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Football hooliganism is back in fashion

Football will always attract wankers,. I can remember visiting fans chanting 'Aberfan' at Cardiff City in the 70s.

Only heard that once--at the Man United game in 1974, it provoked the worst riot I've ever seen. Tbf City fans replied by chanting "Munich."
Not really. As the article says, millions of people attend football matches. Would be more useful to look at rates per 1000 over the past twenty years, to see if that's increased but football attendances are increasing so you'd expect number of arrests to increase too.

Seen comparisons to other events, and football is lower or equal (you'll have to take my word for it or check yourself, I can't be arsed).

Plus, at least for West Ham (which is the only one I've paid any attention to) those figures also include away fans. And, for example, 13 of them were from the Anderlecht game where the away fans chucked chairs and pyro and fought police.

What's your opinion? Are you worried? What's worrying is that the police get paid a fee for each football banning order that is issued which can be for as little as bringing a beer into the stands. As well as persistently standing up in a seated area, smoking anywhere in the ground if it's not a designated area, gesturing with your hands- chucking a wanker sign etc. lf you went to games you'd know all about the over zealous policing of fans. Very few bans are issued for actual violence between rival hooligan groups because it's very rare for a punch up to happen inside stadiums. On top of that the sentences handed out are often heavier than what you'd get for selling crack and heroin. There's also huge amounts of overtime to be had for policing football matches which has to be justified somehow. That somehow is arrest rates and regardless of what for. But you knew all this already :rolleyes::rolleyes:
What's your opinion? Are you worried? What's worrying is that the police get paid a fee for each football banning order that is issued which can be for as little as bringing a beer into the stands. As well as persistently standing up in a seated area, smoking anywhere in the ground if it's not a designated area, gesturing with your hands- chucking a wanker sign etc. lf you went to games you'd know all about the over zealous policing of fans. Very few bans are issued for actual violence between rival hooligan groups because it's very rare for a punch up to happen inside stadiums. On top of that the sentences handed out are often heavier than what you'd get for selling crack and heroin. There's also huge amounts of overtime to be had for policing football matches which has to be justified somehow. That somehow is arrest rates and regardless of what for. But you knew all this already :rolleyes::rolleyes:

There is no payment for banning orders. Also there is little chance of police forces turning a’profit’ on policing football given that charges can only be made on the direct policing of the footprint itself and not all the addition costs falling on the communities around the grounds. This is why there has been such a huge increase in stewarding over using cops. Some of which is excellent and some of which is done by people who haven’t even really completed the already quite short five day course.

Gig safety fears after trainee stewards helped to cheat Gig safety fears after trainee stewards helped to cheat
I have come against trouble at Stoke. I've been to Chesterfield and had no issues, but that was when we swamped small away grounds. Chesterfield seems too small, to nice for any trouble. I'm shocked.
I've been to Chesterfield and had no issues, but that was when we swamped small away grounds. Chesterfield seems too small, to nice for any trouble. I'm shocked.
To nice? You can't be that naive surley? Nearly every league club in England will have some sort of mob/ hooligan element.
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I'm sure you know far more about football policing than I do.
Agh right. Way to shut down the conversation. I'm old bill filth and you're not. Slow hand clap. That may be but it doesn't stop me from being able to read. I know that the blue caps and the other thugs that police football are absolute cunts and love to whack anything from kids to oaps with there sticks. I also know they are bullies in a group but not much cop when you corner one on his own. I also know that they falsify evidence when making there statemnets. That's all i need to know thank you very much.
Agh right. Way to shut down the conversation. I'm old bill filth and you're not. Slow hand clap. That may be but it doesn't stop me from being able to read. I know that the blue caps and the other thugs that police football are absolute cunts and love to whack anything from kids to oaps with there sticks. I also know they are bullies in a group but not much cop when you corner one on his own. I also know that they falsify evidence when making there statemnets. That's all i need to know thank you very much.

No, you see this is the way to shut down a conversation.
No, you see this is the way to shut down a conversation.

There we have it. You know more than me isn't shutting down conversation. No siree.


It's nothing personal- It's the uniform and what it represents and just from life experience with OB- handing out regular kickings to my old man cause he was irish- to his mates cause they were black- to my mates cause they were black- to me cause of the club i support and colour of mates i kept- beating my dad and his mates with truncheons at picket lines-for the lies and fit ups on my mates - doctored statements- using batons on oaps at football- being kicked unconscious by four cowards in uniform onto one for fuck all- i could go on for a week. I have on more interest in conversing with you. I hate them with a passion from what i first witnessed as a child then tenager and adult. Pure filth and cowardly racist scum that i refuse to be lectured from.
That's from some time back as that's the old saltergate ground which they've not played at since 1999 ish. It also looks like a celebration to me. :hmm:

You're right in that it's a celebration, at least of sorts. It says the last game at Saltergate which sadly went in 2010 though, not 1999. I know 11 years is piffling but I'm an old man. Time is all I have now. 🤣
You're right in that it's a celebration, at least of sorts. It says the last game at Saltergate which sadly went in 2010 though, not 1999. I know 11 years is piffling but I'm an old man. Time is all I have now. 🤣
Could have sworn the memorial said 1999. I'll have to have another look next time I go past.
Legia Warsaw seem to be a bit lively at the minute. I know when they played Leicester a couple of years ago they had some Millwall fans with them so obviously attracting some attention in lots of ways.


Not really. As the article says, millions of people attend football matches. Would be more useful to look at rates per 1000 over the past twenty years, to see if that's increased but football attendances are increasing so you'd expect number of arrests to increase too.

Around 40% down on 2010/11.

So, 5 arrests per 1,000 fans, when the national rate is 12 arrests per 1,000 people. Therefore, statistically, football fans are half as likely to be arrested. So not worrying at all.

This will be most reassuring to players, referees and would-be attendees.

We've had nothing that bad thankfully at my club who are also an ex-League team now playing regional football, but unfortunately it has dredged up a few dickheads who see it as a chance to act like twats and/or hardnuts in grounds where security is minimal to non-existent and they can puff their chests out safe in the knowledge that nobody is going to physically challenge them.
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