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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Good solid use of cash for a precious 12 minutes saving

Strange way of looking at it. I'd say it's an excellent way to spend what Jeff Bezos makes in a few hours, to reduce the CO2 emissions from ~100,000 vehicles a day. It would make the roads safer for everyone, and create employment for many people.
There aren't many better ways to spend money than to spend it on improving infrastructure.
And in the case of motor vehicle traffic, shortening journeys and reducing congestion have additional environmental benefits of course. If anything, it’s the anti-car lot who should be the most enthusiastic backers of such schemes.
“Cars kill kids”

Propaganda fail. Any true car abolitionist will be sure to tell you that it’s drivers not cars that kill people. In fact, if any journalist dares mention that a car left the road or hit something, they will invariably be subject to social media outrage from lycra warriors explaining that cars aren’t sentient beings.
Anyway, child cyclists are for more likely to die per journey and per passenger km than child car passengers, so it's obvious that parents who insist their kids save the planet by riding on busy roads are the real child killers.
Anyway, child cyclists are for more likely to die per journey and per passenger km than child car passengers, so it's obvious that parents who insist their kids save the planet by riding on busy roads are the real child killers.
Surely it's the fuckers filling up the roads with cars that are 'insisting that kids ride on busy roads'.
Anyway, child cyclists are for more likely to die per journey and per passenger km than child car passengers, so it's obvious that parents who insist their kids save the planet by riding on busy roads are the real child killers.
Well done for being the type of cunt that uses child deaths to troll cyclists on the internet though.
Well done for being the type of cunt that uses child deaths to troll cyclists on the internet though.

That sign, the tweet, and the post of it on this thread are where the trolling originated. Shame on cyclists for using child deaths in that way. :(
I have to wonder about the mentality of the people behind that sign, do they seriously imagine it will have any impact whatsoever? That even one person will look at it and say 'Yep totally agree with that, tomorrow i will get the bus so I can be trapped in traffic with 50 smelly strangers rather than be trapped on my own'
I have to wonder about the mentality of the people behind that sign, do they seriously imagine it will have any impact whatsoever? That even one person will look at it and say 'Yep totally agree with that, tomorrow i will get the bus so I can be trapped in traffic with 50 smelly strangers rather than be trapped on my own'
They certainly would have lost 100% of their target audience the very moment the message 'cars are death machines' flashes up, anyway.
They certainly would have lost 100% of their target audience the very moment the message 'cars are death machines' flashes up, anyway.
So why do over 1.3 million people a year, nearly quarter of a million of them children, die in traffic accidents? Nothing to do with cars at all of course.
Are buses death machines too? Because they kill and maim plenty of people in London and across the world too...

And in answer to your question, no, it's nothing to with the cars themselves. It's to do with the consequences to the human body of hard impacts at speed or being crushed by heavy objects, that in most cases were being operated incorrectly or recklessly by humans. In plenty of other occasions it was actually the fault of the victim, while w're at that, but let's not go there for now.

Cars are not machines designed to kill, and calling them 'death machines' is one of the most fucking daft and stupid things ever uttered in the history of mankind, and guaranteed to turn away the very people you are trying to convert.
So why do over 1.3 million people a year, nearly quarter of a million of them children, die in traffic accidents? Nothing to do with cars at all of course.

Moving about is a hazardous business. I bet the death rate for horse and cart was worse, plenty of people had their brains dashed out on the cobbles.

But you'll need accurate figures for deaths per passenger km from horse and cart to prove me wrong, whereas I get to make my case simply by posting up grisly 19th century inquest reports.
Why? You're the one claiming something counter-intuitive. Plus you'll have to adjust for equivalent safety improvements in other areas of life. And if that was all the evidence you had it would just prove how rare such incidents were that they were worth reporting unlike nowadays when it needs to be particularly grisly to merit mention in the press at all.

I'm free to pick up the SUV anytime btw.
Anyways, I challenge anyone who seriously mantains 'death machine' is an appropriate term for cars to declare whether they agree buses can also be described as such, and if they do not, explain why.
Double-deck death machines. And far more lethal peds and cyclists than cars at that. I knew buses were wrong'uns :cool:
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