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Films you have walked out on*

Orang Utan

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*or stopped playing, or fell asleep to

Today I stopped watching Tar cos it’s dreadful and I didn’t like the way it mad me feel. I’ve had it with films about shitbags who get a pass cos they’re good at something. Don’t have time for that shit.

I fell asleep watching Gladiator and Gangs Of New York but not The Plains or Stalker (though Mirror had me wanting to slap my face to wake me up). Dunno if that means my mind is weird or just discerning.

I must have walked out of a film at least once but cannot recall doing so at this moment in time.

I really wanted to walk out of Baise Moi, but because it was rather rude and featured unsimulated scenes of people getting on rather well, I did not want a roomful on indifferent strangers to think I was a prude. :oops: :facepalm:

How’s about yous?
I walked out of Moulin Rouge at the cinema in 2001. It was around the time of the Twins Towers and I think that might have subconsciously been a factor in setting my mood. The film felt brash, trivial, kitschy and deeply unfunny and I just couldn’t take any more of it. I haven’t tried to re-watch it.
The Last Jedi because I realised within about 30 seconds it was in 3D and 3D is shit.

Gangs of New York because the projector kept falling over and twats on phones.
The only film I walked out of the cinema during was Every Which Way But Loose. I was bored and got the bus home.

I’ve stopped watching many, many films though. And yes, Moulin Rouge was one. I made it 15 mins in and found it unwatchable. It was just endless, meaningless images.
I think I've only fallen asleep once in the cinema and that was during Waterworld.

I mentally checked out during the remake of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy but I don't think I fell asleep.

I've never walked out of a film though.
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I walked out of The Big Lebowski because I was so bored. I loved Fargo, by the same directors, so thought I would enjoy TBL, but I was wrong.

I walked out of Kids, because (a) mumbly dialogue not helped by the decrepit sound system of the Odeon West Ealing (now flats ofc) and (b) felt like a voyeur. I watched on TV many years later, and enjoyed it a lot more. Maybe I finally embraced my inner perv.

I walked out of Little Women because, I mean, why wouldn't you? Boring as shit and had a heavy lunch beforehand. In my defence, it was one of the first showings after Lockdown, so i would have watched anything...or so I thought.

Given the eye watering price if going to the cinema, it takes a lot to admit your losses, but I say embrace the feeling of walking out!
The Last Jedi because I realised within about 30 seconds it was in 3D and 3D is shit.
Ah that reminds me. What was the last of those three new ones called? I couldn't finish that. . . . and I sat through all the prequels without complaining.
I wasn't angry. I just felt nothing. The magic was dead.
There are quite a lot of films that chart the downfall of the protagonist so doesn't necessarily follow. :)
And I often find those films intolerable too. That new Ira Sachs one with Franz whatshisname and Ben Whishaw has been lauded everywhere but think I’ll also give that a miss as that’s also about a destructive narcissist
But doesn't mean the protagonist gets a pass which is what you seem to be arguing about Tar. :confused:
That’s not really what I was arguing. I just mean they made a film about a narcissist who gets tolerated (up to a point) cos they’re considered to be a creative talent and I’m just not interested in entertaining that kind of indulgence in real life or in art.
I'm 43, for context. I've walked out of two films at the cinema:

*"The Matrix" (1999). I remember the packed screening room, each and every seat taken, and how dead inside I felt watching incomprehensible twaddle happening on screen. It got to one point with suction cups on his back and I just thought "fuck this" and walked out.
*"Tenet" (2020). Struggling almost from the start, my partner and I watched another couple walk out after about fifteen minutes, so we followed them. Crap is one thing. Pretentious crap is another.
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