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freedom or security...

two things come to mind. Firstly give em the money out of the wallet, but not the wallet. Secondly i'll have nothing to do with the police.
Presumably you'd want to keep the money though? It's yours. You've earned it. If you give it away against your will you could hardly call it a free choice. Your 'decision' in the matter is somewhat constrained. How can you retain your freedom - your ability to make a free choice - here?
Says the man who lives in a country where you can get locked up for a decade for criticising the king.

Well, since i said freedom was taking responsibility for one's own actions, then it would be rather silly of me to criticise him then wouldn't it?

I don't see freedom as something that allows me to impact negatively on anybody, beggar, king, or anyone else.

Freedom in my vision is not about criticising anybody. The moment i do, i have departed from freedom.
yeah, but alex, if you zoom over to the burma thread in world politics and look at the last page you will see how a man who had been jailed for political views was just released after 19 years. He remained adamant upon his release he would continue to fight for his views. One day later he was re-arrested.

Who has the freedom, him, or his jailers?

His jailers have some degree of freedom to whether they want to continue in that line of work, whereas he doesn't have the freedom to walk out of jail just because he's changed his mind.

In the example you gave, the jailers have both and the prisoner has only one.

I think I know which situation I'd rather be in.

Phyrric victory innit? All this 'freedom of the heart and mind' thing is all very well, but quite honestly I'd prefer to be up and walking around...
Well, since i said freedom was taking responsibility for one's own actions, then it would be rather silly of me to criticise him then wouldn't it?

I don't see freedom as something that allows me to impact negatively on anybody, beggar, king, or anyone else.

Freedom in my vision is not about criticising anybody. The moment i do, i have departed from freedom.

That doesn't sound like freedom to me. Are you free to tell the truth as you see it, good or bad, no matter what the consequences?
Security, because without it, freedom is impossible. With it, freedom is limited but possible.

I feel you are representing the majority viewpoint in britain these days mate. It's all changed since the days of NI and their own bombs. We just got on with life in those days.

My own opinion is that we only achieve meaningful freedom when we give up on the idea/notion/concept of security. Accepting the inherent insecurity of life leads us to a freedom we cannot achieve while chasing the unachievable security.
Presumably you'd want to keep the money though? It's yours. You've earned it. If you give it away against your will you could hardly call it a free choice. Your 'decision' in the matter is somewhat constrained. How can you retain your freedom - your ability to make a free choice - here?

No money is mine. Money is an illusion, life is real. Life is more important. They want my money? They could kill me? Take the bloody money man!

Anyway, that's one of the reasons i no longer live in britain. The likelihood of this is too much and impacts on my freedom. I was about to be mugged on a trip back there, but i got away with it. I think this was no accident.
Freedom and security are mostly things of the mind!

What might you possibly want to do that you cannot find some way of doing?

No one will prevent you taking some risks with your own life :

- Climbing trees
- Boxing
- Skateboarding
- Sailing
- Round the world sailing
- Motorcycle riding on the dirt or road
- Motorcycle racing on a track
- Cart racing
- Car racing
- Drag racing
- Boat (marine) drag racing
- Chain Sawing
- Bungee jumping
- Go Ape
- Parachuting (static line)
- Free fall parachuting
- Base Jumping
- Base jumping with a flying suit
- Going into a war zone
- Going into a war zone as a soldier
- Rock climbing
- Mountain climbing
- Handling venemous snakes
- Crocodile infested rivers
- Highland games, tossing the caber
- Hang gliding
- Surfing
- Cycling on busy streets
- Photographing bears in the wild
- Photographing in the wild
- White water rafting
- White water canoing

Equally if you want to walk to Afghanistan and seek out the great enemy Bin Laden, I doubt many people would stop you, (some might try to section you before you left though :)

My argument is that in Britain people are much free-er than they think they are .. sure there is the petty annoyance of government snooping but this is not likely to affect someone who wants to jump from a mountain top attached flimsily to a hanglider.

If you are researching making bombs then perhaps we should hope that the government snoopers are watching you.
No money is mine. Money is an illusion, life is real. Life is more important. They want my money? They could kill me? Take the bloody money man!

And what if this happened every day, with the muggers turning up at your door and going through the place taking anything that took their fancy?

Would you consider this to be an unreasonable abridgement of your freedom, or no big deal because you don't really own anything anyway?
That doesn't sound like freedom to me. Are you free to tell the truth as you see it, good or bad, no matter what the consequences?

No, i'm not. But imposing my truth on others does not seem like a freedom to me. Taking responsibility (as i mentioned in the OP) for my own actions and speech means i think about the consequences. And if i'm to be free and non-hypocritical, then i'd better steer clear of passing judgments on others.

That is the kind of responsibility i referred to when defining freedom in the OP.
No money is mine. Money is an illusion, life is real. Life is more important. They want my money? They could kill me? Take the bloody money man!

Anyway, that's one of the reasons i no longer live in britain. The likelihood of this is too much and impacts on my freedom. I was about to be mugged on a trip back there, but i got away with it. I think this was no accident.
You're being too literal. Swap the money for something you value. They're preventing you from entering your property, then. Or from seeing your children. Or from entering a place of worship.

The point is: how can you retain your freedom in the face of overwhelming force?
No, i'm not. But imposing my truth on others does not seem like a freedom to me. Taking responsibility (as i mentioned in the OP) for my own actions and speech means i think about the consequences. And if i'm to be free and non-hypocritical, then i'd better steer clear of passing judgments on others.

That is the kind of responsibility i referred to when defining freedom in the OP.

I'm sorry but you're going to have to unsubscribe from this thread.

I think you're talking nonsense and trying to impose your "truth" on me.

Now stop it and go away.
You're being too literal. Swap the money for something you value. They're preventing you from entering your property, then. Or from seeing your children. Or from entering a place of worship.

The point is: how can you retain your freedom in the face of overwhelming force?

By accepting.
I'm sorry but you're going to have to unsubscribe from this thread.

I think you're talking nonsense and trying to impose your "truth" on me.

Now stop it and go away.

No, you go away! I did not come here with my views looking for untethered. You accepted my OP in a vital sense simply by joining in. You take responsibility for your own actions. You're here, so you can't feel imposed upon.

Maybe you will have to unsubscribe from the thread!
No, you go away! I did not come here with my views looking for untethered. You accepted my OP in a vital sense simply by joining in. You take responsibility for your own actions. You're here, so you can't feel imposed upon.

Maybe you will have to unsubscribe from the thread!

No can do.

I replied to this thread to expose its patent nonsense. While the task remains, I shall stay.

Of course, I'm choosing to stay here. Are you free to leave? You seem to be very attached to this thread.
I Want My Dna To Be Free!!!!! Free From The Oppression Of Replication, Free To Roam, Free To Be Rna If It Wants Too!!!
No can do.

I replied to this thread to expose its patent nonsense. While the task remains, I shall stay.

Of course, I'm choosing to stay here. Are you free to leave? You seem to be very attached to this thread.

No attachment. Just choice. I am free to leave yes, you're right. But in the meantime, you just go about your life the way you feel right, and i will do the same, just as i alluded to the concept of what i feel freedom is in the OP. That's all we have to do, take responsibility for our own actions.
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