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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

Welcome to the 60th Page you Muggy Keyboard Warriors.
Let's celebrate this milestone with a good one, shall we?

Today, in the vein of Charity and Charitable contributions [£5 for fans and the excellence shown by T&MFC in being kind & gracious hosts] I'd like to talk about Glenn Tamplin and his Charity and Charitable contributions, because Glenn Tamplin likes to talk about his Charity and Charitable contributions.

For those that missed it, during an interview with wideboy Tamps back in Oct. 2017,
Billericay Town owner Glenn Tamplin shares his fascinating life story

From the same article [and no, this hasn't been Photoshopped] :
GT with lion.jpg
Titled : "Posing with a lion"

Yes, he is posing with a lion.
In blueface, too.


Same article, Chapter 4-Finding peace in the Lord, The Vainy One talks about his humility and his faith.
Interlocution :

"Glenn, what did you think your purpose was?"

GT Quote Oct 2017.png

This one?
Charity Details
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 00.49.46.png

Total expenditure over the last five years
= less than a week of BTFC's purported wages.

Well, that's not unusual - perhaps it's just a 'pure' Trust.
Pure Trusts simply hold things on Trust, they often don't trade.
They often have low turnover, like the tiny numbers above - compare AGP Steel's "£5m per month"...
[of course, that's simply not true in this case - I've 'purely' added it for legal purposes :thumbs:]
Perhaps it does its trading through a trading arm, a Limited Company for example.

:hmm: Is it in any way related to this company, O Vainy One ?
The one that only ever filed Dormant Accounts, on 26/05/2014, and even then for only the first of its three years in existence ? :hmm:
SILKWORTH LTD - Filing history

I don't know whether or not to add it into the list in Post #1700, because the sole shareholder isn't Mr Tamplin but Mr Robert Michuki, 'Minister of Religion'.
The other Directors, Antony Kimani & James Michuki, don't show up elsewhere in Tamplinomics.

It's conceivable that, should it be linked with the so-called 'Silkworth Trust' in the article, Mr Tamplin merely provided its Ministers with funds only and had no other involvement. In any case, the company never filed Trading Accounts or acted in the Course of Business, unless the Dormant Accounts were falsely Filed.

Well, the Silkworm Trust's spelling is very definitely Glenn :
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 00.53.01.png

Its Twitter account is incredibly active and vibrant.
The Silkworth Trust (@silkworth1145) on Twitter

No posts at all since 12 August 2014,
6 Tweets & 1 re-Tweet since joining in December 2013
10 followers and no comments made on the 6 Tweets.

Easter eggs are still a theme, though:


The 1145 in the Twitter handle is the Registered Charity no.: 1145145
This Charidee is most definitely active.
And vibrant.
Absolutely not moribund.
Absolutely not.

But, in case you thought it wasn't The Veiny One, this image was posted on 12 August 2014:

Charidee, with added AGP Steel advertisement.
"The Fabrication Specialist"

Aye, ain't that about reet, lad.
So that may or may not be 07119557 AGP Steels Ltd 2011-2014 [during its Insolvent Liquidation] OR it could be 2013-date 08793555 AGP Steel Structures London Ltd AND definitely isn't 2016-date 09990454 AGP Steel Fabrication Ltd
[the company formerly known as Dagenham & Redbridge FC 2016 Ltd].

Glad that's clear.

Bet that AGP "The Fabrication Specialist" sign was part of a write-off or write-down somewhere though, eh?

Two things spring to mind when looking at the numbers.
Firstly, a Charity with income below £10k per annum isn't required to Register. In this instance, with the numbers well below that threshold, I would aver that the purpose is solely in order to be able to say the term 'Registered Charity'. This has the benefit of kudos and the benefits of Deductions from Taxes.

Secondly, it's very interesting that GT's interest in, and funding of, the Silkworth Trust drops off abruptly during the DELETE WHERE APPLICABLE
Bishop's Stortford/Brentwood Town/Dagenham & Redbridge/Billericay Town/A.N. Other
football club shopping trip/acquisition phase.
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 00.45.34.png
The homeless appear to have gotten a lot less given to them [to be fair ye were at least apparently doing that, according to what has been Filed with the Commission] once you got your hands on your new toy, BTFC, BiGGunz - the others having been deleted, as applicable.

