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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

The narrator is an idiot, but my ambition is to feature in one of these videos some day and not as one of the spoilt brats revving their toy cars.

My ambition is to knock someone the fuck out that tries that on a car of mine. I'm saving up for a Lambo to make it happen.
I've not been quiet really - I deliberately posted those images to give you and others a chance to write a post like this and feel all pleased with yourselves.

Successful clickbait.
Though also generously providing free ammunition for future hypocrisy charges if you choose to further support calls to ban all those evil death machines blighting our very existence :thumbs:
Though also generously providing free ammunition for future hypocrisy charges if you choose to further support calls to ban all those evil death machines blighting our very existence :thumbs:
You're still struggling to grasp what it is I want to ban.
Pretty much everyone in that video came across as an idiot except possibly the driver of the last Lamborghini who managed to restrain himself from thumping the guy who kicked his car. I was surprised by the kickers and keyers themselves though, most of them looked like respectable upstanding citizens who would just tut-tut rather than react aggressively.
Best bit by a long way was the cop telling the guy with the phone he was seizing it as evidence, "What no you can't have my phone!"
I've not been quiet really - I deliberately posted those images to give you and others a chance to write a post like this and feel all pleased with yourselves.

Successful clickbait.

I think you had fun blatting around the countryside in your hatchback, definitely not keeping at sub-40 mph speeds and absolutely delighted that you weren’t in a succession of buses.

The narrator is an idiot, but my ambition is to feature in one of these videos some day and not as one of the spoilt brats revving their toy cars.

In fairness, half of these cars are on foreign plates and the assaults are in and around Knightsbridge. Every year there's an influx of these fucking things where rich kids from Monaco and the Gulf States fly their cars over for what they call "the season" and wreak havoc, knowing full well they can't be done unless they're physically arrested. If that happens they often get diplomatic immunity somehow. I'd be quite happy if all their cars were crushed.
In fairness, half of these cars are on foreign plates and the assaults are in and around Knightsbridge. Every year there's an influx of these fucking things where rich kids from Monaco and the Gulf States fly their cars over for what they call "the season" and wreak havoc, knowing full well they can't be done unless they're physically arrested. If that happens they often get diplomatic immunity somehow. I'd be quite happy if all their cars were crushed.
Great post.
The last driver was a thoroughly decent bloke!
No he wasn't - he had a stupid car, was revving it uneccessarily, and then tried to gaslight the man who took completely reasonable action.

The guy shouldn't have apologised; he should have escalated to keying, seeing as the driver hadn't learned his lesson from the milder action.
Like teuchter I'm all for direct action against anti-social road users. We could, for instance, spray entitled zombie lemmings who don't wait for the green man at traffic light pedestrian crossings with a water gun, or slash the tyres of cyclists caught riding on the pavement or jumping traffic lights.

This type of actions, coupled with those targetting antisocial car drivers, would sure ensure every road user, whether on foot, two wheels or four, would soon learn to behave responsibly and respectfully when out and about :thumbs:
Funny enough, I collected a mate from Brighton hospital yesterday, and there's loads of cyclists acting like complete twats in the city, I've never witnessed such behaviour, maybe the sun got to them.

I always leave plenty of space when I overtake them, yet they are happy to speed past on the inside with just inches to spare, or cut across in front of me to turn right, with no warning whatsoever, and forcing me to brake hard, suddenly weaving out of the cycling lane into the car lane, to over take, without even looking, etc. etc.

Having to put up with that behaviour all day long, on a daily basis, it's hardly surprising that some professional drivers get aggressive with some of the cycling twats.
Proper speeding laws:

read an article in the news this morning. A woman got her Dad's car confiscated after "insane" driving whilst under the influence of drugs.

The anti car brigade are missing a trick. Be nice to Lamborgini drivers so they allow you to borrow their car. Then go fucking mental, and the police seize the vehicle.
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