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film about brixton by zazza the italian (scroll through the crap camden bit) with English subtitles.


a.k.a. floppybollocks
There´s a guy on youtube called Zazza the Italian, who makes films about rough districts of cities internationally. Although he bills himself "the Italian" and usually appears with an Italian flag on his jacket, his commentary is in Latin American Spanish, which (at least to my reckoning) he speaks like a native. This clip is about Camden and Brixton. In keeping with his normal films, it´s billed as "London´s most dangerous markets" but this one is really just a travelogue. I would advise scrolling through the Camden bit (which is a bit crap) to 13:30 where the Brixton bit starts. It´s interesting to me, having left in 2017, that the market area (aside from the giant JD Sports, which appears to have swallowed up pretty much all of Popes Road) has not visibly changed too much. It´s also a bit unusual that, at the beginning, he approaches Brixton from Effra Road, rather than from the tube as you might be expecting.

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