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Extinction Rebellion

Pickman's model still hasn't expounded.

Seems to me that if martin-of-youtube is not Count Cuckula , then he is probably some other urban75 user who is always complaining about everyone else doing things wrong, and failing to expound.

I don't want to point any fingers but I've got my suspicions who he could be.
You're always complaining about people doing things wrong and you've not shared your views of xr on this thread.
There's always been stuff like that about all sorts of groups in the media, I don't think it's anything to worry about really. On some level I think it's a good sign as it shows the group is in the popular consciousness and maybe even has some of the established order worried.

the main benefit of XR would seem to be getting young uns interested in protest judging by the awareness in my kids. it's not a popular revolution by any means but better than nothing - at the very least, it has the schoolies generation talking about things
You're always complaining about people doing things wrong and you've not shared your views of xr on this thread.
I've not complained about XR doing things wrong, so have no duty to say what should be happening instead. Nor have I denied that i am that YouTube guy.

It's noted that you also do not deny it.

And it's noted that you have not solved climate change.
I read an interesting article in one of the funny papers today, which for once was a good read. I enjoyed this part, which for me, clarified what it is about. Often the funny papers dont tell you what it is all about, and so you remain uneducated about the background of the story. Here is copy and paste of it. It is about the protest at the Science Museum, and about Shell Oil. The last sentence of it in particular is very important. QUOTE

Dr Charlie Gardner, an associate senior lecturer in conservation science at the University of Kent, and a member of Scientists for Extinction Rebellion, said: 'Shell, an oil company, is a major driver of the climate emergency.

'We find it unacceptable that a scientific institution, a great cultural institution such as the Science Museum, should be taking money, dirty money, from an oil company.

'Oil companies have invested heavily over the last three decades in undermining public confidence in science and it's the reason why there are still, to this day, people that doubt or deny the existence of climate change.

'Oil companies have an anti-science agenda and yet the Science Museum is taking their money.

'The fact that Shell are able to sponsor this exhibition allows them to paint themselves as part of the solution to climate change, whereas they are, of course, at the heart of the problem.'


Wonderful, thanks for some clear background on it.
Anyway it is very easy to tell the difference between Martina and Count Cuckula because one of them is old and the other is a sixth former
Shitloads of TSG , bears in the air and legions of transport OSU virtually closed London Bridge as about 50 obviously dangerous threat to society peaceniks hold up a few banners. Nice bit of BH o/t and maybe the chance to get the boot into a pensioner later

Sorry in advance in case I'm being dense but what is OSU in this context?
Sorry in advance in case I'm being dense but what is OSU in this context?
They might mean PSU -police support unit 1 3 and 18 normally level 2 ( i.e. they have other day jobs and four days training a year)

Or Transport BCU BCU being the ‘new’ name for divisions or boroughs in the met. Transport BCU is that part of the Met ( not BTP) that is funded by and supports the non tube bits of TFL, mostly busses, taxi’s and mini cabs.

OSUs used to be operational support units. But that tended to date from before firearms was a full time role. They did firearms, search and some times surge policing. A bit like the met TSG.
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They might mean PSU -police support unit 1 3 and 18 normally level 2 ( i.e. they have other day jobs and four days training a year)

Or Transport BCU BCU being the ‘new’ name for divisions or boroughs in the met. Transport BCU is that part of the Met ( not BTP) that is funded by and supports the non tube bits of TFL, mostly busses, taxi’s and mini cabs.

OSUs used to be operational support units. But that tended to date from before firearms was a full time role. They did firearms, search and done times surge policing. A bit like the met TSG.


They wrote OSU, and my brain temporarily froze, hence me asking.

If they had written PSU or BCU I'd probably not have asked.
Yes. WWF are awful, and therefore a good target.

Yeah they're shit. But to what end is the point of targeting them on climate change? XR won't stop them doing anything, so it's purely symbolic and media message related, and I suspect it'll just confuse things and look weird to many people. Happy to be convinced otherwise, but it does smack of the Four Lions 'bomb the mosque' sketch a bit to me.
Seems to be connected to this: WTF WWF

Immediately stop dispossessing indigenous and local communities of their land. Cease any collaboration or support to organisations that evict Indigenous and local communities.

Transition all your fortress conservation projects to the support of genuine indigenous-led and community-led conservation. Projects must actively advocate and be based upon: recognising land rights, local knowledge, local livelihoods, and social justice. Use your platform and financial leverage to advocate these changes across the whole conservation sector.

Be accountable by giving control of project funding to local communities, through their own democratic/collective processes. Be transparent through systems of direct people-to-people communication, such as people’s assemblies, between local communities and your supporters.

Stop the conflict of interests with those destroying ecosystems: cut financial links with large corporations; fire board members from polluting industries; use your platform to mobilize people to take action and demand an end to corporate ecocide.
Seems to be connected to this: WTF WWF

What’s that got to do with a climate emergency? If extinction rebellion can’t think of a better target than WWF then maybe it’s not an emergency? Or maybe they’re just really counterproductively bad at selecting targets, which we know they are from past experience.
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