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Extinction Rebellion

Yeah, I think it’s a good one too, and I’m usually very critical of XR.

It’s only occupying an area usually taken up by useless cunts, and makes the point that they are useless cunts, while also getting a good whack of publicity for their demand of a Citizens’ Assembly.
Course it’s a good stunt - it’s got some publicity. Anyone disagreeing with the measure?
That photo is the political equivalent of 'the absinthe drinkers'. A more miserable group I've rarely seen. But if as you say publicity is the measure then the climbing on trains was their most successful escapade
That photo is the political equivalent of 'the absinthe drinkers'. A more miserable group I've rarely seen. But if as you say publicity is the measure then the climbing on trains was their most successful escapade
But what do you think of the message? Just seems lazy to attack the tactics without presenting an alternative - or do you think everything’s fine?
But what do you think of the message? Just seems lazy to attack the tactics without presenting an alternative - or do you think everything’s fine?
Oh fuck off with your present an alternative. I've no need to present an alternative at all. The message is opaque for the vast majority of people. I'd have thought a citizens assembly a really radical demand outside the parliamentary ambit, something perhaps close to a constituent assembly, certainly something in which 'we the people' were taking the initiative and bypassing parliament. But a quick look at the xr website shows it's nothing of the kind. It seems to be something reliant on politicians to call altho xr have a great unfounded faith that a ca will prevail in the court of public opinion and thus force the hands of the politicians.

So because the message is unclear I think it's a poor stunt. As for everything being fine I've never said that, indeed for some years now I've said things are very far from fine and even if governments and companies exerted themselves we'd likely be in the shit because of things like the melting permafrost and undersea methane hydrates.

In any case I have no faith in xr given the abysmal way they've treated people I know arrested on their events, charged, and prosecuted, where they've not even sent someone to court to support them.
It was funny at least when BBC had some tory mp phone in this afternoon and say how awful it was as XR protestors just seem to want to cause most disruption to hard working people going about their everyday lives. Shame the presenter didn't ask the obvious question of who they were disrupting in this instance (some tourists going round HoP?).
But what do you think of the message? Just seems lazy to attack the tactics without presenting an alternative - or do you think everything’s fine?
Oh and they've already had a citizens assembly https://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/committees/climate-assembly-uk/ I don't think a second go would be any more successful - what makes you think it would? Isn't that one of the definitions of insanity, doing something repeatedly and expecting a different outcome?
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That photo is the political equivalent of 'the absinthe drinkers'. A more miserable group I've rarely seen. But if as you say publicity is the measure then the climbing on trains was their most successful escapade

That was nuts, and so backfired.

Whilst I agree with XR's overall aims, these mainly white middle class & comfortable activists need to take a long hard look at what they are doing, FFS there's a serious fucking cost of living crisis, people are worried about how they are going to eat and heat their homes, ATM most people couldn't give a flying fuck about XF's publicity stunts, which are not going to solve anything.
That was nuts, and so backfired.

Whilst I agree with XR's overall aims, these mainly white middle class & comfortable activists need to take a long hard look at what they are doing, FFS there's a serious fucking cost of living crisis, people are worried about how they are going to eat and heat their homes, ATM most people couldn't give a flying fuck about XF's publicity stunts, which are not going to solve anything.
Yep - and they admit it backfired, most were against.

Just seems to be bizarre to have a go at anyone doing anything to raise this issue due to how fucking serious it is. Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic etc.
That was nuts, and so backfired.

Whilst I agree with XR's overall aims, these mainly white middle class & comfortable activists need to take a long hard look at what they are doing, FFS there's a serious fucking cost of living crisis, people are worried about how they are going to eat and heat their homes, ATM most people couldn't give a flying fuck about XF's publicity stunts, which are not going to solve anything.
Yep - and they admit it backfired, most were against.

Just seems to be bizarre to have a go at anyone doing anything to raise this issue due to how fucking serious it is. Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic etc.
That was nuts, and so backfired.

Whilst I agree with XR's overall aims, these mainly white middle class & comfortable activists need to take a long hard look at what they are doing, FFS there's a serious fucking cost of living crisis, people are worried about how they are going to eat and heat their homes, ATM most people couldn't give a flying fuck about XF's publicity stunts, which are not going to solve anything.
Yeh of course it was nuts and backfired. But edcraw's on about publicity being the measure of success. And on that basis it was successful beyond xr's wildest dreams.
Yep - and they admit it backfired, most were against.

