thing, or a collective thing? There are several thousand of people showing interest at least. That's more than an individual :confused:
If there is more than 1 FOTLer, then is it an Individual thing, or a collective thing? There are several thousand of people showing interest at least. That's more than an individual :confused:

There can be more than one individual with an individualistic viewpoint.
Are you pre-pubescent and still living at home with mum then?


By moving out of home and standing on my own 2 feet, I ment ( as you're fully aware of) moving away from being governed by a goverment. I do not need to be governed, I am an adult who is capable of getting up and going to work on my own. As we all are. To be governed implies that you are inable to do this, and that you need to be looked after.
There can be more than one individual with an individualistic viewpoint.

So how would you tell the difference between 1 large group of people who all agree on something, and another large group of people who all agree on something? What makes 1 left wing and 1 right wing?
If there is more than 1 FOTLer, then is it an Individual thing, or a collective thing? There are several thousand of people showing interest at least. That's more than an individual :confused:

There are a lot of republicans in the USA. All of them would agree that they believe in individualism (in one shape or another). This does not make the GOP a party that promotes collectivist responses in policy.

I do not need to be governed, I am an adult who is capable of getting up and going to work on my own. As we all are. To be governed implies that you are inable to do this, and that you need to be looked after.

If I fall ill, I need to be governed by a doctor or other medical professionals. If I wish to learn something, while I can self-study, ultimately it will be better for my understanding of a topic if I am governed by a tutor. You're making an incorrect comparison here. As are the FOTLers.
So how would you tell the difference between 1 large group of people who all agree on something, and another large group of people who all agree on something? What makes 1 left wing and 1 right wing?

I don't think I can explain it any better than kyser did tbh.
No it doesn't, you silly sausage.

By the very defintion of the word goven, it kind of does.

to govern (third-person singular simple present governs, present participle governing, simple past and past participle governed)

1. (transitive) To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; to exercise sovereign authority in.
2. (transitive) To control the actions or behavior of; to keep under control; to restrain.

Govern yourselves like civilized people.
a student who could not govern his impulses.

3. (transitive) To exercise a deciding or determining influence on.

Chance usually governs the outcome of the game.

4. (transitive) To control the speed, flow etc. of; to regulate.

a valve that governs fuel intake.

5. (intransitive) To exercise political authority; to run a government.
6. (intransitive) To have or exercise a determining influence.
7. (transitive) To require that a certain preposition, grammatical case, etc. be used with a word; sometimes used synonymously with collocate.

Govern= Control
Ment= Mind
You work the rest out.
ment = mind since when?!

ment is a suffix, meaning something like "being in the state of" - so an arguement is the condition you're in when arguing. An abutment is something that abuts. Government is the condition of being governed.

Pulling out a literal definition from the dictionary still doesn't come close to backing up your statement that it 'implies that you are inable to do this' (sic) - insert random collection of statements here, from getting up and going to work toother dubious distinctions.
Fuck's sake xes. If you have kids, do you want to home-school or pay private fees? If you use a road, do you want to pay toll charges to the private company that built it? If you get ill, do you want to have to find the money for treatment or pay some insurance company a profit to cover you? If your house catches fire, do you want the fire service to check if you can pay first? If you want your bins collected, do you want to pay the binmen direct, or would you rather take it to the tip yourself and pay there? If you get sick or laid off, do you want to be reliant on charity?

There is some stuff where private provision makes no sense whatsoever. That's what we pay taxes for. Campaign all you like on about what those taxes are spent on - please do, the more the merrier - but campaigning for no taxes is moronically right-wing. The fact that not-rich people can even contemplate such a thing is testimony to how firm the stranglehold by the rich and their media lackeys and in-pocket politicians has got. It is a devastatingly bad idea for the 99% of us who are on real world incomes with real world job security. Surely you can see that?
It does though, we are being governed (controlled) As a race/people, we are incapable of making large desicions without goverment. We are a backward, baby race of people. Who sill live at home with mummy. I'm ready to move out, all my shit is packed and I've booked the taxi!
Well fuck off to the deep wilderness then - nobody's stopping you. I've got some tribal land in the Amazon that nobody will bother you in, honest.

This is silly, desperate stuff even by your standards. So in fact your 'independence' and large decision seems to revolve around you watching these halfwitted right wing goons from the sidelines and cheering loudly. Whoo independence
Check out the tax-free regimes worldwide xes, and tell us which one you're going to emigrate to. You have a choice between the oil dictatorships of the Middle East or some of the more troubled African states. Which one works for you?
I'll be living out my utopian hunter gatherer life in the UK taa muchly. As soon as I can, have ties at the moment so it's not feasable. But I will do it one day, it is my idea of heaven.

You lot can deal with the fallout of when the banks crash fully and there is no money. I've already got a good food storage, (well, about 2 months worth) next step will be to sort the water out. And i've been planting edible things around my local countrside for about 4 years. (forgot where i put half of it, but that's beside the point) My "right wing" paradise is well and truly in the making. Probably need to invest in some solar pannels of some sort for leccy. Have a fireplace which just needs to be made good. If it all goes down tomorow, I can live happily for at least 2 months before I have to start eating people. I don't need to go to another country. it is my right to live like that right where i am.

Now, I;m goiung to go and get as high as i can, and watch some stuff.
I'll be living out my utopian hunter gatherer life in the UK taa muchly. As soon as I can, have ties at the moment so it's not feasable. But I will do it one day, it is my idea of heaven.

You lot can deal with the fallout of when the banks crash fully and there is no money. I've already got a good food storage, (well, about 2 months worth) next step will be to sort the water out. And i've been planting edible things around my local countrside for about 4 years. (forgot where i put half of it, but that's beside the point) My "right wing" paradise is well and truly in the making. Probably need to invest in some solar pannels of some sort for leccy. Have a fireplace which just needs to be made good. If it all goes down tomorow, I can live happily for at least 2 months before I have to start eating people. I don't need to go to another country. it is my right to live like that right where i am.

Now, I;m goiung to go and get as high as i can, and watch some stuff.

Yeah, sounds like paradise. Tinned food and as much as you can forage. Fucking A.
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