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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

We could also explain the physics of a bicycle at 20mph vs a car doing the same speed...
So motorcycles should be granted the same privilege as pushbikes in 20 mph zones then, given that they are orders of magnitude lighter than cars and vans :)

Alternatively, motorcycles could continue to be subject to speed limits as they are now, but granted access to NIMBY LTN zones. It is idiotic and nonsensical to put bikes in the same category as cars and vans/ trucks when applying street restrictions. Not everywhere of course, I wouldn't want bikes to be allowed on fully pedestrianised zones (then again nor should push bikes). But excluding motorbikes from NIMBY LTN zones is certainly putting pedestrians at additional risk outside of those zones, at least those who insist on behaving like zombie lemmings when crossing gridlocked streets, which unfortunately it's upwards of 75% of them IME.
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I'm clearly on a wind up but I'm also completely right. Without modification or pedalling I can make that bike move with the assistance of the engine and battery.

Chuck it off a cliff, a la Quadrophenia where Jimmy doesn't kill himself.
So motorcycles should be granted the same privilege as pushbikes in 20 mph zones then, given that they are orders of magnitude lighter than cars and vans :)
Nope. A motorcycle is still way heavier than a bike, and likely to be travelling at greater speeds.
Nope. A motorcycle is still way heavier than a bike, and likely to be travelling at greater speeds.
A 50cc small bike is heavier than a pushbike of course, but realistically you're going to be similary hurt by a bicyclist running into you at 20 mph as you would by a 50 cc scooterist at the same speed, even if the former has a combined mass of 95 kg and the latter 140 kg. They are broadly similar. If being hit above 20 mph by a mass of 140 kg is an unnacceptable risk, then sure as fuck so it is being hit by a 90 kg mass.

But even if you still objected to that, surely you would still have to admit that ebikes should be subject to such speed limits, becaue they are certainly a lot heavier than pushbikes, and a fat bloke on an ebike will probably weight just about as much as a small person on a silly 50cc scooter.
that they are orders of magnitude lighter than cars and vans
Not orders of magnitude lighter unless you're comparing the lightest motorbikes with heavier cars. Even then maybe a single order of magnitude. Maybe check you know what words mean before using them in conversation.
Not orders of magnitude lighter unless you're comparing the lightest motorbikes with heavier cars. Even then maybe a single order of magnitude. Maybe check you know what words mean before using them in conversation.
Says the man who endorses the term "death machines" to describe cars :D
Says the man who endorses the term "death machines" to describe cars :D
They are machines that kill millions a year. It would only be slightly hyperbolic if I had actually ever used it. Whereas 'order of magnitude' has a specific mathematical meaning that you clearly don't know.
They are machines that kill millions a year. It would only be slightly hyperbolic if I had actually ever used it. Whereas 'order of magnitude' has a specific mathematical meaning that you clearly don't know.
I am perfectly aware of its meaning. Good to see that you (or those in your camp) are allowed to use fucking ludicrious hyperboles, but others are not.

And kindly stick your attempts at condescension up your fucking arse, eh? There's a good lad.
I am perfectly aware of its meaning. Good to see that you (or those in your camp) are allowed to use fucking ludicrious hyperboles, but others are not.

And kindly stick your attempts at condescension up your fucking arse, eh? There's a good lad.
It's not me that's being condescending. It's you that's thick.
It's not me that's being condescending. It's you that's thick.
Being called thick by you it's rather like being lectured about children’s welfare by Jimmy Savile. Either way, cunt the fuck off. Seriously. Whatever weird obsession or grudge has prompted you to unleash the torrent of abuse you have showered me with for the last few days, just cunt the fuck off if you can't play nice.
A 50cc small bike is heavier than a pushbike of course, but realistically you're going to be similary hurt by a bicyclist running into you at 20 mph as you would by a 50 cc scooterist at the same speed, even if the former has a combined mass of 95 kg and the latter 140 kg. They are broadly similar. If being hit above 20 mph by a mass of 140 kg is an unnacceptable risk, then sure as fuck so it is being hit by a 90 kg mass.

But even if you still objected to that, surely you would still have to admit that ebikes should be subject to such speed limits, becaue they are certainly a lot heavier than pushbikes, and a fat bloke on an ebike will probably weight just about as much as a small person on a silly 50cc scooter.
The goalposts are now moved from motorbike to 'silly 50cc scooter'. What speed are they limited to? If it's 20mph maybe we could consider your case. The other problem is their ridiculous noise pollution levels though. Why not just get an e-bike instead?
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