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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

it’s now to do with bottle, just fed up of constant every day pavement parking
Talk of "bottle" is only to be expected from the toxic masculinity, macho posturing petrol head dinosaur motorist brigade.

The implication that someone taking action to protect the public by placing a sticker, should be prepared for or invite direct confrontation is just a kind of victim blaming. Again, just what you'd expect from the toxic masculinity, macho posturing petrol head dinosaur motorist brigade.
i’ve just ordered a load of You Park Like A Cunt stickers to slap on the windscreen of pavement parkers. can’t wait to use them
To save me the 180 seconds of googling, it would be great if you could post a link to the site from where you ordered them, please.
I have a need
I’ll repeat my old top tip - if somone has parked like a cunt then a friendly message letting them know this, written on the windscreen with a lipstick, is really hard to remove. Learnt this from an ex girlfriend who happened to be a wheelchair user…
To save me the 180 seconds of googling, it would be great if you could post a link to the site from where you ordered them, please.
I have a need
It's ok to murder people with your car, if you get into an argument with them, UK court decides.

The court heard how Mrs Pirali-Dashti had been travelling towards Brent Cross with her husband, Asghar Moradmand, when their Honda Civic bumped into Barrow’s Volkswagen Touareg.
Prosecutor Deanna Heer alleged that Barrow “lost his temper” following the minor collision and punched Mr Moradmand in the face.

Mrs Pirali-Dashti was standing in front of the defendant’s car on the phone to the police when Barrow knocked her to the ground, jurors heard.

Ms Heer said: “Then, as she lay there helpless, he drove over her causing severe crushing injuries from which she later died.”

Mrs Pirali-Dashti’s husband had been shouting for Barrow to stop as he drove forward, the Old Bailey heard.

Giving evidence, Barrow insisted it was an “accident”.

He told jurors: “I was starting to get scared. I didn’t go out to kill and murder someone.”

Asked if he was worried at the time that he might hit Mr Moradmand who stood near his wife in front of the car, the defendant said: “You do have concerns but I didn’t tell either of them to put themselves in a position in front of my car?

“You don’t put yourself in danger.”

He told jurors that he mistakenly thought the couple were “trying to pull a scam on me” so he just wanted to “move away”.

Even Daily Mail readers think it's disgusting -

Screenshot 2021-07-21 at 11.42.59.jpg
More proof that we need to register these death machines.

Cyclist 'jumped red light and killed pedestrian Peter McCombie'​

A cyclist killed a 73-year-old pedestrian after riding through a red light, leaving him "bleeding" in the road, a court has heard.

Ms Heer said the lights had been "on red for over five seconds" but Mr Loka continued cycling and crashed into Mr McCombie.
She added: "As he lay on the road, bleeding and unconscious, the defendant - who had also fallen down - picked up his bike and cycled away, leaving others to call an ambulance for Mr
Is there no end to this madness!

E-bike cyclist killed pedestrian while ‘travelling 10mph over speed limit’ in London, court told​

At the time of the collision, the 32-year-old was travelling at speeds of 30mph on a road limited to 20mph, jurors were told.
NB the second one of those is a motorcycle.
I know there's a lot of love for e-bikes on these boards but there are tonnes of 'e-bikes' on the road where I live that are in fact electric motorbikes, largely delivery companies like Deliveroo etc.
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I know there's a lot of love for e-bikes on these boards but there are tonnes of 'e-bikes' on the road where I live that are in fact electric motorbikes, largely delivel
They're everywhere. They're supposed to be pedal assisted (or is it motor assisted?) but there's videos all over YouTube of cyclists flying along at breakneck speeds without a single twist of the crank.
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It's a cyclist with ideas above his station.
I'm not too bothered about what you want to call motorcyclists. But it's good that you have finally realised that they are a lethal hazard, even at 30mph. The next step is to reflect on your own behaviour and start making some changes.
It's ok to murder people with your car, if you get into an argument with them, UK court decides.

Even Daily Mail readers think it's disgusting -

View attachment 279778

Perhaps the Daily Mail readers aren't aware of the full facts of the case. For example, the victim died of coronavirus in hospital, and that would be entirely unforeseen and unconnected with the defendant's act. Perhaps the prosecution should have gone for a lesser charge if they weren't confident of convincing a jury that murder was the appropriate charge in this case.
I guess we should also scratch them with keys and slash their tyres, as advocated by the warrior car-abolitionists here.
There is a happy medium, where tolerance is upheld from all sides based on respect for others and the actions that may impact others in a negative way.Only when this tolerance and respect is broken should we key the cars. Big fucking multi panel scratches down to the primer . I speak as a medium ranking petrol head here
There is a happy medium, where tolerance is upheld from all sides based on respect for others and the actions that may impact others in a negative way.Only when this tolerance and respect is broken should we key the cars. Big fucking multi panel scratches down to the primer . I speak as a medium ranking petrol head here

Are you up for keying cyclists down to the blood if they aren't tolerant and respectful too? :hmm:
Are you up for keying cyclists down to the blood if they aren't tolerant and respectful too? :hmm:
Bring back the chariot, I say.
Why did they go for manslaughter then?
Because they were fucking idiots?
The jury only get to decide if the defendant is guilty (in their view) of what they're charged with. They don't get to find them guilty of a lesser charge if they're not charged with one.
The CPS obviously fucked up. You can't blame the jury for that.
Because they were fucking idiots?
The jury only get to decide if the defendant is guilty (in their view) of what they're charged with. They don't get to find them guilty of a lesser charge if they're not charged with one.
The CPS obviously fucked up. You can't blame the jury for that.
I’m not surprised if the CPS were wary of trying to prove murder. They would need to prove that the driver intentionally wanted to hurt her, but he claims that he wasn’t aware that she was lying there. Manslaughter is much easier to go for, as you only need to show that he acted recklessly and negligently in a way that could have been foreseen to endanger life.
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