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Anyone else who used to love computer games, but it's no longer interested?

I used to write them, obsessively, as a child. You couldn't do much with BBC BASIC but I wrote little worlds where you could just move around with N/S/E/W between different places.

In later life I started writing them using things like Inform 7 but that's really for making games, rather than building worlds. Games have always been a grudging necessity to access the worlds within, for me.

I know what you mean. Back when they were still a thing I played on god mode for most games. I wasn't playing for the challenge but just to have an experience.

I'm absolutly a Spade if you use the Bartle model
I just realised that most new games are shit*
After downloading and finishing all three Tomb raider games on the xbox one, I went looking for similar games. There aren't any. I want Portal type games. Games with puzzles that tax your mind. Why don't they exist? I even bought an external drive for the xbox, thinking I'd fill it with games like Portal or Tomb raider... How wrong I was.

*if you're me.

You could try the Uncharted series? They are similar but better than the Tomb Raider games really.

For puzzles that tax your mind, try Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun and Desperados III.
I just realised that most new games are shit*
After downloading and finishing all three Tomb raider games on the xbox one, I went looking for similar games. There aren't any. I want Portal type games. Games with puzzles that tax your mind. Why don't they exist? I even bought an external drive for the xbox, thinking I'd fill it with games like Portal or Tomb raider... How wrong I was.

*if you're me.

Maybe you've already checked it out, but I would recommend The Talos Principle if you fancy something puzzle-based with a story.
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