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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Strange how it works everywhere else then. I know it’s nice to think that us Brits are something special but the reality doesn’t match up. Wherever good quality cycling infrastructure is built, cycling rates go up, with a corresponding drop in car journeys.
You say it works everywhere else. I have been in 20-odd countries in my life, and nowhere else I have observed the same policy of forcing all through traffic in one route only between two city areas and make it all about impossible to take an alternative route, like it has long been the case in London, and made more so since the arrival of the LTNs.

Even in the much lauded European cities with high cycle use that you and others suggest is the way forward for Britain, cars are allowed to choose multiple routes from A to B, which include- oh horror of horrors- countless residential side streets.

So come to think of it, fuck yeah! Let’s adopt the Amsterdam model. In full, naturally, and including their standing on motor vehicles travelling through side streets.
The difference there being that those streets are designed with pedestrians and cyclists first. The entire experience and expectations of driving a car there are entirely different. There is no reason whatsoever why it can’t be done here.
Given that so many of them use bikes, it's strange that they have significantly more road deaths per capita than the UK. Maybe they're doing something wrong.
Given that so many of them use bikes, it's strange that they have significantly more road deaths per capita than the UK. Maybe they're doing something wrong.

Well, our road deaths are v low compared to most places. It’s health and safety gone mad, frankly.
You don't differentiate between anecotal evidence and data, do you? This prevents you from making a useful contribution to the debate.
Oh really? Well, seeing as this can be easily turned around the other way, let’s just do so.

You seem to be suggesting that I am wrong or have no verifiable proof to say that cities abroad including poster-child Amsterdam don’t ban cars from travelling on secondary/ side streets anywhere near the level seen in London nowadays.

So, can you prove that Amsterdam does in fact have similarly restrictive laws and policy to London today regarding cars using side streets instead of sticking to trunk routes only?

I mean, my brother-in-law lives there and I’ve been there plenty of times, and every time including our most recent visit in Xmas 2019, our taxis to and from his place to various places across town almost invariably included driving through all kinds of secondary residential streets. But admittedly I cannot prove this to you, so hopefully you can prove to me I must have imagined it or be lying.
Oh really? Well, seeing as this can be easily turned around the other way, let’s just do so.

You seem to be suggesting that I am wrong or have no verifiable proof to say that cities abroad including poster-child Amsterdam don’t ban cars from travelling on secondary/ side streets anywhere near the level seen in London nowadays.

So, can you prove that Amsterdam has similarly restrictive laws and policy to London today regarding cars using side streets instead of sticking to trunk routes only?

I mean, my brother-in-law lives there and I’ve been there plenty of times, and every time including our most recent visit in Xmas 2019, our taxis to and from his place to various places across town almost invariably included driving through all kinds of secondary residential streets. But admittedly I cannot prove this to you, so hopefully you can prove to me I must have imagined it or be lying.
When London's side streets resemble those of Amsterdam, you may have a point.
Oh really? Well, seeing as this can be easily turned around the other way, let’s just do so.

You seem to be suggesting that I am wrong or have no verifiable proof to say that cities abroad including poster-child Amsterdam don’t ban cars from travelling on secondary/ side streets anywhere near the level seen in London nowadays.

So, can you prove that Amsterdam has similarly restrictive laws and policy to London today regarding cars using side streets instead of sticking to trunk routes only?

I mean, my brother-in-law lives there and I’ve been there plenty of times, and every time including our most recent visit in Xmas 2019, our taxis to and from his place to various places across town almost invariably included driving through all kinds of secondary residential streets. But admittedly I cannot prove this to you, so hopefully you can prove to me I must have imagined it or be lying.

That's just more proof that you don't get the difference between anedotal evidence and data.
That's just more proof that you don't get the difference between anedotal evidence and data.
Let’s try again. Can I ask you a question and ask for a straight answer, with no diversions, counter questions, or whataboutisms?

Does Amsterdam constrict motor vehicles regarding the use of secondary or side streets as through-routes anywhere near as much as London does presently in those areas where LTNs have proliferated?
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