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fishing season 2022


We will all go together
new terry hearn drop. i love his ability to tell a good fishing story.

anyone been out yet?

i am on the waiting list for the crystal palace park lake, should know in may!
Not yet, been thoroughly lacking any motivation. Have been some nice pike catches local to me
I'm quite excited about this fishing season because I've got a membership on a river that is walking distance from the house. It's fly only on barbless hooks for trout and greyling and it's a beautiful stretch of river. I tried to join last year but they were full so I went on the waiting list. Anyway I got an email at the beginning of the season and they've let me in. Living on its doorstep seems to have helped :D

I've never caught greyling as I'm usually in still water for trout but this year I might have to up my game and learn some river craft.

Been tying barbless hooks up as most of my stock is barbed for wild hill lochs and keeping for dinner.

Love this guy.

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I've just been given all my father-in-law's fly rods etc to use. He said that since he will never be able to use them again, I can.

I've never done fly fishing. Time to learn I guess.
It's a wonderful hobby Dessi. There's a few fly fishers on the boards. IIRC pogofish is a dab hand with the fly rod.

This guy is my fav fly-tyer.

Anyway you don't need to be tying flies yet if you've got his fly boxes. Just learn to cast first which to be honest is your biggest hurdle. Most folk get into tying flies to have something to do in the winter ;)

Nothing like hooking a fish on your own fly though.
Going to post another picture of this fish. Although it's not the biggest, I have tried to catch a carp from this canal for years!! I have blanked and blanked and blanked and I have done a lot of sessions on and off over the years.

Over the last couple of years of having Mabel I've walked this stretch hundreds of times, all times of year so have found this spot where I can almost always see a fish or 2. And I haven't fished it once! One day last summer I saw 5-6 fish, it was so clear I could see a spot they were using as a rubbing spot at the base of some weeds.

After all that time watching them, seeing how they move though the weed and Reed beds along the far bank... And months of procrastinating about actually going fishing it was a really special catch to get one in a a short 5 hour session. It might only be a stocky from last year but it's travelled the entire length of this stretch of canal from where it was put in, maybe 7 miles?

This is the club that has this section if you don't know and want to, it's the Royal Military Canal. Between Seabrook and Hythe

4 hour sesh today. Another 10lber. Didn't see the bailiff so was free. Result!! This looks like a much older carp so will be either an original (unlikely) or offspring from some of the old fish that have been stocked over the years. And we are talking maybe 2 stockings I am aware of. One maybe 30 years ago and the other more like 50. Last year was the first time the water has has carp put in for a long long time

An unusual question ...

I am embarking on hydroponics based in square downpipe and need to keep a check on nutrient levels.

I see advertised "loaded crystal waggler" floats available cheaply ...
Any idea if these would work the way I want to ?

thanks ...

Sorry, must have missed that. Yeah should do
thanks :)
How high will it sit in the water with no extra shot added ?
To just under the black line ?
I was wondering why there are long ones as well as short ones ? - just a way to carry more weight for casting ?
thanks :)
How high will it sit in the water with no extra shot added ?
To just under the black line ?
I was wondering why there are long ones as well as short ones ? - just a way to carry more weight for casting ?
Maybe a little below the black line but not much AFAIK. Different types for different fishing situations but yeah, often for length of cast
Was supposed to have a 3 dayer on the River Severn last month, but the club I’m a member of up there, on advice from the EA suspended all fishing, as did 90% of other angling clubs. This also happened last year. It’s unprecedented - never happened before in my lifetime & I’ve been fishing the Severn for 45 years, but when DO levels are so low & water temp so high, fish welfare has to come first. Along with the temp comes the deadly algal bloom.

The River Wye’s death is accelerating too - agri chems are bad enough, but now throw in the raw sewerage discharges, it really does look like I’ll see the death of this river in my time if the situation doesn’t change right now :(

And it’s never been so low;

In the last month here in Scotland I've hoped to cast a line. So far I've not got past that point. One day...
Not sure where to put this as I don't fish but apparently this is a chub and will probably be ok in this depth of water? I've never seen the water so low in the canal so this is alarming. I've emailed my local anglers association to see if they can offer any advice

They will be okay, i would think, especially if there's a bit of flow (fairly rare to find chub in non flowing water). Sitting duck for poachers though and preditors such as otters etc :(
EA will be the people to help if they can. I expect there is a lot of this going on right now. Is it trapped in the water it's in or can it get elsewhere?
def write to the local club if it's a club waters. but i would bet my mortgage they are already acutely aware (and suitably distressed).
EA will be the people to help if they can. I expect there is a lot of this going on right now. Is it trapped in the water it's in or can it get elsewhere?
Seems trapped in the water it's in although there is a slightly deeper bit there but no reap flow. there are lots of smaller fish, it doesn't seem to all be the same type.
def write to the local club if it's a club waters. but i would bet my mortgage they are already acutely aware (and suitably distressed).
I don’t know if you're allowed to fish there but have emailed the chairman of the angling club
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