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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

Why? It's happening now. It's in our league. And it's a particularly spectacular version of it. Today he suggested someone commit suicide.

It's not human nature to ignore that and instead spend pages wondering why Kottoy didn't sign and has instead gone to Ireland...

Disappointed about Kottoy, any intel on why he made that decision?
Hi Guys,

I'm a Billericay Town fan. I'm not expecting any of you to like BTFC but having read the comments on this forum here is my take on the situation. I have no problem with your club and wish you luck. Feel free to come back at me on the points I've raised but bear in mind that I certainly won't be getting into a slagging match here as I am trying to build bridges not cause further strife amongst non-league fans.

I’ve been following events at BTFC recently and on reflection, some of what has been going on excites me and others stuff causes me some concern. I've tried to see things from both points of view, so here goes:

I’ve never met Glenn Tamplin personally but if I did I’d be the first to shake him by the hand and thank him for what he’s done for our club in such a short space of time. He’s taken a club in the doldrums of non-league football, put us on the map and given us a route to potential success. In doing so he’s professionalised the club and created fantastic facilities that will not only benefit the people of Billericay and Essex but also many away fans who will visit the club. He’s clearly passionate, wears his heart on his sleeve and has a social conscience. Personally I think he should be congratulated and shown appreciation for spending his hard-earned wealth in a way that will provide leisure and enjoyment for thousands of others.

When people knock Glenn I can see why he gets angry and defensive. A bit of jealousy is to be expected (we used to be jealous of Canvey in the Jeff King days) but hatred and personal abuse is taking things too far. What would our rivals prefer, that BTFC stayed in the doldrums forever, never rising above this level of football, playing in front of 200 fans at a shabby, run-down stadium against other similar teams on muddy pitches with scrappy football? Do they think this represents a pure, unpolluted version of the game, untainted by money?

Things to consider:

1: Yes, GT is spending a huge amount on players’ wages but the kinds of players he has brought in bring excitement and publicity for the club. Personally I think the level of spending is OTT but usually you get what you pay for in football.

2: Having a rich backer in football is nothing unusual. Many, many clubs at all levels have this. A sad truth is that if you want to be successful in football you need money. Good intentions and management will only take you so far.

3: The bigger Premier League clubs have far more money than smaller clubs. Should they also be demonised? Football has never been a level playing field in that respect. You are always going to get big clubs and small clubs, rich ones and poorer ones etc.

4: People mock the increased crowds at BTFC but what do you expect, and again, is there anything wrong or unusual about this? Any club that is successful attracts more fans and as GT says, BTFC is galvanising the community and putting the small town of BTFC on the map. More people coming to watch football has got to be good for the game.

5: GT has brought fun and excitement to the Bostick League. He’s a showman, a businessman and a visionary. Because of him non-league football will get a boost in terms of media exposure and increased attendances at games. Every team in the league will benefit from BTFC’s publicity (Lowestoft for example got a bigger crowd last Tuesday than they would normally have expected.)

Having said all this, here are a few concerns:

1: It is important that everyone at BTFC acts with dignity and humility in a way that wins friends and doesn’t make us a ‘hate’ club or ‘toxic.’ I would prefer if we had rivals who grudgingly respect us rather than despise us. I fear we have set ourselves up as the ‘great Satan’ of our league who are making headlines for the wrong reasons. We don’t want a situation where families are put off the club because of negative publicity (the same goes for sponsors.) Nor do we want confrontational and potentially aggressive atmospheres at matches caused by antagonism created by Twitter spats etc.

2: It would be better in my opinion to answer the ‘haters’ with dignity and restraint. There’s no point getting into slagging matches. Let them think and say what they want and let the football do the talking. Let’s be professional in the way we conduct ourselves. If people slag us off a polite and dignified response achieves more than responding with insults. It makes the other person look bad and it doesn’t get the rise they are looking for.

3: Self-confidence is good but boasting isn’t, especially when we haven’t won anything much yet. Even when we do win stuff we need to be gracious in victory, not gloating.

4: Personally I like the mural but I wonder if it was wise having pictures of GT on it. This will be an easy target for away fans and internet trolls. GT is a working class man from Essex and he may offend middle class sensibilities with his tastes, but so what?

