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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Be interested to know how much that ended up costing the farmer.

The insurers of the car will be going for the jugular and I expect he'll get his collar felt too.

Not necessarily. Section 5 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 provides lawful excuses for criminal damage. This includes:

"in order to protect property belonging to himself or another or a right or interest in property which was or which he believed to be vested in himself or another, and at the time of the act or acts alleged to constitute the offence he believed—
(i)that the property, right or interest was in immediate need of protection; and
(ii)that the means of protection adopted or proposed to be adopted were or would be reasonable having regard to all the circumstances."

...so for a farmer if he was awaiting movement of sick livestock, or was preparing for a time-critical harvest etc, this could be a valid defence. The CPS even states this clause "has been interpreted widely so that the proximity between the act of damage by the perpetrator and the damage he seeks to prevent may be remote, and the causal link tenuous."
Right. I'm off to key some paintwork and slash some tyres.

Banter about sabotaging car tyres is fine is it?

Just a bit of lighthearted banter about speeding!

Who cares if it actually kills and injures people and who cares if people reading this thread will have friends or family who have lost their lives or had their lives irretrievably altered by the consequences of people using rural roads as racetracks.

All just a bit of fun though. Got a reaction from me, so great work.

Maybe we can have some jokey banter about school shootings next.
Not necessarily. Section 5 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 provides lawful excuses for criminal damage. This includes:

"in order to protect property belonging to himself or another or a right or interest in property which was or which he believed to be vested in himself or another, and at the time of the act or acts alleged to constitute the offence he believed—
(i)that the property, right or interest was in immediate need of protection; and
(ii)that the means of protection adopted or proposed to be adopted were or would be reasonable having regard to all the circumstances."

...so for a farmer if he was awaiting movement of sick livestock, or was preparing for a time-critical harvest etc, this could be a valid defence. The CPS even states this clause "has been interpreted widely so that the proximity between the act of damage by the perpetrator and the damage he seeks to prevent may be remote, and the causal link tenuous."
Yeah but he'd need to convince a court that the action was reasonable. Given that the driver is standing next to him, presumably with the keys in his pocket, I'm not sure he could. The worst bit is knocking the bloke over at the end. People have done time for less. Remember the fellow who got 5 years for smashing up that Travelodge reception? And he didn't knock anyone over.
I think so yes. Are you worried that car drivers are so dopey that they'd drive off without noticing I've slashed all their tyres and have an accident or something?

I am more interested in seeing the video of one big motherfucker catching you slashing his tyres, TBH.
I think so yes. Are you worried that car drivers are so dopey that they'd drive off without noticing I've slashed all their tyres and have an accident or something?

Oh right, I thought such banter encouraged othering and led to more general violence on the road, but perhaps it was one of other car-abolitionists on this thread who said that.
We were talking about Richmond park a few pages back.

Those statistics of course bear no relation to the actual number of offences committed or number of dangerous actions taken by drivers and cyclists. They are especially meaningless given that all but a handful of the driver offences will be for parking, for which there is no cyclist equivalent.
I am more interested in seeing the video of one big motherfucker catching you slashing his tyres, TBH.
Back when I was an irresponsible youth a friends house backed onto a pub carpark. We used to take great delight in letting as many tyres down as we could :oops: Only got busted once, think it was the fastest I’ve ever run in my life :D
Oh right, I thought such banter encouraged othering and led to more general violence on the road, but perhaps it was one of other car-abolitionists on this thread who said that.

Because obviously minor property damage and violence against the person are in some way comparable.
Because obviously minor property damage and violence against the person are in some way comparable.

