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Explosion in Paris 21/6/23

According to witnesses quoted by French media, there was a strong smell of gas before the blast.

Seems to have been a gas leak resulting in an explosion.
Not much to say so far except one person critically injured and a building destroyed. Military type with a big gun in the photo, but maybe that's normsl for Paris these days.
Paris explosion: Seven critically injured after blast

There has been armed soldiers at the main train stations in France for years now. Usually patrolling in 2s and 3s but they don't usually have their helmets on, I imagine they have them nearby just in case.
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I'm in Paris at the moment but didn't know about this till someone of this parish contacted me. It's a big student/tourist area and it's not so long since the Bataclan etc attacks so guess folk are on edge. :(
There has been armed soldiers at the main train stations in France for years now. Usually patrolling in 2s and 3s but they don't usually have their helmets on, I imagine they have them nearby just in case.
Useful to know, thanks
It seems to be a fairly regular thing in France and Belgium - a building in Marseilles collapsed a while back
It seems to be a fairly regular thing in France and Belgium - a building in Marseilles collapsed a while back

and here too - its actually approaching the twelve month anniversary of that horror in Galpins Road that saw a young girl killed

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