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Fatalities and critical injuries at Asake concert crush at the Brixton Academy

Feel free to explain how, say, the San Marino bar might be described as a 'greedy capitalist' venture by me or anyone else.

Or you could just save time and apologise for being an absolute bellend.
I'm just pointing out your double standard. Everybody seeks to maximise profits, not just landlords, but when bars and restaurants do it, you're sympathetic.
I'm just pointing out your double standard. Everybody seeks to maximise profits, not just landlords, but when bars and restaurants do it, you're sympathetic.
You're embarrassing yourself here.

An independent business hoping for passing customers is not the same as a rich, greedy landlord squeezing sitting tenants for every penny they can.
Jeez, are you really this thick? A tenant has little choice but to pay up whatever their greedy landlord demands else they could find themselves homeless. And finding decent accommodation is incredibly time consuming, very difficult and expensive.

If a local bar starts suddenly hikes up their prices and starts taking the piss, punters simply walk on to the next one because finding another bar in Brixton is very very easy.
Jeez, are you really this thick? A tenant has little choice but to pay up whatever their greedy landlord demands else they could find themselves homeless. And finding decent accommodation is incredibly time consuming, very difficult and expensive.

If a local bar starts suddenly hikes up their prices and starts taking the piss, punters simply walk on to the next one because finding another bar in Brixton is very very easy.

And the opposite is also true - that a landlord has to keep the existing tenant because finding a new tenant is time consuming and expensive.

Your argument that providing alcohol is somehow more honourable than providing housing is bizarre. Landlords, pubs, wholefood shops, bike shops, they're all in it for the money. Good luck to them all.
And the opposite is also true - that a landlord has to keep the existing tenant because finding a new tenant is time consuming and expensive.

Your argument that providing alcohol is somehow more honourable than providing housing is bizarre. Landlords, pubs, wholefood shops, bike shops, they're all in it for the money. Good luck to them all.
And the opposite is also true - that a landlord has to keep the existing tenant because finding a new tenant is time consuming and expensive.

Your argument that providing alcohol is somehow more honourable than providing housing is bizarre. Landlords, pubs, wholefood shops, bike shops, they're all in it for the money. Good luck to them all.
Except I made no mention of any profession being 'honourable.' That's just something you've invented as you continue to make a total arse of yourself.

But just to clear one thing up: are you really asserting that it's just as easy to find a new flat as it is for a landlord to find new tenants?
Except I made no mention of any profession being 'honourable.' That's just something you've invented as you continue to make a total arse of yourself.

But just to clear one thing up: are you really asserting that it's just as easy to find a new flat as it is for a landlord to find new tenants?

I'm saying that landlords are no more 'greedy' than bar owners and restaurateurs. It's hardly controversial point. You won't accept it because you have a double standard.
But alcoholism can lead to homelessness. And landlords provide housing, which is essential.
Man, you just don't know when to stop digging.

It's not just bars that are benefitting from the Academy reopening. So are are cafes, restaurants and shops.
Man, you just don't know when to stop digging.

It's not just bars that are benefitting from the Academy reopening. So are are cafes, restaurants and shops.
And none of them is a greedy capitalist. They're all just normal businesses making a profit the way normal businesses do. The same as landlords.
He's not digging, he's trying to wind you up.
No, I think he actually believe the shit he writes, probably because he comes over like a greedy capitalistic swinedog who would happily kick a family onto the street if he could make a few more quid for himself :D
No, I think he actually believe the shit he writes, probably because he comes over like a greedy capitalistic swinedog who would happily kick a family onto the street if he could make a few more quid for himself :D

Absolutely. Both things can be true. ;)
No, I think he actually believe the shit he writes, probably because he comes over like a greedy capitalistic swinedog who would happily kick a family onto the street if he could make a few more quid for himself :D

Two people died, and you appear to only be concerned with the profits of the local bars and restaurants.

And, because you know nothing about me, you made ad hominem insults based on imaginary actions I might take in the future.
I expect they have changed security firm?
After the stories that came out I would have thought so.
Someone on Twitter claiming outsid remained disorganised (but given it's a random on twitter could be bollocks) - did anyone else pass by or were there?

they certainly couldn't have been blamed for under staffing yesterday, the amount of hi-vis people around the block was huge, and that was just stewards not even security.
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