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Football hooliganism is back in fashion

I take my son to a game occasionally and it’s amusing seeing the old faces from thirty odd years ago egging on their sons dressed in their MA.Strum and Stone Island garb.
As others have said, it's never been away, but after being mostly self-contained in recent years, it's got a lot more random and widespread. We had this at Wrexham last year - definitely not like-minded hoolies seeking each other out:

People I know who were at the National League play-off final at Ashton Gate said there was similar random violence after the game. At least one who ended up getting arrested and charged had no connection to either teams.
I would have thought it's been less of a thing in all seating stadia what with them being ticket/ membership only. It's more difficult to fight in seats and perps more easily traced.
I would have thought it's been less of a thing in all seating stadia what with them being ticket/ membership only. It's more difficult to fight in seats and perps more easily traced.
Not sure they're entirely arsed where the fighting happens. It's not really connected to whether they win or lose and only tangentially really 'football violence' because the teams supported mark the battle lines.
Coke is incredibly bad for your heart. Heavy users never seem to live past their sixties.

It's really the combination of coke and booze, and the new chemical they create together, cocaethylene. I've told some heavy coke users about this, and they'd never heard of it. It's scary stuff. That said, booze and/or cigs can take you to a very early grave. I know people who've died early 50s thanks to those!
It's really the combination of coke and booze, and the new chemical they create together, cocaethylene.
A mate's brother had to have a heart transplant* in his 30s brought on through crack addiction. He's dead now. I'm unaware that he mixed it with booze.

*Actually I'm not sure it was a transplant. It was major surgery on his heart though.
It ain't cheap and it ain't shitty. Average purity is on the up and up and now stands close to 70%.

Bring back proper MDMA.
Expensive coke
Expensive clothes
Expensive tickets
Expensive rounds
Expensive travel
Farewell to the working class
the feller a while back who had a flare up his arse, a fortunes worth of charlie and booze in him and a five hundred quid hat on his head was a roofer.
The ones doing the big European games back in the day went there on the rob of the designer clothes by some accounts. As if funding is questionable.
Expensive coke
Expensive clothes
Expensive tickets
Expensive rounds
Expensive travel
Farewell to the working class
I've got two mates staying at my place who have gone to Lisbon to see the City game. They are not on coke but they've got the clothes, tickets, drink like fish, do City home and away all the time. One is a heating engineer who was made redundant in the British Gas dispute but now working again and the other is a porter in the NHS.
Good listen this

Need a flood of really good pills.
Seemed to work previously.

Absolutely. How did things regress so much back to the ugly 80s again? It's tragic.

If it wasn't already bad enough football being ruined by big money and gambling, the rise of coke and booze fueled violence just makes it worse. And that's before all the added racism and jingoism lately.

I just don't want any part of it. I'd rather not watch football or support any team anymore.
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