The answer's obvious, Glenn can better make the world a better place through football.
Or at least finally find the love that he's been looking for.

This marks where The Vainy One fully morphed into The Veiny One, I would posit.
Still a vain fucker, mind.

But, if you feel like giving, you can here :
The Silkworth Trust - TotalGiving™ - Donate to Charity
[although it appears no one ever has]

The website doesn't work, either - it just shows the default web server that they use :
Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 01.39.03.png
According to the Pingbots and suchlike, it hasn't worked for a long time.
There was no entry in DMoz, which was running whilst the Silkworth Trust has been active.
Even Google only returns 4 results on a strict search for the DNS -
The Charity Commission,
Open Charities [a transparency networking project using the Commission's data]
& 2 spam-like sites [both being the same site]...there's not even a backlink anywhere.

Obviously the Silkworth Trust is reliant on a Yuuuge online presence for fundraising.

Anyway, Big Guns continues,
"Once I found God, it filled that hole which I would call peace of mind. It filled that void, because I had been trying to find a dad and I never found him. I had been trying to find a woman and they kept letting me down. So for me it gave me peace of mind when I found the Lord."

Explains a lot.
Everything, in fact.

He just wants a cuddle.
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Strange things continue at Billericay. Appears Rob Swaine has left the club. I saw he retweeted a comment last week about players not getting paid. Same match as the Tamplin leap over the fence and players with black eyes. Tamplin not been heard of since that leap of faith ......
Strange things continue at Billericay. Appears Rob Swaine has left the club. I saw he retweeted a comment last week about players not getting paid. Same match as the Tamplin leap over the fence and players with black eyes. Tamplin not been heard of since that leap of faith ......
Yes, and I believe they have won two straight games since then. Let's hope GT gets back from that business trip soon, eh?
Rob Swaine played in both of those wins - both of which came after he walked out of the ground at Hendon.
I was referring (in complete ignorance of what's going on at BTFC) to GT's absence (and the fact that they have won two since he disappeared is both funny and a damned shame) , but if one of their best players has left since then yippee.
Was he at the Leatherhead game today? I assumed that because they didn't win he must be back from Amsterdam.
I went along to Leatherhead today and no, he wasn't.

The pitch was also in a better state than I'd expected with no standing water. Let's hope the weather is kind.
I went along to Leatherhead today and no, he wasn't.

The pitch was also in a better state than I'd expected with no standing water. Let's hope the weather is kind.

Oh. Well, at least it's quite nice to know that Harry Wheeler isn't the tactical messiah that some insist he is. If he can't beat Leatherhead with a £25k a week side, then his wanky coaching badges don't really count for much, do they.
still no sign of Mark Baker either, gives it all on twitter, not on here though.

He still logs in and somewhat narcissistically 'likes' comments he's tagged in, does Mark Baker. Logged in not too long ago as well, now having worked out that he can hide his 'last visited on' status!

Tends to visit between 2330hrs and 0300hrs, dependent on drinkies, one supposes.

No longer contributing to the discussion, or moving the debate onwards.

I'd love to know what he and Ben Alltimes think about page 60.
Even 'Ornchurch 'At would be nice to hear a passed comment on.
Easter & Faberge eggs, Tsarinas
and Bank Vneshey Torgovli [VTB] & the Moscow Narodny Bank

Someone kindly tell twitter.com/damon_th he shouldn’t be surprised with latest edition of Tamplinomics.

Well, it’s a bit of a shoehorn, but editor should again take editorial note, de re Post #469. Also, Post #1784 following this instance.

Of course, I had previously presumed it to be well known in these Parishes that within NY, Meadow had transacted a dozen or so times with the Kushner Company for various properties - indeed, for some of those properties, more than once, per reply in #470.