So drivers threatening to slash bike tyres is top bantz about minor damage, and won’t engender a drivers vs cyclists environment leading to greater conflict and violence on the roads? Good to know.
Oh right, I thought such banter encouraged othering and led to more general violence on the road, but perhaps it was one of other car-abolitionists on this thread who said that.
I objected to the banter about speeding on rural roads because people getting killed by speeding vehicles is a real thing that kills real people, as in actual real people are killed by it. Many people who live in rural areas or have family in rural areas will have had direct experience of this and live with it as a constant background worry. Likewise, many cyclists will have had experience of their safety being directly threatened by vehicles on the roads and might know people who've been killed or had life changing injuries as a result. Again many people live with the background worry that their parent or partner or child is not going to come home that day because of something that happens on the road.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe that many motorists live in a state of anxiety that an "abolitionist" off the internet is going to come and damage their car. And even if they did, no-ones life or safety would be being threatened.

I hope this helps you understand some very basic concepts related to views on boundaries of what is or isn't ok to joke about.
So drivers threatening to slash bike tyres is top bantz about minor damage, and won’t engender a drivers vs cyclists environment leading to greater conflict and violence on the roads? Good to know.
Yes with the minor proviso that there was no 'threatening'. That's your hyperbole.
Right. I'm off to key some paintwork and slash some tyres.
On reflection, I realise that in the time since I posted this, many car owners across the UK have been standing anxiously next to their motors ready to protect them and hoping that I don't show up with firearms or a "violent bike gang".

So I should apologise for all the trauma caused.
This idea that stabbing up car tyres isn’t dangerous is simply wrong. I suppose if someone slit all four tyres and let the air out it would be obvious and the driver wouldn’t drive off, but most militant cyclists would be too feeble and scared to do much more than hack away at one tyre with their shitty penknife, potentially leading to a blow-out at speed and killing numerous members of families.
This idea that stabbing up car tyres isn’t dangerous is simply wrong. I suppose if someone slit all four tyres and let the air out it would be obvious and the driver wouldn’t drive off, but most militant cyclists would be too feeble and scared to do much more than hack away at one tyre with their shitty penknife, potentially leading to a blow-out at speed and killing numerous members of families.
This is why I stick to keying them and smashing the fucking headlights.
This idea that stabbing up car tyres isn’t dangerous is simply wrong. I suppose if someone slit all four tyres and let the air out it would be obvious and the driver wouldn’t drive off, but most militant cyclists would be too feeble and scared to do much more than hack away at one tyre with their shitty penknife, potentially leading to a blow-out at speed and killing numerous members of families.
Slashing is different from stabbing. No-one's proposed to stab any tyres.
Don't be daft. The Dalai Lama's fucked over more motors than this lot. The closest any of these wallies have got to slashing tyres or keying cars is wanking over vids of it on here! ;)
teuchter will be unboxing one of his unopened Matchbox cars now, and scraping the key to his lunch box down the side of it, just to prove you wrong.
From this evening's stroll... Here's what happens when you let car owners make decisions for themselves. I think it must be a privately owned street. The car owners have decided that their convenience, sadly, just has to override the needs of anyone with mobility issues, anyone in a wheelchair, anyone pushing a buggy or pulling a trolley or with a sight impairment. They've thought it all through and no doubt it was a difficult decision, but unfortunately needs must.

They are free of the restrictions imposed by the state that apply to most streets. They'd like everywhere to be like this, a free for all, only the strongest survive. No more of their taxes wasted on traffic wardens and so on. They'd get rid of the NHS too and go to their private hospitals with giant car parks positioned far away from public transport so that they didn't have to mix with the wrong type of people. They would shoot all old people, because they take too long to cross the road, and complain too much if you run then over.

I bet some people who post on this thread live on this street. Or maybe they live round the corner and just park here.


Imagine that, being able to park where you want on your own property! Next thing you know those cunts will be deciding for themselves what they want to eat! Won't somebody think of imaginary people who might trespass onto their property with a pram! :D
Imagine that, being able to park where you want on your own property! Next thing you know those cunts will be deciding for themselves what they want to eat! Won't somebody think of imaginary people who might trespass onto their property with a pram! :D
I don’t think you know what “trespass” and/or “private road” mean.
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