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Freeman-on-the-land idiocies

It's just going to go round and round in circles unless these freemen (and xes) can point to where they've won and why. I quite like that this layperson can throw a magistrate's court into disarray - but all that tells me are that the magistrates concerned were completely fucking incompetent (no news there then lol) rather than winning some legal point that they can rely on going forward.

Plus the obvious stuff about paying taxes to pay for community costs - cos not everyone can magic up land, sewerage, electricity, rubbish disposal, A&E services blah blah when on minimium wage or less to make that decision xes. It's only the priviledged that can say "fuck you" and do it.
a bloke in cornwall tried it recently on his drink drive charge and was basically called and idiot and got the standard penalties of 350 quid and a few ponts.
They are also a bunch of Divs for filming this in a magistrates court and then putting it on the internet. A criminal offence in its own right, I believe, and perfectly likely to result in a "contempt of court" verdict...

so how come none of the campaigners in the video were found in contempt of court at the time? how come the magistrates left, and they didn't?

I don't have a firm opinion on all this stuff, but it does seem very curious.
So we shouldn't consent to our current system of government, but we aren't actually currently consenting to it? How does that work?

Disingenuous as always Jazzz. What you asked has no connection with the subject of this thread. It is not "what is going on here".
so how come none of the campaigners in the video were found in contempt of court at the time?

Because you div, maybe the judge decided that wasting even more time on this bullshit was a waste of time.

how come the magistrates left, and they didn't?

yes because last man standing is the central tenant of our legal system.

I don't have a firm opinion on all this stuff, but it does seem very curious.

Oh kay let me tell you a lil story. My wife was assaulted a number of years ago. Her attacker was caught on 8 different CCTV cameras, and yet he claimed innocence. My wife arrived late into court of the day, and when she appeared he "Apparently" developed "serious chest pains" suddenly. Despite first aiders and an ambulance crew finding nothing wrong with his pulse, heart rate, or anything. He insisted. He was taken away by ambulance.

Now should the judge have cited him for contempt of court, drag the ambulance crew, the doctors to provide evidence?

The FTMOL the land stuff is similar it's idiocy and time wasting, why drag the courts into more nonsense with idiots?
Where did this belief come from, that some sort of "law of the sea" is being used in courts, for cases that have nothing whatever to do with ships or the sea?

This seems to be a key plank of the whole "Freeman" thing, and I would love to know what the justification for it is?

Anyone enlighten me?

Well there's two questions going on here.

1) Should we consent to such a system of government as we have now?

2) ARE we consenting to such a system of government as we have now?

Plenty of IRA men stood infront of British courts and refused to recognise the legitimacy of the court, and weirdly they spent decades behind bars.
Where did this belief come from, that some sort of "law of the sea" is being used in courts, for cases that have nothing whatever to do with ships or the sea?

This seems to be a key plank of the whole "Freeman" thing, and I would love to know what the justification for it is?

Anyone enlighten me?


Let me explain. Law of the Sea, any laws freeman don't want to obey, invariably about minor traffic offences, and tax avoidance.
Because you div, maybe the judge decided that wasting even more time on this bullshit was a waste of time.

yes because last man standing is the central tenant of our legal system.

Oh kay let me tell you a lil story. My wife was assaulted a number of years ago. Her attacker was caught on 8 different CCTV cameras, and yet he claimed innocence. My wife arrived late into court of the day, and when she appeared he "Apparently" developed "serious chest pains" suddenly. Despite first aiders and an ambulance crew finding nothing wrong with his pulse, heart rate, or anything. He insisted. He was taken away by ambulance.

Now should the judge have cited him for contempt of court, drag the ambulance crew, the doctors to provide evidence?

The FTMOL the land stuff is similar it's idiocy and time wasting, why drag the courts into more nonsense with idiots?

This 'div' thinks you mean 'tenet', not 'tenant' :rolleyes:

Your example is a million miles away from that of people showing contempt of court procedures and the authority of judges/magistrates. (btw, you can have serious chest pains without a clear cause)

Why is it necessary? Well this is the other thing, how can you actually find someone guilty or liable for a charge if you can't conduct the hearing? Unless I am mistaken, you have to dot the i's and cross the t's with legal shit. You can't just fudge the paperwork.
Why is it necessary? Well this is the other thing, how can you actually find someone guilty or liable for a charge if you can't conduct the hearing?

Who's "you"?

Unless I am mistaken, you have to dot the i's and cross the t's with legal shit. You can't just fudge the paperwork.

Complaining about how you're nor MR JOHN DEE you're John Dee isn't dotting the eyes and crossing the tee's it's pedantic bullshit.
Where did this belief come from, that some sort of "law of the sea" is being used in courts, for cases that have nothing whatever to do with ships or the sea?

