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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

If private cars were banned and everyone switched to using car club vehicles such as Zipcars, would those cars still be ‘death machines’? I am not entirely clear on that point.
Tell me more about this nimble HGV that changes lanes so suddenly that me in my lumbering car wouldn’t have time to notice what’s going on.
Your touching faith in the infallibility of drivers just so long as they are good would be charmingly naïve even if there wasn’t ample evidence — on a weekly basis — of all the drivers that also thought they were good enough to avoid accidents on the motorway but were wrong. People smash into things on motorways all the time and all of them thought it would never be them. You’re demonstrating the fundamental attribution error quite marvellously.
Your touching faith in the infallibility of drivers just so long as they are good would be charmingly naïve even if there wasn’t ample evidence — on a weekly basis — of all the drivers that also thought they were good enough to avoid accidents on the motorway but were wrong. People smash into things on motorways all the time and all of them thought it would never be them. You’re demonstrating the fundamental attribution error quite marvellously.

Well I was talking about ME in my post, but I am happy to have enacted a policy whereby any drivers that fall short of my impeccable standards have their licences torn up permanently, cars crushed and a savage wedgie.
If private cars were banned and everyone switched to using car club vehicles such as Zipcars, would those cars still be ‘death machines’? I am not entirely clear on that point.
Yes. But people would be less incentivised to use a death machine when another mode of travel was available. Hope that clarifies.
Yes. But people would be less incentivised to use a death machine when another mode of travel was available. Hope that clarifies.
Really? Because I reckon once most drivers were introduced to the massive economic savings and parking possibilities of car clubs, they would use them more often than their own vehicles,

I don’t even own a car, and whenever my bike was being serviced or otherwise not available, I would have gone to work by bus & Tube. But now I can hire a Zipcar parked on my street, drive myself to Chelsea, park 20 metres away from work, and leave the car there. All for around £7.50- £8 on a typical day.

So I no longer use public transport for those occasions I don’t have my bike available. Thank you, Zipcar :)
Really? Because I reckon once most drivers were introduced to the massive economic savings and parking possibilities of car clubs, they would use them more often than their own vehicles,

I don’t even own a car, and whenever my bike was being serviced or otherwise not available, I would have gone to work by bus & Tube. But now I can hire a Zipcar parked on my street, drive myself to Chelsea, park 20 metres away from work, and leave the car there. All for around £7.50- £8 on a typical day.

So I no longer use public transport for those occasions I don’t have my bike available. Thank you, Zipcar :)
Glad to hear that the LTN-generated congestion that you were recently complaining about making trips across London impossible has now evaporated.
Of course to be proved right I need to be on my deathbed aged 90, mumbling “see kabbes, fucking told you so” which will be interpreted as delirious ramblings. Life is so unfair.
Technically, that wouldn’t prove you right, it would just prove you lucky. There isn’t actually a way for you to be proved right on this one, because it’s about risk. You think it’s an accident that I chose a profession where I can never be proved wrong?
Glad to hear that the LTN-generated congestion that you were recently complaining about making trips across London impossible has now evaporated.
Last time I did that was at the heart of the initial lockdown when people were staying in and the roads were pretty empty. However, even if my journey would take 50 minutes by car now versus 40 by public transport, it would still a no-brainer.
Last time I did that was at the heart of the initial lockdown when people were staying in and the roads were pretty empty. However, even if my journey would take 50 minutes by car now versus 40 by public transport, it would still a no-brainer.
Glad you've finally admitted to your lack of brain. Though why would you still prefer a private car even when slower? Are you just so fucking lazy you won't walk to a bus stop or something? (given you've never mentioned a disability in any of these threads)
Glad you've finally admitted to your lack of brain. Though why would you still prefer a private car even when slower? Are you just so fucking lazy you won't walk to a bus stop or something? (given you've never mentioned a disability in any of these threads)
Why don't you kindly cunt off until you have taken a chill pill?
Why don't you kindly cunt off until you have taken a chill pill?
Thought so. Lazy fucker. Enjoy your heart disease and diabetes. I am very chilled cheers and off for a nice healthy walk in the sun.

