onto the subject of Alex Turner he continued: "Words are not enough to describe how much of a fucking buffoon I think that man is. I find it unbelievable that people think of him the way they do. The guy is clearly a moron. He was talking about the universe and cyclical natures and 'invoice me for the microphone'. What are you talking about man? You're a fucking millionaire. His latest record, I fucking hated it."
He adds: "I hate that little c**t, he's a fucking joke. It was the least rock'n'roll thing I've ever seen in my fucking life. His speech was horrendously embarrassing. It made me sweat, like when you see something that really makes you cringe. Massive cock. Print that."
" It should all be a mess" equals "it was a mess" btw
So, in what way do they resemble GG Allin?
You've got to go at least once to find out for yourself, no?The comments made, of course, at an award show.
We turned up in droves and paid a tenner to watch what must be the greatest band we have in the UK at the moment.
Something we hear said more than once tonight.
Everyone will have an opinion about the FAT WHITE FAMILY this time next year. There’ll be the people who will berate some of us for climbing on some fabricated bandwagon and will wait until they’re on the telly or something before forming an opinion that will be the opposite to those of us lucky to have witnessed this glorious mess of a band already. However, in years to come one can already feel that this lot, in some form or another will be a name that won’t need much of an explanation when inserting them in a sentence amongst some of the other greats we already know, listen to still and reminisce about during those quieter moments in our busy lives.
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Nah, you know what they're like, they knew what they're like - they just wanted to go an have a laugh and free booze but also play the outsider game. I'd do the first myself.You've got to go at least once to find out for yourself, no?
i'd def go to an award ceremony if i won an award, there's (i imagine) free drinks all night!! however there is little chance of that i fear.
Would you really though?Id go, make out im too cool to be there and then try and start a war of words with a band bigger than me to try and generate some headlines. rock and roll
Yes, you definitely would.I reckon I'd have a bitch about pretentious musos while being a pretentious muso myself, and perhaps rail against the very concept of awards ceremonies while sitting backstage at an awards ceremony.
i can't believe we are talking about the nme awards we are (mostly) men in our at least thirties.
i genuinely don't know. I thought it was a teen magazine isn't it? i don't know anyone of my age who buys it, do you?Surely no-one younger than that gives a shit about the NME any more?
i genuinely don't know. I thought it was a teen magazine isn't it? i don't know anyone of my age who buys it, do you?