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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Entitled driver of the week is the mother of one of my daughter's friends. I had to walk in the road to get to school this morning because her cuntmobile was parked across the whole pavement. Then she has a screaming match with the traffic warden who was trying to give her a ticket in front of all the kids and then drives off at top speed having to brake hard to slow down for her corner less than a hundred yards away. With primary school kids all over the shop. Silly cunt lives less than ten minutes walk away and can't have been on her way to work unless she's a professional nightwear model. I gave the poor warden a friendly nod and told him to give them all fucking tickets. Absolute arseholes. Why should.cunts like this be allowed driving licenses?
What a fucking weird thing to say.
He is entirely unable to conceive that people might actually be genuinely inconvenienced by his and others' entitled behaviour so he assumes objections are based on jealousy and hatred or something. In fact unless you're amused by really fucking stupid and pointless analogies he's not worth bothering with at all.
Jeremy Vine cycling like a twat again:

Big debate in the comments but with Beano-style comic lolz he even claims he knew the driver was going to turn but decided to plough through and use his horn rather than hang back like the Highway Code requires.

This is the most boring post on this thread.
It's also one of the most stupid. It's nothing to do with motorists except they use the bridge, but so do cyclists , horse riders, and pedestrians etc. It's just teuchter being teuchter and looking for anything to suggest motorists are to blame, no matter how tenuously.
It's prompted a frenzy of 6 petrol-head numpty posts in a row though. In less than an hour. Rushing to the defence of their beloved mass concrete, with which they'd ideally pave over the entirety of the UK.
It's also one of the most stupid. It's nothing to do with motorists except they use the bridge, but so do cyclists , horse riders, and pedestrians etc. It's just teuchter being teuchter and looking for anything to suggest motorists are to blame, no matter how tenuously.
Yet he continues to ignore far more troubling associations, such as Hitler's fondness for bicycles and trains. I know which group I'd rather fall into.
Had to post this somewhere so here will do.

Driving through Kentish Town earlier there's a bit of a queue at some traffic lights. The car in front of me was sensibly quite close to the kerb, probably to dissuade cyclists from filtering down the inside and knocking door mirrors etc. This didn't stop one bellend from trying though, and he squeezed along the side leaning his cuntraption over the pavement. A bloke was walking a dog on the pavement and as the cycle moron put his foot down the dog bit him really hard!

Made my day!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

teuchter has run rings round most of you dullards. It's only the thick ones that even bother anymore.
Except this isn't true. The anti car posters have done little except attract piss taking and general ridicule. Even the most brain dead can see the hypocrisy of much of their arguments. The I don't need a car except when I need a car argument often posted here sticks two fingers up at their own arguments.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.

And that is how the anti car brigade is doing here. Your own arguments are ridiculous. If you had any intelligence you could see this. But your own closed mindedness means you can't see the ridiculousness of your arguments. We, the more open minded, the ones who can see the many sides of the arguments have won.
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