Just seems to be bizarre to have a go at anyone doing anything to raise this issue due to how fucking serious it is. Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic etc.
I'll tell you what's bizarre, demanding a citizens assembly three fucking years after there was one. Didn't you know there'd been one which reported in 2020?

E2a what is the point in demanding another one?
Yep - and they admit it backfired, most were against.

Just seems to be bizarre to have a go at anyone doing anything to raise this issue due to how fucking serious it is. Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic etc.

TBF it's a bit too late now, and even if the UK did more now it's not going have much of an impact, as we are a such a minor player in this climate change crisis.

Meanwhile, there's a fucking cost of living crisis, which no doubt isn't going to impact too much on these middle class protesters, and that is somewhat more important at this moment in time.
I'll tell you what's bizarre, demanding a citizens assembly three fucking years after there was one. Didn't you know there'd been one which reported in 2020?

E2a what is the point in demanding another one?

Three years after a small, unpublicised assembly with no wider public engagement, set up to ask a very constrained question, with a remit of gathering views from industry “stakeholders” moreso than regular citizens, that ignored emissions due to UK activity and commerce that are generated outside UK territory, that siloed attendees into the same themed working groups for the whole process, and had no binding elements meaning that even their very watered-down recommendations could be ignored by Government.

Which they were.

Yeah, bizarre that they are asking for something more than that.
Three years after a small, unpublicised assembly with no wider public engagement, set up to ask a very constrained question, with a remit of gathering views from industry “stakeholders” moreso than regular citizens, that ignored emissions due to UK activity and commerce that are generated outside UK territory, that siloed attendees into the same themed working groups for the whole process, and had no binding elements meaning that even their very watered-down recommendations could be ignored by Government.

Which they were.

Yeah, bizarre that they are asking for something more than that.
Yeh like a 2022 ca would be any better. They asked for it, they got it, and I can't see a truss govt if it was minded to give it giving it a broader remit than a may govt.
TBF it's a bit too late now, and even if the UK did more now it's not going have much of an impact, as we are a such a minor player in this climate change crisis.

Meanwhile, there's a fucking cost of living crisis, which no doubt isn't going to impact too much on these middle class protesters, and that is somewhat more important at this moment in time.
Cost of living crisis and climate change aren’t mutually exclusive - we need to deal with both.

If you’re saying it’s too late to deal with the climate crisis then that’s pretty fucking depressing unless you’re down playing the seriousness of it.
Yeh like a 2022 ca would be any better. They asked for it, they got it, and I can't see a truss govt if it was minded to give it giving it a broader remit than a may govt.

This was a Parliamentary select committee thing, not a granting of any XR demand.

XR’s ideas for it are very thought out and precise. Which surprised me as they are quite shambolic and scatty on many matters.
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It was funny at least when BBC had some tory mp phone in this afternoon and say how awful it was as XR protestors just seem to want to cause most disruption to hard working people going about their everyday lives. Shame the presenter didn't ask the obvious question of who they were disrupting in this instance (some tourists going round HoP?).
So infuriating, bloody BBC. :mad:
That was nuts, and so backfired.

Whilst I agree with XR's overall aims, these mainly white middle class & comfortable activists need to take a long hard look at what they are doing, FFS there's a serious fucking cost of living crisis, people are worried about how they are going to eat and heat their homes, ATM most people couldn't give a flying fuck about XF's publicity stunts, which are not going to solve anything.
Yeah! These bloody climate activists should stop messing around and launch a proper campaign, demanding something like, I dunno, properly insulating all homes in Britain, something like that.
why are you straw manning this? what you claim happened isn't what XR are asking for.

It’s a Citizen’s Assembly on the right general subject to be fair. If PM is approaching this in good faith, the XR working group is really approachable and have regular Q&A’s and are also receptive to suggestions.
Yeah! These bloody climate activists should stop messing around and launch a proper campaign, demanding something like, I dunno, properly insulating all homes in Britain, something like that.

It would be good if they did that, a proper campaign. Instead they glued themselves to a few roads and then got bored of the whole insulation thing. Why put in the legwork campaigning for insulation when you can glue yourself to The Hay Wain or whatever.
What XR said about the 2020 assembly can be read here: Citizens' Assembly - Extinction Rebellion UK

In short they regard it as a stepping stone
Yeh it wasn't what they wanted. As the rolling stones sang, you can't always get what you want. Do you think today's miserable antic has hastened the sort of ca xr want? Asfaic there's what, eight years to hold it in for it to make any sort of meaningful impact? I can't see it happening, certainly not before 2024
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