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Final Fantasy VII- did it ever exist?


I've heard of Final Fantasy but never played it. Elder Scrolls my favourite ever, and Halo 3 just isn't cutting it in the pretty stakes.

Was told today if I play FF it HAS to be FF 7. Why can't I find it anywhere :confused: Including second hand? Was there some sort of cull or mass burning? Am I just rubbish and over tired?
Oh thanks for all the replies, forgot how to watch a thread.
Also, sorry I didn't say, I'm xbox 360.
Over- tired.
It seemed strange that searching for VII on Amazon it only showed VIII. So I thought there was something weird going on with VII...
Yeah it's an old game, doubt it will come out for Xbox now, but tbh there are much much better games out there , ff7 was soooo 1997.....
i played it on the PC mainly. i did play about an hour of it when it first came out on a freinds console

also you may be surprised at how much FF7 porn there is...
I do like the girl-friendly games tho, not so keen on shoot em ups and war n guns an all.

I'm going to have to hurt you for that comment.

*hurts dooby*

Girl-friendly my big fat fucking arse.

Anyway, as you were.


If it's something with story on the xbox that you're after, from more olden times, look up Jade Empire or KotOR (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). Both should be available from amazon for xbox.
I'm going to have to hurt you for that comment.

*hurts dooby*

Girl-friendly my big fat fucking arse.

Anyway, as you were.


If it's something with story on the xbox that you're after, from more olden times, look up Jade Empire or KotOR (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). Both should be available from amazon for xbox.
Excellent, cheers for the tips there!
Yeah I feel your pain and violent tendencies there, tho years ago I discovered 'girl' games was a shorthand (in possibly even Tower Records it may have been) for anything that wasn't war/football. I mean princesses and ponies or whatever the fuck games may be out there were never offered to me. It may be that when *I* asked for girl games (enormous scary person) they took a shot at what I meant, it tended to be games where you travelled or built things up. There's not so many of those around, am bewildered at hte number of games offered to teenage boy types. Thery're just not TRYING.
If you want this that bad then simply download a playstation emulator...basically a program which replicates the behaviour of old consoles so that you can play their games (see here for one of many psx emulators http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/psx/epsxe.html)

Then you will need a copy of the iso file (i.e the game) to use with the emulator.

These can be downloaded from places such as


FF VII is split onto 3 discs so makes sure to get all 3
If you want this that bad then simply download a playstation emulator...basically a program which replicates the behaviour of old consoles so that you can play their games (see here for one of many psx emulators http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/psx/epsxe.html)

Then you will need a copy of the iso file (i.e the game) to use with the emulator.

These can be downloaded from places such as


FF VII is split onto 3 discs so makes sure to get all 3
Cheers for that, though it will almost certainly be beyond me, and absolutely certainly beyond my computer! I'll just learn to enjoy colouring in.
nah mate, its simples, but.... dont do it to yourself , that ' Sepiroth ' ( blimey, i googled it just in case but i was right ) is a right fukker, as cute as he looks....
Why is half life 2 overated

Given its release date if you played it when it was original released :p
I was going to say that we've had this conversation before but I'm not sure I've heard his perversions about HL2 previously.
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