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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I may have confused you with someone else because I thought it went back further than that. But I'm going to double down on it anyway car scum.
Oh dear, dear, dear... :D

This must be a little bit embarrassing, eh?

You've missed the 'not', in "But I'm going to double down on it anyway car scum.", by the way.
Anyway, has teuchter made it to Scotland yet? It seems to be taking forever. He would probably have got there earlier by car. Or if he’d flown, he’d be on his fifth single malt Scotch at the hotel bar already.
Anyway, has teuchter made it to Scotland yet? It seems to be taking forever. He would probably have got there earlier by car. Or if he’d flown, he’d be on his fifth single malt Scotch at the hotel bar already.
Currently enjoying a nice cup of tea rolling along the Highland Main Line thanks. Not everyone understands the pleasures of deliberately taking one's time on a journey but I try not to look down on them too much.
Currently enjoying a nice cup of tea rolling along the Highland Main Line thanks. Not everyone understands the pleasures of deliberately taking one's time on a journey but I try not to look down on them too much.
Do you think motorists don't slow down whilst partaking of a cheeky snifter?
And Remy XO trumps Tetley, so you may find you're mistaken about who's looking down on whom.
After all the faux horror at the thought that people might use public roads for exercise look at these cunts:

I'm not that bothered about the short jail sentences given that the only people injured were the kind of people who think watching people driving is fun, but for some reason they've only been given temp driving bans, wtf? Why should people who behave in this manner be allowed behind the wheel of a car again?

Turns out that after all the whining about cyclists daring to use a form of transport that makes them fitter and better looking while they travel, the real danger is from motorists who think driving counts as a sport of some sort.
I’m concerned about teuchter ’s radio silence. He was last seen posting in this forum from inside a car of all places, on a scenic drive in the beautiful Scottish countryside. I hope he hasn’t suddenly discovered the joys car travel brings, and switched to the Dark Side…
Would Urban's car-abolitionsits like to see some of this in the UK, instead of 6 month suspended sentences and a £260 fine - just shoot the driver:

We need roaming police motorcyclists to shoot at the traffic. The American ones used to have their throttles on the left so they could shoot 'n ride.
Meanwhile, in Paris, they’re doing things right.

That will look amazing.

There's a move here towards "re-wilding". Basically councils are not cutting all grass along verges and in roundabouts. They cut one area only just around edges and leave the rest to grow.
People in cities who have gardens are also being asked to let nature take over the garden a bit more.
Having a no mow lawn..only cutting it at the end of tje summer...
Planting or encouraging wild flowers etc.

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