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Farmers' market in Brixton

On a positive note, I've never had anything even slightly under par from Akiki. I just roasted some chicken, potatoes and courgettes and Akiki's courgettes were the star of the meal with a gorgeous creamy subtle flavour. I always get some of their salad leaves and eggs, their marmalade is a bit runny but delicious and now I'm loving their courgettes (green and yellow). They have had strawberries the past two weeks but they've been a bit on the small and unripe side so far, hopefully that will change soon. :)

Mainly salad and stir-fry leaves as well as eggs, chutneys and jams. As the weather improves some other veg as well.

edit: only a fraction of the goods listed on the produce page of their website available in Brixton
Aargh, Luca bakery seems to have disappeared from Brixton Farmers Market, hopefully just on holiday.

Today, in their place, was a mob who's name I didn't quite get, something like Cobden, they're not listed on the BFM website. Well, their bread looked nice enough, very small loaves though and £3.75 for them!!

A big 6 seeded from Luca for £2.70 lasted me a whole week and was delicious. (I would freeze half of it as soon as I got it home)

I needed some sort of bread though so I caved in and bought a £1.70 onion loaf from OPB. I love onion bread but this was very disappointing. Nasty sweet taste and fluffy texture. Not quite bread, not quite brioche either. :(

Come back Luca!! *begs*
Brixton farmers' market update

Hi all,

Sorry that some of you have found fruit and vegetables which aren't top quality. PLEASE if this happens tell us so that we can tell the farm - and tell the farmstall yourself when you return the following week. We don't want anyone thinking that these farms are there to rip you off or sell you inferior products. We're happy to pass on any feedback, good or bad.
Re. Lucas bakery - sadly they want to concentrate on their shop in Dulwich, but, they've been replaced by one of the best bakers in London, Born and Bread (also as it happens with a shop in East Dulwich). They're not the best at marketing themselves, but their bread is good, from woodfired ovens and often voted one of the best bakers in London.
Fisherman Les wasn't getting the footfall or sales he needs - we're very sorry to have him leave the market.

On the positive side, Akiki Organics love the market and love your comments and feedback. DJ Tanners, the small fruit and vegetable stall from Dorset apologise for their occasional non shows. Their strawberries are lovely at the moment, and their veg is great too.
Do try one of Keens Cheddar's toasted sandwiches when they're at market - weeks one and three in the month, so next visit 18th July. They're delicious and addictive.
We'll have a word with Cookoo box nursery the chilli people - they've not been doing any markets for a while.
Any comments or suggestions do feel free to email us directly - info@lfm.org.uk

And finally...we continue to be asked if we're moving to Windrush. The council will be putting it out to tender but...they've told us that they don't know if they want a regular market there. If you want us on that spot - let your local Councillor know.

with best wishes,
Louise, Emily, Mark
and Cheryl, Arthur and Mark at LFM
I tried out Akiki at the weekend - it cost me £9.20 for 4 courgettes, 2 heads of garlic and 6 eggs. :mad: I won't be going there again.
I don't want you on the Central Square fwiw Londonfarmers, even if that would be even more convenient to me

Akiki is bloody expensive - 6 incy baby courgettes and flowers came up to £3.50 - tbh I walked away so bemused that I still can't work out how he came up with that (unweighed) price. Garlic was £2 apiece virtually iirc too, albeit for some good hard stalk stuff

Very nice, but definitely special treat territory imo. And then I got home and found I'd sprouted endless courgette flowers and a couple of babas on the back balcony

I don't want you on the Central Square fwiw Londonfarmers, even if that would be even more convenient to me

Akiki is bloody expensive - 6 incy baby courgettes and flowers came up to £3.50 - tbh I walked away so bemused that I still can't work out how he came up with that (unweighed) price. Garlic was £2 apiece virtually iirc too, albeit for some good hard stalk stuff

Very nice, but definitely special treat territory imo. And then I got home and found I'd sprouted endless courgette flowers and a couple of babas on the back balcony



I too find Akiki on the pricey side.

As you'll be inundated with courgette flowers soon, tarannau, can I have some? :p
Akiki's prices seem to have rocketed in the past few weeks. I too got a shock last week at £9 for a few courgettes, a box of eggs and a handful of mustard greens. As much as I like their produce its now gone too pricey for me.

Booo to Lucas going. Not impressed with the prices of the new bakery. :(

As you'll be inundated with courgette flowers soon, tarannau, can I have some? :p

I can't see why not. I'm rubbish at harvesting them tbf - there's probably an art to picking them that I'm not aware of. You leave them in the morning and they're wide open and by the time I get home they're often a shrivelled husk. Horticultural advice welcomed here. I need to encourage more pollinators up here too - my efforts with the make up brush are only sporadically successful. But with the speed they grow in mind, it seems hugely expensive at Akiki, even allowing for the early season premium.

