And fitness products generally. Including ranges very popular with women who go to gyms. No flies on ReebokIs that the Reebok that sell trainers?
And fitness products generally. Including ranges very popular with women who go to gyms. No flies on Reebok
Anything is profitable, if you throw enough marketing at it.It's good to know that feminism is so profitable these days.
Anything is profitable, if you throw enough marketing at it.
What about exploding toads? Or Jimmy Savill?
Savile's relentless self promotion managed to keep him out of the dock throughout his life. An excellent example.What about exploding toads? Or Jimmy Savill?
I'll buy an exploding toad, if you've got one handy. May draw the line at Saville though. Unless he explodes too, or can be made to.
InfoWars' Paul JW verbally hacked into pieces on twitter:
Alt-right commentator claims Romans weren't ethnically diverse, gets owned by actual historian