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Farmers' market in Brixton

Cheers pboi! Glad you like it!

Here is the weekly newsletter


Dear friends of the Brixton Farmers' Market,

This weekend we are absolutely delighted to welcome Sarah, Daniel and the team at Little Coppice Biodynamic Nursery back to the market after their annual winter 'hibernation' period.

Plantsman Daniel has this message for all Brixton Farmers' Market-goers:

"With the snow, rain and general bad weather spring has felt like a long time coming. I'm sure many of you green-fingered folk have felt similar frustrations as we have on the nursery. Fingers crossed we are over the worst.
"Nursery production has been pushed back a couple of weeks, but we will be coming out with an even larger range of perennials, shrubs and climbers. The website and catalogue is currently being updated and should be live very shortly. This should give you an indication of the types and range of plants we have on offer.
"Also, for 2010 we are bringing back a complete range of herbs and vegetable seedlings, with the addition of fruit canes and bushes. These will be for sale at very competitive prices and hopefully satisfy our more food orientated customers. Also, this year we are increasing the number and range of hardy annuals and tender perennials for sale, including a number of different pelagoniums, fuschas, begonias, hyacinths, marguerites and more.
"As ever, all our plants are grown by hand to strict organic and biodynamic standards and are priced as low as possible. Prices for all plants have been frozen at 2009 levels and we will not be passing on the VAT increase to our customers. All perennials are included the 3 for £10 deal, which is now standard at all our different markets and there will be similar deals for annuals and herbs respectively.
Lastly, we wish you all the best for the growing season ahead and hope your garden or window-box flourishes with a little help from ourselves. Let's hope we see you at the market very soon."

If you have yet to come across Little Coppice's fantastic stall, take a look at their website here: www.littlecoppice.com. They will attend on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of each month.


Sarah, Louise, Cheryl, Mark and Arthur

Brixton Farmers' Market - every Sunday 10am - 2pm on Brixton Station Road
So glad today's weather is less inclement for the stalwart stallholders. Really looking forward to going to the farmer's market today.
So glad today's weather is less inclement for the stalwart stallholders. Really looking forward to going to the farmer's market today.

aye, it was a lovely day. i got some sausages, bacon, veg and bread. the radishes are simply the BEST! the goat cheese looked delicious.
London Farmers' Markets brand new website -
Check it out everyone. We've added farmer and producer profiles, live links to what's being sold at each market, links to our twitter and facebook and flickr pages and more to follow. Not all producer pages are live yet but will be soon.
Do let us know what you think

More Stall articles!

Old Post Office bakery
'One of Britain's best bakeries' says the Telegraph

Christchurch Fish
Les rekons this article should be much less about him and much more about the fish, but's interesting nonetheless!

Blooming Green
Those of you with long memories may remember Blooming Green at the first few markets before winter set in. They'll be back when the weather warms up but in the meantime here's their 'My Dream Farm' film to
whet your appetite! It has 12 days left to view.
I really like the way stallholders are listed now, and with pics....the map feature is good too.

i like the new website too with the new pictures and cute symbols of what produce is offered. the map is good, but i liked the old one with the flags on it too.

I love your photos!

owing to the study commitments i did not go the brixton farmers' market on sun 14th of march, instead i went to marylebone one and could not resist the 'out of the box' bakery vegetable pie. delicious, it was.
News update

Dear friends of the Brixton Farmers' Market,

Just a quick note to let you know we have another new farm starting at the market on Sunday.

Animal Farm is a traditional free-range mixed livestock farm of 30 acres set in the beautiful rolling hills of Bellingdon. Established in 2002, they pride themselves on giving animals the very best quality of life. The farm used to be an educational farm, working with schools and other educational institutions to champion rare animal breeds. They are virulent in providing this from birth to dispatch, with the aim of contributing to the raised standard of animal welfare in farming and giving the public the choice to consume responsibly.

Breeds are traditional and slow-growing, creating the very finest tender produce with excellent natural flavour. Currently on the farm, they have wild boar / Tamworth cross pigs, various breeds of sheep, three different breeds of goat, a small herd of Dexter cattle and chickens and ducks kept for eggs.
Charbel Akiki, of Akiki Organics, will also be back this weekend, with his hand-made preserves, organic eggs and gourmet salad vegetables.

