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Football hooliganism is back in fashion

The AZ fans were merely trying to denazify the West Ham fanbase by attacking the family enclosure.
The two mobs had clashed outside earlier which is to be expected. What isn't to be expected or okay is the dutch lot in the ground with much bigger numbers attacking a few West ham bods that were quite a stretch away from where the away fans were placed. It's not clever or brave but for a mob to attack what seems to be a small group of straight goers that had few takers/ many that were willing to go toe to toe with the dutch. Well done the West ham lump for having a go back and for trying to defend his fellow supporters.
Disturbing and disappointing:

Gillingham fined £12,500 by FA for sexist and racist chants from supporters


According to the Football Association: "No less than eight weeks separated the Sutton and Wimbledon matches and yet the commission saw no signs of specific action having been taken by the club."

To date, no individual supporters have been identified for the racist and sexist chanting.
Disturbing and disappointing:

Gillingham fined £12,500 by FA for sexist and racist chants from supporters


According to the Football Association: "No less than eight weeks separated the Sutton and Wimbledon matches and yet the commission saw no signs of specific action having been taken by the club."

To date, no individual supporters have been identified for the racist and sexist chanting.
Never been the nicest fans, Gillingham.

Hopefully, last month's announcement will help to improve the environment in and around stadia:

Crown Prosecution Service cracks down on football tragedy abuse


"Two men who appeared to mock Bradley Lowery during Sunderland's match at Sheffield Wednesday (on Friday 29 September 2023) have been identified as brothers Dale and Drew Houghton ..."

Men who 'mocked' tragic cancer fighter Bradley Lowery revealed as brothers


Dale and Drew Houghton were pictured at Sheffield Wednesday's 3-0 defeat, with one holding up a zoomed-in picture of Sunderland fan The Late Bradley Lowery, who was diagnosed with a rare cancer neuroblastoma when he was just 18 months old, in Sunderland's kit on his phone, while the other laughed at him for brazenly displaying the picture for all the stadium to see.

A Sheffield Wednesday spokesman said: "We are aware of the images circulating and have launched an immediate investigation together with South Yorkshire Police. We roundly condemn this outrageous and utterly deplorable behaviour. We can only apologise for the undoubted distress caused to Bradley’s family and friends."

Other Sheffield Wednesday fans set up a fund-raising page to help the Bradley Lowery Foundation in response to the photos that appeared on social media and to show their support and stand up against this type of behaviour in football.
I'm not sure that picture isnt photoshopped tbh.

If it isn't then clearly those two deserve everything coming to them but it doesn't look real to me.
It doesn't look photoshopped to me. What makes you say that? The grain is consistent across the image and I can't see any dubious shadow or lighting inconsistencies. Of course those can be dealt with by a decent photo editor to a certain degree editor but why?
It doesn't look photoshopped to me. What makes you say that? The grain is consistent across the image and I can't see any dubious shadow or lighting inconsistencies. Of course those can be dealt with by a decent photo editor to a certain degree editor but why?
Yeah I dunno. I think it's just when I see phone screens showing clear pictures, looks a bit off. Don't know if it's more or less depressing anyway.
While these guys are obviously utter pricks.

I'm not sure how I feel about this being considered a criminal offence?
While these guys are obviously utter pricks.

I'm not sure how I feel about this being considered a criminal offence?
Outraging public decency is the charge, isn't it? Get what you mean but don't think it's going to lead to overreach, so fuck'em.
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