5: GT is untested as a manager and I hope that he does well this season. But if not I hope that he will leave the football side in the capable hands of an experiences and talented manager and concentrate on what he does best; having a dream and taking the necessary steps to make it a reality.
Hey Ben Alltimes

Totally respect your points above, but this boils down to one thing.

Glenn Tamplin.

IF he'd gone about his business quietly, and just did what was needed to be done then we'd all be here saying 'fair play, we're jealous, but they're doing good things', but GT's ego literally put him in the middle of a mural receiving a message from god. There's nothing classist about the mural, It's just shit.

His Ego has turned your club from BTFC to GTFC. What astounds me more than anything else is that no one seems to have the balls to tell him. Incase you get blocked? Or he offers to fight you? It's your club he's ruining the reputation of. Start having your voice heard (if you aint already).

Lastly, he does receive a lot of grief online, but thats because he asked for it. He showed no one in this league any respect with his showboating, telling people you'd be top from day 1 and you'd 'smash the league', calling people muggy, offering to fight people, offering bets on his own success. You make your bed, you Lion it. (couldn't resist)

I wish you and other BTFC fans well, but while he's at the helm of the good ship riccay, it looks like you're heading for the rocks.
YTC, you are right in so many ways and many Billericay fans will probably agree. We are stuck in a difficult situation because we welcome the investment and excitement but not the controversy and confrontation. My hope is that GT learns his lessons and calms down this season.
I sympathise with 'proper' BTFC fans who might not be calling out Tamplin. He now has the club completely by the bollocks so if he walked now I guess there's a good chance they'll have no more club.

Essentially he has the same hold over their club that Meadow have over us and it's not like we're tripping over ourselves to call them the wankers they obviously are.

Hopefully somewhere along the way tomorrow a game of football will break out amidst all the bullshit.
Hi Ben Alltimes

I have one main question for you - do you honestly think that this will end well for your club?

It sounds like you've been a supporter for a while, certainly pre-Tamplin? Does it not worry that the spending is totally unsustainable? Does it not worry you that Tamplin could pull the plug at any time and that your club would be totally and utterly screwed? Have you heard of Rushden & Diamonds, Weymouth, Darlington? All clubs with big-shot owners who, once bored, pulled the plug and saw these clubs destroyed.

I don't really care about Tamplin, he's a panto villain enjoying his five minutes of fame/notoriety. But I'll tell you one thing: he will get bored of this 'project' and when he does your club will be gone. And that is no fun.
Hi Ben Alltimes

I have one main question for you - do you honestly think that this will end well for your club?

It sounds like you've been a supporter for a while, certainly pre-Tamplin? Does it not worry that the spending is totally unsustainable? Does it not worry you that Tamplin could pull the plug at any time and that your club would be totally and utterly screwed? Have you heard of Rushden & Diamonds, Weymouth, Darlington? All clubs with big-shot owners who, once bored, pulled the plug and saw these clubs destroyed.

I don't really care about Tamplin, he's a panto villain enjoying his five minutes of fame/notoriety. But I'll tell you one thing: he will get bored of this 'project' and when he does your club will be gone. And that is no fun.

It's difficult to predict what's going to happen. It might all go badly wrong. On the other hand, if the furore settles down and things go well on and off the field then maybe we'll be able to sustain a certain level of success and stability. GT certainly seems volatile and could do anything but there's not much we fans can do about it and I think most of us feel we owe GT a certain loyalty and respect given his level of investment and hard work. He seems anxious to please the fans and be respected and it seems out of order and ungrateful to kick it all back in his face.

Also, as I outlined above, without GT we'd be facing yet another season of mediocrity with ropey facilities and few fans, so most of us have mixed feelings. The Harry Parker story does show a different side to GT as there is not much more he could have done to help that boy.

I have been a BTFC supporter since I was a boy in the 1980s. I don't live in Essex now so I don't go to many games but I have supported the club through some very low times and this 'new era' has brought about a new lease of life for our ailing club.