This seems to be a key plank of the whole "Freeman" thing, and I would love to know what the justification for it is?

Anyone enlighten me?


There's no separate and freestanding 'law of the sea'. We have common law, yeah, that's what our legal system is based on. 'Law of the sea'? wtf is that ... and how does it allegedly operate to stop community charges for basic habitation?
Jazz/xes how much land do you think we should go and grab and set up shop? Presumably you both think that anyone can go and do it ... so how much is acceptable to grab/use?
I'm so fucking gonna grab me an acre in the Western Isles now that xes says that's OK, and no-one else will decide same lol.
so how come none of the campaigners in the video were found in contempt of court at the time? how come the magistrates left, and they didn't?

I don't have a firm opinion on all this stuff, but it does seem very curious.

It was clearly done surreptitiously, on a modern phone camera. you could hold your phone in your hand and no one would know it was filming. The person doing the filming does not appear to be the main one speaking to the court (I think...) so a person sat aside from the chaos,, in the public gallery, is unlikely to be noticed whilst someone else is shouting and making a tit of themselves.

The Magistrates walked out because they were unable to go ahead with the hearing as per standard procedure. They simply let security, clerks and the police deal with it whilst they went and had a cup of tea and a good old laugh at the FOTLs expense.
section 9 of "contemp of court act 1981" dealing with recording in court


Use of tape recorders.— (1) Subject to subsection (4) below, it is a contempt of court—
(a)to use in court, or bring into court for use, any tape recorder or other instrument for recording sound, except with the leave of the court;
(b)to publish a recording of legal proceedings made by means of any such instrument, or any recording derived directly or indirectly from it, by playing it in the hearing of the public or any section of the public, or to dispose of it or any recording so derived, with a view to such publication;

And section 14 - possible punishments for the recording...

Proceedings in England and Wales.— (1) In any case where a court has power to commit a person to prison for contempt of court and (apart from this provision) no limitation applies to the period of committal, the committal shall (without prejudice to the power of the court to order his earlier discharge) be for a fixed term, and that term shall not on any occasion exceed two years in the case of committal by a superior court, or one month in the case of committal by an inferior court.
(2) In any case where an inferior court has power to fine a person for contempt of court and (apart from this provision) no limit applies to the amount of the fine, the fine shall not on any occasion exceed£2,500

2 years and 2 and a half grand. And they take it pretty seriously - notice how you never, ever see an undercover reporter recording court procedings. Ever. Because they would get locked up, the tape destroyed and the story be worthless. these FOTL dicks really dont have a clue what laws they are flouting, and no FOTL bullshit rhetoric will save you when you're locked up at her majs pleasure. Screws get off trampling over such pathetic attempts at defiance...
This 'div' thinks you mean 'tenet', not 'tenant' :rolleyes:

Your example is a million miles away from that of people showing contempt of court procedures and the authority of judges/magistrates. (btw, you can have serious chest pains without a clear cause)

Why is it necessary? Well this is the other thing, how can you actually find someone guilty or liable for a charge if you can't conduct the hearing? Unless I am mistaken, you have to dot the i's and cross the t's with legal shit. You can't just fudge the paperwork.

You do know that people can be found liable to pay council tax in their abscence?
Where did this belief come from, that some sort of "law of the sea" is being used in courts, for cases that have nothing whatever to do with ships or the sea?

This seems to be a key plank of the whole "Freeman" thing, and I would love to know what the justification for it is?

Anyone enlighten me?


In the US they're calling it 'admiralty laws' and say they don't apply on land. Same as their whole 'strawman' thing WRT court's spelling names in BLOCK CAPS not legally being the person know as Block Caps.
In the US they're calling it 'admiralty laws' and say they don't apply on land. Same as their whole 'strawman' thing WRT court's spelling names in BLOCK CAPS not legally being the person know as Block Caps.

Isn't all of this just a load of bollocks, though?

Can anyone show me an official bit of legislation anywhere, here or in America, that says anything along the lines of "if you write your name F BLOGGS then it means a totally different you than if you write it f bloggs"?

Why "admiralty law"? When and why did "they" (whoever "they" are) decide that this special type of law should be applied even when it is supposedly "not really binding"?

Giles, you keep asking why, and yet have already answered your questions with the succinct:

Isn't all of this just a load of bollocks, though?

Yes it is. Completely. These people are in the same league as Wesley Snipes trying the constitutional 'Illegal tax' thing (result: 3 years), and Saddam Hussein refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of the court (result: Dead).
So you'd better all just shut up and obey what ever your goverment want you to do! You have NO CHOICES. They've all been made for you.
Fight the man, by all means, but you'll need a slightly more substantial weapon.
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