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Fatal shooting on Rushcroft Road (27th April 2007)

tastebud said:
shit. glad i was out last night. though that would've been around the time i came home.
does anyone know what flat it was? that is, what house it was? the name of the house i mean.... was it the library/cinema end of the street or the other end... or the middle?
As far as I could see it was just up from the Juice Bar.
No, actually on Rushcroft Road, just up from the junction with Coldharbour Lane - i.e. up from The Juice Bar.
Let that be a lesson to you: if you post anything here it's liable to be reprinted in the South London Press.

I'm still kicking myself after my most clunkily phrased, poorly punctuated, post ended up quoted in the 'Owner of the Bar with No Name makes a cunt of himself yet again'* article. Made me wince.

* Ok, so I paraphrased there.
This explains why it felt so edgy on Fri/Sat night. I just thought it was me being paranoid. Doesn't feel very comfortable here at the moment. I need to start using my bike again - any hassle and I can speed off :)
It's on the front of today's SLP

Seems it was a burgalry at the squat and they knifed one of the squatters :eek:
sleaterkinney said:
Quoting from here is out of order, can't you do them for copyright?

As a journalist myself, I don't think there is a copyright issue here. However, it is pretty shoddy reporting. The reporter in question should at least have made an attempt to contact the person who made those remarks on U75.
Maybe the hostile reaction to journalist requests on this forum in the past put him off.
But, just to be clear, I am not making excuses for the reporter. Shoddy work at best.
horrible story. I knew some people who lived in those squats, but I don;t think they ever felt worried about being robbed at gunpoint or shot in their own flat.

presumably Brixton's fine CCTV system will have images of the accused running off..........
RushcroftRoader said:
As a journalist myself, I don't think there is a copyright issue here. However, it is pretty shoddy reporting. The reporter in question should at least have made an attempt to contact the person who made those remarks on U75.
Maybe the hostile reaction to journalist requests on this forum in the past put him off.
But, just to be clear, I am not making excuses for the reporter. Shoddy work at best.

Isn't the main issue that apart from being a bit lazy, it's just rather misleading to say "A Rushcroft Road resident said...." because it implies he's actually gone and spoken to someone. If he'd said "a poster on an internet discussion board wrote ...." that would have been fine because the reader of the article can understand the nature of the source and based on this make their own judgement of its reliablity.

(not that I'm questioning the reliability of the poster in this case!)
damit, as it turns out the shooting happened in a befriended flat of mine apparantly there where around 11 innocent people onlooking. this is really horrible.

i tried not to get involved and i am happy i was out of london that weekend.only heard yesterday that it was in said flat.

however i don't know anything else but rumors really!

i feel really sorry for who had to witness this shit.
RushcroftRoader said:
As a journalist myself, I don't think there is a copyright issue here. However, it is pretty shoddy reporting. The reporter in question should at least have made an attempt to contact the person who made those remarks on U75.
I'd say it would have been good practice to acknowledge his source, rather than make out he'd gone around talking to local residents himself. Basic manners, innit?

Another yellow board to the growing collection.

I'm going to fax my useless MP that page full of Brixton shooting boards and ask what great ideas she has to improve things around here.

If you fancy doing the same, you can fax for free from here: http://www.writetothem.com/

In fact, you can now fax your councillor, London Assembly member, and European member of parliament from that same site.

*gets busy
editor said:
I'm going to fax my useless MP that page full of Brixton shooting boards and ask what great ideas she has to improve things around here.

If you fancy doing the same, you can fax for free from here: http://www.writetothem.com/

In fact, you can now fax your councillor, London Assembly member, and European member of parliament from that same site.

*gets busy

Chuff all, she doesn't even live this side of the river. Kate Hoey doesn't give a toss about what goes on unless it related to one of her pet interests. Still worth the fax just to remind her we are still here though.
To her credit, Valerie Shawcross has written a very comprehensive reply to my fax and raised a number of interesting points.

I've emailed her to ask if it's OK to post it here.
I see Editor's amended the title to put the date in.

It does help to distinguish the "there's been another shooting" post ;)
Minnie_the_Minx said:
I see Editor's amended the title to put the date in.

It does help to distinguish the "there's been another shooting" post ;)

Except when there is more than one a day.:eek:
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