But of course, as with those other clubs you mentioned it may well all go badly. I guess only time will tell.
I think he has done a lot of smart things since he took the club over. He obviously knows its crucial to raise attendances, which a lot of owners seem to overlook, and is doing so very well. The infrastructure is vital if you are to do this and he's been aware of that, lots of other things as well but don't want to list every single one. The biggest mistake he has made, and what poses the biggest danger to BTFC, is him appointing himself manager which will be a disaster. The players will find themselves way too "close to the money" every week instead of being afforded a shield from it in the shape of a manager. This is made worse when the "money" is temperamental, bullying, egocentric and a poor manager by the standards of the league. The players will be in a horrible position if there is a dip in form because it will become very personal over the money he is paying them and he will never accept any responsibility for sending them out unprepared.
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It's difficult to predict what's going to happen. It might all go badly wrong. On the other hand, if the furore settles down and things go well on and off the field then maybe we'll be able to sustain a certain level of success and stability. GT certainly seems volatile and could do anything but there's not much we fans can do about it and I think most of us feel we owe GT a certain loyalty and respect given his level of investment and hard work. He seems anxious to please the fans and be respected and it seems out of order and ungrateful to kick it all back in his face.

Also, as I outlined above, without GT we'd be facing yet another season of mediocrity with ropey facilities and few fans, so most of us have mixed feelings. The Harry Parker story does show a different side to GT as there is not much more he could have done to help that boy.

I have been a BTFC supporter since I was a boy in the 1980s. I don't live in Essex now so I don't go to many games but I have supported the club through some very low times and this 'new era' has brought about a new lease of life for our ailing club.

But of course, as with those other clubs you mentioned it may well all go badly. I guess only time will tell.

Thanks for responding. I appreciate the point about the facilities, that is certainly a positive thing that he has done for your club. It's just that the wage bill is absolutely absurd and that would really concern me.

Even if you look at the likes of Fleetwood or Burton who have had the sort of success that GT is after, you can see that their crowds have grown, yes, but not by that much. BTFC will never get gates of 10,000+ or whatever it will take to justify the wage bill. As you say, time will tell, but I don't think that GT has the temperament to be in this for the long haul, let alone anything else.
Personally I think he should be congratulated and shown appreciation for spending his hard-earned wealth in a way that will provide leisure and enjoyment for thousands of others.
While he belittles, antagonises, dismisses and threatens anyone who disagrees with him online? And uses mental health insults and poverty as a way of putting down people?

No, he's not worthy of any respect. He's a rich loudmouth with a monstrous ego who is solely interested in success for himself. The club is almost immaterial. Don't forget, you weren't the first club he came calling on, and just like a badge kissing journeyman footballer, his interest will fade just as quickly as it started if he's not getting what he wants out of this exercise.

As for jealousy, I can say - with my hand on my heart - if someone like this boasting buffoon crashed into Hamlet and tried to buy success and started painting lions and pictures of himself all over the ground, I'd go off and support Streatham Rovers or Brixton Skunk Dealers FC.

Enjoy your paid for success. But for me it would be too hollow to enjoy.
Not expecting any sympathy for GT. He certainly hasn't done himself any favours. However, I hope that you can appreciate how BTFC fans have mixed feelings about this. It is our club and whilst we have concerns there is only so much we can do to change things. Our biggest wish is to enjoy the football and get behind the team whoever is at the helm. I think GT is a complex character to be honest who has obviously had a hard life in many ways and has worked extremely hard to get where he is now. I also think he's probably a sensitive and vulnerable bloke at heart who is used to scrapping and standing up for himself and at the same time wants to be liked and approved. I hope that people remember that and cut him some slack, although football being what it is it's inevitable that he'll get a lot of stick.

Anyway lads, enjoy the game tomorrow and hopefully it can be as positive as possible and a great advert for the non-league game. Personally I respect DHFU and I think you have a great club. I hope that we can both succeed in our various ways and achieve our ambitions.
Thanks for responding. I appreciate the point about the facilities, that is certainly a positive thing that he has done for your club. It's just that the wage bill is absolutely absurd and that would really concern me.

Even if you look at the likes of Fleetwood or Burton who have had the sort of success that GT is after, you can see that their crowds have grown, yes, but not by that much. BTFC will never get gates of 10,000+ or whatever it will take to justify the wage bill. As you say, time will tell, but I don't think that GT has the temperament to be in this for the long haul, let alone anything else.

Fair points mate.
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