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Famine in the East Africa


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Somalia was already at the bottom of the Global Hunger Index, and the world's poorest country. There's been a disastrous combination of successive failed rain seasons, political instability, regional conflicts, the Covid pandemic, and the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There've also been constraints on trade and humanitarian access. Obviously climate change will continue to cause and exacerbate problems globally, and this area is getting hit paticularly badly.

There's already a thread on the civil war in Ethiopia, there's a climate change forum, and discussion of wider-reaching effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but I think because of the combination of causes for the worsening famine, it needed its own thread.

Horn of Africa map showing large areas of severe-extreme drought.png

In May, researchers from Oxfam and Save the Children said that in [Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia] a person is likely dying every 48 seconds and a major humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding. The number of critically hungry people in these countries has doubled since last year, and is now about 23 million.

In Africa, Conflict and Climate Super-Charge the Forces Behind Famine and Food Insecurity - Inside Climate News
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