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Favourite veggie sausage?

What's the best banger?

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What I want to know is have Quorn stopped selling hot dogs everywhere? And if so why? :( my boy preferred them to meat hot dogs but I can't find veggie ones anywhere now.
No idea about the Quorn ones but I know Aldi have just started stocking their own hot dogs in the freezer but I've not tried them yet.
Clair De Lune it’s a total mystery about veggie /vegan hotdogs esp from the freezer. Time was I could get Asda ones, Tivoli (or something) & quorn. I bought Moving Mountain ones in freezer section but they are spendy & I didn’t love them. I got these in chilled section from Sainsbury’s but not tried yet.

I went to my local vegan shop & apparently vegan hotdogs are a best seller & fly out the door.


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What I want to know is have Quorn stopped selling hot dogs everywhere? And if so why? :( my boy preferred them to meat hot dogs but I can't find veggie ones anywhere now.

A lot of quorn products are no longer available - I can't find quorn sausages, burgers, or southern style burgers (the ones that are supposed to mimic breaded chicken) anywhere and they've been gone for a while now.

Honestly I've always had issues with quorn giving me a bit of a dicky tummy, but OH likes it - especially their southern chicken style burgers, and it is a shame that the range in most shops has been reduced to mince and nuggets. (and often seems to have been replaced by far pricier products).
White bread is said to be the devils own creation, however for a sausage sandwich white is as OK as brown provided they’re both soft and fresh.
When frying any veggie sausage, and they’re mostly much of a muchness, I cut them lengthways after a little fry and unfold them like a book to get a thorough cook of the inside, turning frequently, to get a sense of crispness at the edges,
Then serve in the bread with any combination of brown sauce (recommended) ground black pepper, fried tomatoes or even some sun dried toms.
Nice, quick and easy and goes down well with others too.
Pretty keen on the current Tesco ones that are iirc about £1.75 for 6 in the big Tescos. Still never tried Richmond though.
White bread is said to be the devils own creation, however for a sausage sandwich white is as OK as brown provided they’re both soft and fresh.
When frying any veggie sausage, and they’re mostly much of a muchness, I cut them lengthways after a little fry and unfold them like a book to get a thorough cook of the inside, turning frequently, to get a sense of crispness at the edges,
Then serve in the bread with any combination of brown sauce (recommended) ground black pepper, fried tomatoes or even some sun dried toms.
Nice, quick and easy and goes down well with others too.

So the same way as anyone doing a saussie sarnie ever :D Although I skip the fried tomatoes myself.
I do feel you might have opened up a whole can of worms with the mention of brown sauce, it is the marmite of sausage sarnie condiments (I like it personally).
Tried tomato sauce but prefer brown.
You can buy a humble bag of Quorn sausages to keep in the freezer and works well enough.
Tried tomato sauce but prefer brown.
You can buy a humble bag of Quorn sausages to keep in the freezer and works well enough.

If you can find them these days, I've not seen quorn sausages for months now. Or their southern fried burgers. I still see nuggets and mince.
I tried one of the Fry's vegan hot dog sausages today - as has already been mentioned, a little bland, but honestly with condiments and onions they are fine - would eat again for sure. They look and taste authentic enough, could just do with a little more smokiness really, but are not at all bad!
Just had the Plant Pioneers Cumberland Shroomdogs. Decent taste and texture, would definitely buy again. I'll ignore the cooking instructions though, which say to grill for 27 minutes :eek:
I have some vegan hot dogs in the oven. Morrison best range. Will report back.
Definitely better than the moving mountains and Fry's ( and cheaper, 2.50 for 4 bigguns)
Although quite hard. I think I'll give up trying to replace the old Sainsbury's frozen ones as none have compared in texture/flavour and speedyness of cooking.
Definitely better than the moving mountains and Fry's ( and cheaper, 2.50 for 4 bigguns)
Although quite hard. I think I'll give up trying to replace the old Sainsbury's frozen ones as none have compared in texture/flavour and speedyness of cooking.
I automaticallyshoved them in to boil then read instructions- who roasts a hotdog? Nice enough though but quite the flaccid slipperiness of a boiled hotdog :oops:
Worked out that one of the things putting me off Richmond et al is my strong belief that 6 rather than 8 is the ideal number of sausages per bag. Have now invested in a Richmond, a Naked Glory, and one other 8-bag one (maybe Quorn, can't remember).
Got some of those for OH recently, he didn't rate them - said they were bland and tasteless and wouldn't specifically buy those ones again, he much prefers the Richmond meat free. I didn't try one myself.

He LOVES the veggie "meat"balls from the same company however.
Just had the Plant Pioneers Cumberland Shroomdogs. Decent taste and texture, would definitely buy again. I'll ignore the cooking instructions though, which say to grill for 27 minutes :eek:
These have become my new favourites. Although Vivera now do sausages too and they are very good, but quite pricey (£3 for 4)
I'd been put off 'Little Willies' by the fnnar fnnar name but a friend bought me a pack, and by 'eck they're tasty! Up there with the best I've ever had.
We like those vey much, and the beefburgers from the same company are fantastic.
I'm a bit (very) squeamish about 'meaty' textures, but Little Willies just about get away with it because they're thin. We're back on the Tivali, which suddenly seem to have become available after a long frankdrought.
I'm a bit (very) squeamish about 'meaty' textures, but Little Willies just about get away with it because they're thin. We're back on the Tivali, which suddenly seem to have become available after a long frankdrought.

Oooh, where did you get the veggie frankfurters? OH has been suffering the absence of the Tesco ones that he used to love, we need a good alternative. He loves hot dogs.
Oooh, where did you get the veggie frankfurters? OH has been suffering the absence of the Tesco ones that he used to love, we need a good alternative. He loves hot dogs.
Ocado delivery, unfortunately, not in an actual shop.
The best ones I’ve ever had are the Wicked Kitchen chorizo bangers, but I’ve only seen them in a large Tesco five miles away that I rarely visit.

The second-best is the Linda McCartney chorizo and red pepper, which I can get at my local Sainsbury’s.

Long before I stopped eating pig, I was a massive fan of Sosmix, so I’m glad to hear it is still a thing 😁
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