The chillies are going great guns though, albeit with a space where a tepin should be (shakes fist in direction of cookoo box nursery)
Anything good there today? I have friends over from elsewhere who want to go as they actually live in the one place in London there's not farmers' market.
Bit disappointing in terms of the traders now, but decent berries and beanage at the moment. Some of the variety seems to have died off unfortunately - the fishman's gone, as has Luca's and there doesn't seem as much choice atm.

Would like some more variety from plant nurseries - where's more than a token selection of basic herbs for example? Or some chllies? And with Luca's gone, the PO Bakery and what seems to be a fairly expensive new operation seem to be a step down. Couldn't find any tempting bread today. On the other hand I buckled and bought a very tasty bit of cheddar from the Glastonbury people.
I took a second look at the cheddar, but think I might've been told off for buying more cheese :D

Got some cherries which are lovely, and our staple back bacon.
Stocked up on Giggly Pig stuff late in the afternoon again, and bought some pies from the pie people.
Oh and some tayberries, but most of the market stall holders were complaining that it'd been a quiet day.
Very disappointing choice of bread now that Luca is gone. I really needed some so I tried a small stick from Born and Bred. Its quite nice but not outstanding for £1.75. At those prices they should be offering tasting samples, I'm not going to fork out £3.75 for a loaf unless its some sort of completely amazing treat tbh. Old Post Office is dire. So no more bread for me from the Farmer's Market. Ah well, could do with cutting down on carbs. :D

Giggly pig sausages 4 packs for a tenner today, thats 2 dozen sausages. :) Lovely strawbs from the berry man. :)
After much deliberation and an intensive tasting programme, I hereby award Gould's Extra Mature the rosette for the 'Blinking Brixton's Best Cheddar Award.'

I was quite pleased with the Green's cheddars from the friendly man, but Gould's seems a cut above in the strong flavour stakes. So well done Gould's of Shepton Mallet, you've surplanted your cheesy neighbours from Glastonbury in my fridge wish list
It was looking pretty strong today with some new stalls and busy trade.

Finally there is garlic! Pretty expensive although apparently a variety of different types and the bulbs were massive (think really large onion size). Also some damn fine tasting condiments, including weird ones like banana garlic chutney. I had to have some of the pickled garlic, one sweet, one hot.
It was looking pretty strong today with some new stalls and busy trade.

Finally there is garlic! Pretty expensive although apparently a variety of different types and the bulbs were massive (think really large onion size). Also some damn fine tasting condiments, including weird ones like banana garlic chutney. I had to have some of the pickled garlic, one sweet, one hot.

Is that Isle of Wight Garlic Farm? Their chutneys are really nice.
Is that Isle of Wight Garlic Farm? Their chutneys are really nice.
Yes, I believe it is. I did come away with a jar each of Fig&Apple, Apricot&Ginger and Creamed Horseradish.

I am a sucker for chutneys, jams and other condiments. :oops: Have a cupboard full of them. Very handy at christmas time though, especially as gifts.
Yes, I believe it is. I did come away with a jar each of Fig&Apple, Apricot&Ginger and Creamed Horseradish.

I am a sucker for chutneys, jams and other condiments. :oops: Have a cupboard full of them. Very handy at christmas time though, especially as gifts.

We have the fig and apple one. Really nice with a roast pork.

Might have to go over one week if they're regularly there.
So well done Gould's of Shepton Mallet, you've surplanted your cheesy neighbours from Glastonbury in my fridge wish list

He's one of the Actionette's uncles :) They get a wheel of that cheddar at Christmas [jealous]
We have the fig and apple one. Really nice with a roast pork.

Might have to go over one week if they're regularly there.
He said they'd be there once a month only, so I would guess the 4th Sunday from today being 5th December.

There is also Miss Stoneham's Preserves to be found there monthly. Her marmalades and savoury jellies (tarragon, yum) are sublime, I'm on my third jar of greengage jam.

Not to forget Mridula Baljekar's Kitchen, does a great Sweet Tomato Jam. I've also got a few things from It's Only, mmm Spiced Pears.

Did I mention that I am a sucker for this sort of thing? :D


FISH! Les the fisherman, has a big catch down in Christchurch and will be coming along to the market for tomorrow only.
Do come down and say hello!

Here's an article about him from the Telegraph last year

ALSO Brambletye, the biodynamic fruit farm, will be returning tomorrow with their apples and pears!


Masih Masala will be attending for the first time with their range of cooked Indian foods.

A busy day!
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