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Fat White Family & various offshoot bands (Moonlandingz, Insecure Men, Warmduscher, Pregoblin etc)

I reckon I'd have a bitch about pretentious musos while being a pretentious muso myself, and perhaps rail against the very concept of awards ceremonies while sitting backstage at an awards ceremony.

That'd be original... Ohh. Wait. No, been done.
Not half as original as going on and on and on and on about a secondhand, context-free comment that may have been perceived be racist while uncritically and unapologetically singing the praises of one of the UK's most racist musicians!

Way to go, Mr Hypocrite!
yeh that video is a step up!
butchersapron what do you mean? did you not understand my sentence? i just meant, there is a lot of very bad music journalism out there (in fact it would make a good thread!).... whereas that piece i posted i thought was excellent; the writer was not showy, not self obsessed, not looking for "click bait" headlines etc... do you agree?
I think we should all bid the fat white family farewell as they depart for the New World to seek their fortune!

what a nice interview this is. http://drownedinsound.com/in_depth/...-family?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

^that is the people i recognise from real life. most other articles about them sound like someone is trying to write either a sociology thesis or a gossip column, damn a lot of music journalism is bad
He sounds fairly normal in that interview. Think maybe I prefer him on a soapbox, mind...
Two things: firstly, I'm surprised nobody ordered a massage, I would have but was deliberating over which one of them I coud trust not to rifle through my pockets and secondly, Flame Proof Moth is shit. I've not heard him play a proper set but I've heard his busking which was dreadful and he stopped just short of repellent with the amount of ogling and sexist 'compliments' he was dishing out to the women.
that is AWESOME too, thanks.... I'd only ever heard the original 1950s version.... whose that by do you know? and yeh that video must have had influence

On Youtube under the vid it says original by Leon Payne, also covered by Elvis Costello.
yeh Leon Payne - blind songwriter beloved of George Jones also wrote 'Lost Highway' and a number of other tunes you'd probably know.
Jack Kittel recorded the best known early version of 'Psycho' - there's a good myth that Payne didn't want it released before his death,
but it came out about a year before he died unexpectedly of a heartattack.

Andre Williams did a good version a few years ago too

... and so on
Been reading some sxsw reports, if these guys don't come back with a major label deal I will be very surprised. .. just saying "I told you so" really, I guess I do know what I'm talking about after all.
By keeping a particular thread running in an entirely cynical way?

Not sure you know what path i mean either.
no i don't to be honest. i thought you meant the path of the band going from small to bigger then playing sxsw, nme etc, then getting major labels involved? yes there's lots of alternatives i agree, if that's what you mean. i like a lot of bands that do it the alternative way and never aim to "get big"

as for me posting this video on this thread.... well it was just cos i saw this video and liked it, and this thread seemed the most appropriate place for it. also means i can find it easily later

ps i was genuinely asking for suggestions
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Hmm actually I didn't realize this was a full set. It does get better. That first tune was fucking awful though.
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