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Favourite veggie sausage?

What's the best banger?

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Had a delicious vegan hot dog on my walk today. If I was an actual vegetarian, rather than someone who tries to eat little meat, I would have had to go back to the stall and double-check, because it tasted very hot-doggy! Only the last couple of bites had a slight tell-tale cardboard flavour. Now I wish I had gone back to ask what they were so that I could buy them again.

Gave the Richmond veggie sausage a so-so review a while ago. After the glowing recommendations I had read for them, I was a little underwhelmed when I first tried them, but they have become a firm staple for me now. Great in a potato-veg-sausage tray bake, or a Ziti-style pasta bake. Yum!

The Richmond veggie ones are now my OH's favourite veggie sausage. He does like the Heck ones too but objects to them for political reasons.
Been enjoying Cauldron vegetarian Cumberland sausages in casseroles lately.
None of the chicken substitutes are doing anything for me, but my wife and daughter, who are far less into going vegetarian, are more than happy with pretty much all the chicken alternatives I have taken home.
I tried the richmond ones the other day and they're pretty good (still prefer cauldron though)- the taste reminded me of a greggs vegan sausage roll. Uncooked, they were disturbingly like meat sausages I thought. I took them out of the pack and froze them individually as I don't eat that many of them, and the way they were all squished together made me think that they would freeze in a big clump. There was no real noticable difference cooked from frozen or chilled.
The Richmond veggie ones are now my OH's favourite veggie sausage. He does like the Heck ones too but objects to them for political reasons.
They're my favourite too. They taste just like the meat Richmond sausages! Which are not very sausage-like are they, they're like school dinner sausages.

I think that's the key with veggie sausages. If they try to be like real, good, meaty sausages, they're not great. But if they try to be like shit meaty processed sausages they do a pretty good job of that and taste authentic!
As compensation for having to eat less, I am now treating myself to one veggie sausage a day with dinner and at the moment it's Aldi's black pepper and sage and they're one of my favourite so far - stored out of the fridge and just having stew poured over them.

95 kcals.
cyberfairy I finally had the Moving Mountains veggie hotdogs & they were fab. My partner says best he has had & quite like vegan bratwurst we had in Berlin. There was 4 in the box & a good size but they are expensive.

Also had Asda’s caramelised chipolatas (can’t spell it) & would buy again.
Waitrose mushroom and leek bangers are pretty nice, particularly when brushed with a spicy sauce whilst cooking.
I tried the richmond ones the other day and they're pretty good (still prefer cauldron though)- the taste reminded me of a greggs vegan sausage roll. Uncooked, they were disturbingly like meat sausages I thought. I took them out of the pack and froze them individually as I don't eat that many of them, and the way they were all squished together made me think that they would freeze in a big clump. There was no real noticable difference cooked from frozen or chilled.
They definitely do freeze as a single clump if you don't separate them! #voiceofexperience
Can't say that I really like any sort of sausage. I do eat them, but only sometimes and they need to be properly cooked when I do.

Probably because I know what goes into them, especially the "budget" brands.
That might mean I should like the veggie ones, but meh ...
I went over to the big Sainsbury's this evening to get a couple of items that I cannot get locally, and had a look at their meat free section - very impressive!

Loads of stuff yellow stickered too, so picked up some bargains for OH (mostly for the freezer).

-Fry's vegan smoked hot dog sausages (it doesn't say they are suitable for freezing so they will be breakfast/lunch tomorrow)
-Cauldron Cumberland Sausages
-Plant Pioneers Chorizo Shroomdogs (these will most likely be used as an ingredient I think - I love dishes that involve spicy sausage of some variety, but haven't done that sort of thing for both of us due to lack of easily available non-meat chorizo substitute for OH who is pescetarian - I have plans now though!)
I’ve got some veggie Richmonds in the freezer to see what all the fuss is about
They're very...realistic. I discovered that they now come pre-frozen, which at least saves the hassle of ending up with two frozen blocks of 4 if you just shove the chilled one in the freezer :facepalm:
I’ve got some veggie Richmonds in the freezer to see what all the fuss is about

They are OH's current favourite sausage - I can't recall which supermarket but one of the ones we visit regularly does them (the chilled packs, that is) at 2 packs for £4 which makes them better value than a lot of other options, so it is a good job he likes them!

I can also report that they worked very well in toad in the hole
I don't think I've ever even made toad in the hole. This is an omission which must be rectified forthwith. *eyes enormous stash of flour that is going to need using

Some tips - use plain flour for best results. Chill the batter for half an hour and make sure the fat is very hot and spitting before pouring in the cold batter. Do not under any circumstances open the oven door during cooking, this could cause it to go flat.

I bloody love toad in the hole!
Some tips - use plain flour for best results. Chill the batter for half an hour and make sure the fat is very hot and spitting before pouring in the cold batter. Do not under any circumstances open the oven door during cooking, this could cause it to go flat.

I bloody love toad in the hole!
I knew about the oven thing, but those other tips are sound. A lot of my flour surplus is strong white, so maybe I'll just have to be careful not to over-work the batter?
I knew about the oven thing, but those other tips are sound. A lot of my flour surplus is strong white, so maybe I'll just have to be careful not to over-work the batter?

I've always had best results with a wooden spoon rather than a whisk anyway, you don't need to beat the living daylights out of the batter. :)

I've never tried with strong flour mind you, I guess the texture could end up different.
Fry's vegan smoked hot dog sausages
I bought these when they first came out. Bland is all I can say. Sainsbury's and tesco used to do cheap frozen hotdog veg sausages but they both stopped doing them? Haven't found a decent substitute yet. Moving mountains ones are meh as well.
I bought these when they first came out. Bland is all I can say. Sainsbury's and tesco used to do cheap frozen hotdog veg sausages but they both stopped doing them? Haven't found a decent substitute yet. Moving mountains ones are meh as well.

Thanks, he usually smothers them in condiments anyway, as long as the texture is ok he'll be fine. I'll do some onions to go with.

And yeah the cheap Tesco ones used to be really good, it's been difficult to find anything suitable (and within our price bracket) since they stopped doing them. There's a better range of meat-free stuff these days, but a lot of the old favourites have disappeared and a lot of the new ranges are eye-wateringly expensive. We're not going to save the planet if pea protein based products are more expensive per kilo for the consumer to buy than meat, there doesn't seem to be any good reason for it other than meat free is fashionable right now and they can brand stuff as being high end/luxury.
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