Apparently, this wasn’t very well known. Hopefully, now it is rather more so known and even if still not so, then the gentle reader is referred from the above-named Posts to the first of the hyperlinks infra.

Well, the effect of the foregoing is that much for the USA Venture Capital Big Money element of the attack, pushing down the right wing, on The Hamlet®, via thievery of the ground and DHFC® Trade Marks.

The left wing of the attack, sweeping down upon Champion Hill from the East, is focused against Dulwich Hamlet Football Club® exertions upon the pitch and for the Isthmian League Championship.

Billericay connection
So, as it merits inclusion within the Zippo’s Circus Thread, dear reader, I give to you:

The 2nd element of the Cambridge Analytica/Billericay Town connection - kudos to the Twitter user per the above for noticing the connection, per the Tweet mentioned within another thread of this Parish, supra Post #469.

Very clever, old chap. Very clever indeed.
Perhaps too clever.
ты чека, товарищ?

BTFC Colts logo.png
Now with added Russian Banks!

Plus EU/US Subsidiary Sanctions Bonus Points!
EUR-Lex - 32014R0833 - EN
Companies Affected by US and EU Sanctions in FTSE Equity Indices
Searchable US Sanctions List
Sanctions List Search
Revised US October Rationale, 2017
OFAC Tightens Russian Sectoral Sanctions

So, to recap, for those that weren’t aware of the specifics [given that once upon a time this all used to be about football], regarding the Sanctioned Entities, VTB is one of the five Russian Banks, amongst which, whose subsidiaries are under international Sanctions following the Annexation of Crimea.

Billericay Town Football Club Colts
For those that don’t follow Youth Football in the South East, Billericay Town Colts purport that [once upon a time and following some convoluted chicanery for the purposes of continuity] they were originally founded as Scotia Boys during the 80s.

Following the takeover by the Vainy One in late 2016, BTFC Colts incorporated in England:
10844831 Billericay Town Colts Football Club Ltd, inc. 30/06/2017

The Tetrarchy of Directors are also the only named Subscribers to the Company, per its only Filing made to date, being that which it made for its Incorporation.

Namely, the four Subscribers are :
Colin Carolan [Dir], 1998-2007 Construction sub-Contractor, 2008-date Scaffolding Contractor, 2017-date Construction Industry Service Provider;
Colin Andrew CAROLAN - Personal Appointments
Andrew Callis [Dir], Broker;
William Myhill [Dir & Sec], Financial Services Provider;
Nicholas Hutt [Dir], vide infra;
Nicholas Hutt & VTB.png Nicholas Hutt & MNB.png

Tovarich Nikolai [the Hutt]
Amongst the Subscribers & Directors of BTFC Colts is Mr Nicholas Jonathan Marc Hutt.
Mr Hutt sits as a Chief Executive & Director of VTB & Moscow Narodny Banks, plus subsidiaries.
Nicholas Jonathan Marc HUTT - Personal Appointments
View attachment 131646 View attachment 131647

Ownership of VTB :
VTB Bank - Wikipedia
Finance Arranged [text].jpeg

Apologies, dear reader, but one simply cannot be arsed on an Easter Sunday Evening explaining the histories of Narodny & VTB, given that they are very much interesting subjects in themselves [even so, being Banks], thus will leave it hence to Wikipedia links, which is all rather too simplistic I’m afraid. At least the simple structure, ownership & structure of the banks may be gained pictorially in that place.

Besides, anyone having familiarity with the events of 1911, 1917, 1919, 1991 & 1998 in the Russian Empire and its Successor States will be familiar with the dates and the named banks, which hit the headlines during 1990s and also particularly so during the expansion of Russian Capital within the last two decades and, amongst which, culminating in the aforesaid Sanctions contra inferius.

