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New development at Hardess St / Wellfit St, Loughborough Junction: 2024 planning application

No. You've changed what I said to some nonsensical scapegoating.

I literally posted a link to a market price two bedroom semi-detached house on sale for for £65,000. If we built more housing in London we could have that sort of thing here too. Price depends on supply and demand, not landlords being vampires or whatever.
No. You've changed what I said to some nonsensical scapegoating.

I literally posted a link to a market price two bedroom semi-detached house on sale for for £65,000. If we built more housing in London we could have that sort of thing here too. Price depends on supply and demand, not landlords being vampires or whatever.

Only if the new builds are socially owned and/or at least rent controlled. Otherwise what do you think will happen to them?

Landlordism is the root of housing prices in a free market, not number of houses.

And if we can introduce rent controls in theory in such a scenario, any reason why it couldn’t be done without building more houses?

The interaction of the risk-free rate and the amount people will pay to have somewhere to live is what determines the price. The demand side of the supply demand equation includes the demand of landlords.
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