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Fire bulls: Spain's indescribably cruel animal torture 'tradition'


Look at these fucking cruel shitheads

In this type of celebration, when the animals leave the truck, they are pulled forcefully using a rope tied to their heads, in order to direct them towards a pylon. Already, during that journey, due to the sudden and strong pulls that are given to them, it is common for them to suffer falls and injuries, both to their legs and neck. Once immobilized, tying their heads tightly to the pylon, they proceed to embolization, which consists of attaching metal fittings to the horns, at the ends of which balls impregnated with a liquid or flammable substance are placed. Next, these balls are set on fire and the rope that holds the bulls to the pylon is cut.

The animals run in terror through the areas marked off for the celebration, whether they are squares or streets in the towns. They nod desperately, trying to get rid of the fire that burns their faces and eyes. In their desperation, they bang their heads against stone walls, trees or fences that protect onlookers. Strong blows that cause cervical dislocations and even death.

Sometimes they also die from heart attacks, due to fear, anguish, stress and exhaustion.

The fact that this {and bull-fighting} continues is the main reason why I've never been on holiday to Spain.

It's totally abhorrent.
That was truly horrific. I honestly thought they were going to throw water on the bull to try and help in the first clip, when it was against the tree. Instead he just wanted to drag it around for 'fun'.

How can anyone get pleasure from that.

Didn't watch second clip.
Guess there is no Spanish equivalent of the RSPCA☹️
Isn't that what PACMA is?

I couldn't watch the vid - the description was enough.

Recall going round a zoo (and that’s another argument altogether on the subject should they exist) in Spain in the 90s and seeing Spanish kids throwing stones at the animals. Quite upsetting to witness - and as for what’s done to bulls - horrendous/
And yes to be clear it’s disgusting. I say that as a meat eater. I find it interesting how such things arise in culture though. Across cultures. Maybe something to do with the fragility of life, red in claw and tooth. Humans we should be better than this of course that’s the whole point of civilisation.
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I doubt most Spanish people enjoy this sort of thing. I mean just saying for balance like.
you are right actually, the pro-bull fighters are a vocal and financially powerful minority and tend to be mainly the older members of society.
There's a very active anti-bullfighting movement among younger people in many areas.
In some places, apart form the more elderly locals, about the only people watching are tourists, who go because "it's traditional" ...
you are right actually, the pro-bull fighters are a vocal and financially powerful minority and tend to be mainly the older members of society.
There's a very active anti-bullfighting movement among younger people in many areas.
In some places, apart form the more elderly locals, about the only people watching are tourists, who go because "it's traditional" ...

I’m going to Spain for a few days on Thursday actually. Really looking forward to it. I have never been to Spain. We will be staying near Madrid and a bull fight has not even been raised as a suggestion. i’m staying with Spannish mates.
The filth and vermin who engage in such practices need to hunted, caged, exterminated and then dumped in a garbage pit.
Yeah known about this for some years it's fucking horrific 😭 and people who have tried to help the bull got intimidated and threatened.

Unfortunately, it will surprise nobody that at least one of the Tory members of Club Taurino wrote to the Spanish government some years ago to try to stop one of these cruel festivals being banned.
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