Chief Executive, 03566527 MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LIMITED, inc.1998
Moscow Narodny Bank (Moscow) - Wikipedia
Moscow Narodny Bank (London) - Wikipedia
Moscow Narodny Bank Limited - Wikipedia
Chief Executive, 00159752 VTB CAPITAL PLC, inc.1919
VTB Bank - Wikipedia

Amongst these Appointments on the Part of Mr Hutt are positions with VTB/Moscow Narodny per se, as above, and various of its subsidiaries. The following show that those Appointments [and the Companies which are subject of the Appointments] are very central to the control of the banks, but does not form an exhaustive list of such appointments on said Part:
Chief Executive, 02577764 VTB BANK EUROPE LIMITED, inc.1991
Chief Executive, 07759905 VTB CGI LIMITED, inc.2011
Formerly CFO, 2010-2014, 05694963 VTB CAPITAL TRADING LIMITED

On a point of order, again with the Technical Offences I know, but one always gets terribly pedantic about these things.
It is a frustrating thing to see basic and fundamental mistakes, breaches of Statutory Duties and/or simple, remedial-level clerical errors repeatedly being perpetrated.
Much like the Veiny One, Mr Hutt Files late, and/or backdates Filings, by as much as 9mths & 18mths, a quadrat attached herewith from the Public Record.
<2015-09-15 CH01 [9mths late].pdf> <2016-05-16 CH01 [18mths late].pdf>
<2015-09-16 CH01 [9mths late] 1.pdf> <2015-09-16 CH01 [9mths late] 2.pdf>


  • BTFC Colts Statement of Guarantee.png
    BTFC Colts Statement of Guarantee.png
    105.4 KB · Views: 3
  • BTFC Colts Subscribers.png
    BTFC Colts Subscribers.png
    99.5 KB · Views: 3
  • 2015-09-15 CH01 [9mths late].pdf
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  • 2015-09-16 CH01 [9mths late] 1.pdf
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  • 2015-09-16 CH01 [9mths late] 2.pdf
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  • 2016-05-16 CH01 [18mths late].pdf
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So much for the Clerical part of the specifics regarding Mr Hutt, Billericay Town FC’s Colts, Bank Vneshey Torgovli [VTB] & the Moscow Narodny Bank [MNB].

The following are background reading hyperlinks regarding Cambridge Analytica [with a Twitter Tip of the Hat], its funders and Subscribers, Alfa Group & assorted VTB operations during the last few years, whilst under the aforementioned EU/US Sanctions and, furthermore, in the build-up to the Herr Drumpf Sanctions:
Trump data-analytics & Russian access
Mozambique Paid $35 Million for VTB Shipyard Loan
For Putin’s inner circle, a penchant for secret deals
Dallas News - How does Cambridge Analytica fit into Russia's web of connections to Trump? | Commentary [GoogleCache]
Here's How Europe's Russian Sanctions Differ From Washington's [GoogleCache]
U.S. Sanctions Spook Russian Banks Funding Arms Buildup
Russia's VTB bank head Kostin shrugs off U.S. sanctions risk
Deutsche Bank - A Global Bank for Oligarchs [American & Russian, Part 2 - WhoWhatWhy]
U.S. Sanctions Would Be ‘Economic War’ to Head of Russia’s VTB

So, next time you see Billericay Town Football Club’s Colts, like this:
Billericay FC Colt (@BTFC_COLTS) on Twitter
Billericay Town Colts FC
Nicky Hayes Photographer
Cheering The Veiny One’s 1st XI Selections on, like this:
BTFC Colts Tw about DHFC.png

or giving defences of The Veiny One, such as:
BTFC Colts Tw negativity around GT [sml].png

Think this:
RU & VTB Flags [Getty].png
Getty. Educational & Exempt Provisions UKPGA 1988 ch48 & USC §17/ s107.

Should’ve gone Swiss, Miss.
Finance Arranged [car].jpg
Discretion & Legality assured,
mit Schweizer Qualität.
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It's not bad at all, except earlier this season the Big Mouth Muriel One was telling the world how his amazing club was going to have the biggest crowds seen since D Day, or whatever.
Probably VE Day. Not sure there were too many spectators at D Day!
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Tamplin for Prime Minster! You gotta love this guy!!!! ‘You can’t keep stamping on the bud you gotta let it grow’!!! Even helped the interviewer out what a saint!
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