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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread


yoiks, I'd forgotten about the Tour de Trump.
at the time one wag pointed out that literally construed, it would mean "a race around trump."
Googled Tour de Trump, later known as the Tour Dupont.
It was supposed to become as popular as the Tour de France.

Bit that amused me from the wiki version

Trump's lawyers subsequently sent a "cease and desist" letter to the organizers of a bike race held in Aspen, Colorado called the Tour de Rump.

The letter stated: "You are using the name and mark Tour de Rump in connection with an 'inaugural' cycling event. Your use of that name and mark is likely to cause confusion and constitutes trademark infringement, unfair competition and false designation of origin, all in violation of applicable federal and state laws"

The organizer Ron Krajian's lawyer responded by arguing that his race was a local and non-commercial event, and predated the Tour de Trump.

No response was received from Trump's lawyers, and the Tour de Rump went ahead

This reminded me to be curious about what the latest on Gaetz Gate was, so I googled him. One of the results is below.

"May contain ... Human Person". Debatable indeed

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this is getting attention over here today:

on the one hand, they're robbing each other, so screw 'em.

Many of these sites were used to amass substantial email lists which were rented to political candidates and other clients. Rudnick claimed that Christian eNews, for example, built a list of 1,000,000 emails as of 2018. According to ASG marketing materials, Christian eNews emails were rented to political candidates and other clients at a cost of $20,000 per send. Firearms & Freedom had built a list of 300,000 emails as of 2018. ASG’s "small donor list," which includes 1.2 million people from its lists that have previously donated to political candidates, was rented to campaigns for $36,000 per email.

on the other hand, it certainly smells like copyright infringement, which just may be why the sites disappeared so fast.

Politico, Axios, and BuzzFeed, however, told Popular Information that they did not have any syndication relationship with the 1776 Coalition and the republication of their content was unauthorized.

On June 5, Popular Information contacted Rudnick and asked his basis for republishing major media outlets on his network of sites. Rudnick did not respond, but less than 24 hours later, the 1776 Coalition and numerous other websites in the network — many of which have been in operation for more than a decade — were taken offline.
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I was talking to someone at work yesterday about unpleasant house party antics, and I mentioned the infamous Upper Decker. My colleague didn’t know what the expression meant so I googled it for him, and was surprised to see there were quite a few stories/ links about Trump leaving an upper decker during a NATO meeting.

I’m sure it’s bollocks of course, if only because the old cunt doesn’t look agile enough to do the deed, but if you search for Trump upper decker you’ll see it’s a fairly well spread internet rumour :D
already 8 years ago

and an update 5 years later

and a year after that

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