Thought so. Lazy fucker. Enjoy your heart disease and diabetes. I am very chilled cheers and off for a nice healthy walk in the sun.

All these twice-weekly games of tennis I've been playing for the last fifteen years, for nothing... If only someone had told me the way to stay healthy was to walk to the bus stop on the two or three times per year I don't have my bike :(
All these twice-weekly games of tennis I've been playing for the last fifteen years, for nothing... If only someone had told me the way to stay healthy was to walk to the bus stop on the two or three times per year I don't have my bike :(
Twice a week all year round? Or in the summer if it's not raining? You want to be careful if that's all you do, cardiac arrest is a significant risk in people who engage in aerobic activity without training regularly. I bet you drive there too. Making exercise part of your daily commute would be a much better solution from the point of your health.

You're the only one left plugging away on this thread you know. Spymaster and Saul Goodman have long since given up arguing points that they've lost repeatedly and now just post unfunny "memes" or resort to abuse. Everyone else, while far from agreed on a solution, knows there's a problem; it's just you now, droning on endlessly about how you need to be persuaded, solutions have to be attractive to you etc. Sadly there's no solution to you being a selfish lazy twat so I don't think there's any need for anyone on this thread to pay heed to a single word you type.
Looks to me like they’ve collided at speed whilst trying to avoid each other by serving up the bank. Their front offside looks damaged. I mean, it ALL looks damaged. But you know what I mean.
You're the only one left plugging away on this thread you know. Spymaster and Saul Goodman have long since given up arguing points that they've lost repeatedly and now just post unfunny "memes" or resort to abuse. Everyone else, while far from agreed on a solution, knows there's a problem; it's just you now, droning on endlessly about how you need to be persuaded, solutions have to be attractive to you etc. Sadly there's no solution to you being a selfish lazy twat so I don't think there's any need for anyone on this thread to pay heed to a single word you type.

I'm working but will return when I'm bored. The thread's not for serious discussion though. It's for being rude to teuchter.
Twice a week all year round? Or in the summer if it's not raining? You want to be careful if that's all you do, cardiac arrest is a significant risk in people who engage in aerobic activity without training regularly. I bet you drive there too. Making exercise part of your daily commute would be a much better solution from the point of your health.

You're the only one left plugging away on this thread you know. Spymaster and Saul Goodman have long since given up arguing points that they've lost repeatedly and now just post unfunny "memes" or resort to abuse. Everyone else, while far from agreed on a solution, knows there's a problem; it's just you now, droning on endlessly about how you need to be persuaded, solutions have to be attractive to you etc. Sadly there's no solution to you being a selfish lazy twat so I don't think there's any need for anyone on this thread to pay heed to a single word you type.
I feel you're going to have to go for another walk, as your stress levels are clearly still a bit high. And you're the only one hurling any abuse in here, pal. Cunt the fuck off already with your ignorant, clueless and 100% wrong accusastions of laziness.

It's as pathetic as is laughable that any disagreement on any given policy or point regarding cars clearly makes anyone in your eyes a confirmed petrolhead. It's all or nothing, obviously. Either you agree with every single measure ever proposed or applied regarding car use, or you're a Clarksonite. No half measures. You cast doubt on even one thing, certfied petrolhead. End of.

Incidentally, I really do hope that with such holier-than-thou attitude regarding the use of motor cars- sorry, 'death machines', let's call them what they are- you don't ever, ever use them directly or indirectly for your conveniene, whether to have your groceries or Amazon goodies delivered or to take that convenient taxi here and then, because otherwise it would make you in a rather compromising position.
eel you're going to have to go for another walk, as your stress levels are clearly still a bit high. And you're the only one hurling any abuse in here, pal. Cunt the fuck off already with your ignorant, clueless and 100% wrong accusastions of laziness.
I made a light hearted remark based on the words in your post and received a foul mouth torrent of abuse (and no answer to the question). Who's stressed? I'm chilling in the garden with my kids.

And my potatoes arriving at the supermarket by lorry is pretty unavoidable whereas you're on record saying you'd choose a private car over public transport even when public transport is quicker and start slinging abuse when challenged on it. Yep, lazy, selfish, entitled wanker. Seen no evidence otherwise yet
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