Enjoy the market on Sunday

Louise, Cheryl, Mark and Arthur
Brixton Farmers' Market - every Sunday 10am-2pm on Brixton Station Road
Brixton Plant Fair - 23rd May at the Farmers' Market
Also! I forgot to mention here last week about Akiki Organics - that's organic green things people! Squee!

Peter Sikora of Culinary herbs is back in Brixton this weekend. Personally I love his herbs and plants and I'm so glad he's back so I get loads more for my Garden.
Sooo nice to see salad leaves back on the stalls!

I reckon I had roughly 80% success rate at keeping to seasonal fare over winter for the first time ever. I am absolutely gagging for spring salad!!!
London Farmers' Markets brand new website -
Check it out everyone. We've added farmer and producer profiles, live links to what's being sold at each market, links to our twitter and facebook and flickr pages and more to follow. Not all producer pages are live yet but will be soon.
Do let us know what you think

I think you were so impressed by the look of the Brixton Market website that you couldn't help but borrow the brown paper bag motif :hmm:

Please note that the Brixton Market site is copyrighted, and you really shouldn't be hi-jacking its graphical look to promote your own business. Supporting the private company that runs the Sunday Brixton Farmers' Market is *not* the same as supporting Brixton Market as a whole.

People who want to be a true Friend of Brixton Market may be misled by your link. I'd urge people to befriend Brixton Market as a whole by joining the real Friends of Brixton Market via their website.
Sooo nice to see salad leaves back on the stalls!

I reckon I had roughly 80% success rate at keeping to seasonal fare over winter for the first time ever. I am absolutely gagging for spring salad!!!

We're just coming out of "the hungry gap", thank God. No more parsnips!
I think you were so impressed by the look of the Brixton Market website that you couldn't help but borrow the brown paper bag motif :hmm:

Please note that the Brixton Market site is copyrighted, and you really shouldn't be hi-jacking its graphical look to promote your own business. Supporting the private company that runs the Sunday Brixton Farmers' Market is *not* the same as supporting Brixton Market as a whole.

People who want to be a true Friend of Brixton Market may be misled by your link. I'd urge people to befriend Brixton Market as a whole by joining the real Friends of Brixton Market via their website.

Fair enough, and if the link had been to Friends of Brixton Market I wouldn't have thought twice.

It just struck me as a bit rich to use the allusion to promote a private company!
Ahem, I would also like to mention that if you pootle to the Farmer's Market info stall of a Sunday you can pick up a Friends of Brixton Market application form.
Unless it's raining. Then it'll be in the box.
I bought Pink Fir Apple potatoes (again...BFM is the only sure source of supply) a venison and red wine pie from the lovely Swiss bloke, Egremont Russets, butter and cheese. :)
No trade taken away from Brixton Market proper.
The first of the English asparagus has arrived. Hurrah! (A bit pricey atm, though).
Yep, £3.50 a bunch. Too rich for my blood at the mo, but was tempted.

Good to see herb plants arriving there again in good numbers. Saved me some p&p on purchases (I can concentrate on plug plants for containers now) and got some healthy specimens at a decent price
Yep, £3.50 a bunch. Too rich for my blood at the mo, but was tempted.

Good to see herb plants arriving there again in good numbers. Saved me some p&p on purchases (I can concentrate on plug plants for containers now) and got some healthy specimens at a decent price

I'm afraid I succumbed. Am hoping it gets cheaper soon though.
I didn't even ask about the sparrer grass. I knew it would be pricey at this time of year plus it's something I would buy from the Market Proper.
~Weekly ne

Newsly update folks - This week we've Cookoo Box chillies coming to the market. They're a well established nursey, who sell a whole world range of chillies and other culinary plants and they've won three RHS gold medals! Have a look on their website -

This is week is number 4 of the month so it's cakes and fishes time!

The lovely ladys of Lickety Cakes will be there, with their lovely things! Nomnomnomm!

It's Christchurch Fish time. He says he only has a few fish, mostly dover sole, for tomorrow and thinks he will sell out early. Apparently it's off-season for fish at the moment but they will start swimming back in about 4 weeks. You learn things new every day!

Facebook - Brixton Farmer's market now has a facebook fan page. Please search us out

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