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New Year's Eve 2023 -> 2024. Where will you be celebrating?

I might have contemplated a pint with a book at my local, but it's fucking pissing it down out there so I think instead I might treat myself and put the heating on and have some red wine after dinner.
Got an invite to a house party a few weeks back, so hadn't bothered making any plans other than that, but the only thing is it was a bit of a flaky kind of invite, a friend of a friend in the pub kind of thing, so I got to this week and realised I didn't know the actual address. Made enquiries but as of this afternoon I was still none the wiser, so had just resigned myself to having a quiet night in when I got proper confirmation of the address at half 7. Am now re-switching into going out again mode, although I've just found out all buses seem to have stopped running so that makes it a bit trickier.
If I had my way, I'd still be putting on free multi band NYE events at the Albert - it's hard to believe now that some of our shows would go on till 5am.

At least I'm still doing free NYE events, even when I have to push the venue really hard to keep it that way.

There are bands on at Hoots though. Jamm seems to hardy ever put on live shows these days.
We've six live acts at the Windmill tonight (just one disco one). Sold out before Xmas tho. Nice and calm so far ;)
If I go to bed now I'll just be nodding off when the artillery opens up.

Never really done new year, it's just another weekend
That's a pretty uninspiring set of events for Brixton which you would expect to be rocking on NYE. The choices seem pretty limited to disco or pop music. Surprised both The Jamm and Hootananny are having disco events when they are both capable of putting on events with artists that play music of a more underground and credible nature.

There are some less mainstream things going on too but they’re sold out and/or secret/private/invite only

Real Brixton has gone under the radar since gentrification,
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Heading out to the local pub/izakaya in 3 or 4 hours time. With the demand on taxis, we'll probably walk home and stop at the local shrine. There will be a lot of people there, important time of year. Been cleaning up the home today as have a mate staying tonight.
A relatively enjoyable evening, apart from having to listen to a British bloke bang on about his Irishness, half the night.

Sore head this afternoon.
Stayed in and watched the magnificent Barry Lyndon with my pa. We agreed it was brilliant and the digestion of this masterpiece would now send us down our respective rabbit holes of various interests, so had a couple of glasses of decent prosecco and bid each other Good Night, before repairing to our personal spaces to investigate our piqued interests more thoroughly. Ideal NYE tbh. 😎
I had two lots of tickets to two different clubs a 10 minute walk away from each other.

But we stayed in, neither one of us in the mood for dancing or people.
Gave both lots of tickets away, hopefully they were all used.....certainly masterdarkone seems to have had a surprisingly good night so I'm chuffed...as that is a tall order and rare win for him 😀
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