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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

If anything it shows modes of transportation other than cars are dangerously unreliable and could cost you your life when enjoying the great outdoors.
Yeah, I wouldn’t fancy being in a kayak in the outside lane of the M6... asking for trouble.
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It's like how buying a gun gives you the right to go out and commit as many massacres as you fancy.
Even for you that is a bizarre mental leap, You can't buy a gun in this country (which I agree with) but even in America where you are allowed to buy guns, it's supposedly for 'home defence' only, going on rampages and massacring people is definitely illegal.
Whereas with car ownership there are restrictions on what I can do with it, I can't drive on other people's properties, I have to maintain and insure it but I do indeed have a legal right to drive it on the public highway providing I obey the appropriate laws enacted for mine and everyone else's safety. There are no laws (other than current temporary restrictions) restricting which particular bits of the public highway I can use.
Even for you that is a bizarre mental leap, You can't buy a gun in this country (which I agree with) but even in America where you are allowed to buy guns, it's supposedly for 'home defence' only, going on rampages and massacring people is definitely illegal.
Whereas with car ownership there are restrictions on what I can do with it, I can't drive on other people's properties, I have to maintain and insure it but I do indeed have a legal right to drive it on the public highway providing I obey the appropriate laws enacted for mine and everyone else's safety. There are no laws (other than current temporary restrictions) restricting which particular bits of the public highway I can use.

I am glad that my post prompted you to acknowledge that part of your previous comment is complete nonsense:

Obviously this guy is being a dick but that's due to ignoring Covid restrictions which are a hopefully temporary case. However having the right to drive around wherever you feel like it is pretty much the whole point of buying a car

Unfortunately, of course, in practice most car drivers dto think they have the right to go wherever they feel like, just like how many gun owners think they've got the right to go around shooting everyone. At least gun owners don't cause as much societal harm as car owners do, though. A back-of-the-envelope calculation puts car owners at 350% worse. At least.
Look at this absolutely typical car driver.

Not only were they breaking covid rules (because they think their car gives them the right to drive around going anywhere they feel like) but they are entirely incompetent using other means of transport, because driving their car has made them stupid.

The most shameful bit is that he didn't carve a new paddle. Probably didn't want to scratch his Bear Grylls TM survival knife. Broken Britain etc.
Sorry to be so late to the thread...have we done this yet?

This one is my favourite:


Apparently inspired by this:

Sorry to be so late to the thread...have we done this yet?

Interesting, thanks.

The War on Cars is a new podcast about the epic, hundred years’ war between The Car and The City. We deliver news and commentary on the latest developments in the worldwide fight to undo a century’s worth of damage wrought by the automobile. We produce a new show every other week.

Even in America they are cottoning on the fact that it's time to sort things out.

Some of the dinosaurs on this thread will remain in denial, of course.
I have to confess that I've just bought a 5 metre 2 ton death machine, with a 3.5 litre V6. But it will be a mobile home, and is much smaller and lighter than the fixed home I currently reside in. I'll convert it to LPG and hope to run it mostly on BioLPG, which is made from waste. And it will have a composting toilet, solar shower and solar panels. And no heating because I will relocate with the seasons and be forever warm. So I hope my impact on my fellow earth-dwellers will be acceptable.
teuchter is totally correct. However i just drove home singing along really loudly to terrible music that i like and not bothering a soul. It wasn't the same on the bus.
I can see how that might bother bus wankers. It'd be something else for them to be joyless about.
teuchter is totally correct. However i just drove home singing along really loudly to terrible music that i like and not bothering a soul. It wasn't the same on the bus.
Yeah, I hate to admit it but perhaps that’s true. If only private vehicle users could switch to the magic cars Uber and car share clubs use, which don’t pollute, contaminate or cause any injuries on impact....

Or the equally magical delivery vans that nowdays make nearly as many journeys on residential streets as privately owned cars do, just to deliver on a pretty much daily basis all those essential items from Amazon that one couldn't be arsed to go out and buy from the shops, even before the pandemic when everything was open. That's okay, those highly convenient delivery vans don't pollute, congest, or maim either :)
I have to confess that I've just bought a 5 metre 2 ton death machine, with a 3.5 litre V6. But it will be a mobile home, and is much smaller and lighter than the fixed home I currently reside in. I'll convert it to LPG and hope to run it mostly on BioLPG, which is made from waste. And it will have a composting toilet, solar shower and solar panels. And no heating because I will relocate with the seasons and be forever warm. So I hope my impact on my fellow earth-dwellers will be acceptable.
As long as you replace your driving seat from one made of unsanded pallets with a few nails sticking out...
Or the equally magical delivery vans that nowdays make nearly as many journeys on residential streets as privately owned cars do, just to deliver on a pretty much daily basis all those essential items from Amazon that one couldn't be arsed to go out and buy from the shops, even before the pandemic when everything was open. That's okay, those highly convenient delivery vans don't pollute, congest, or maim either :)

Follow https://twitter.com/pedalmeapp Cargo bikes are making such rapid progress...vans are history!

I am glad that my post prompted you to acknowledge that part of your previous comment is complete nonsense:

Unfortunately, of course, in practice most car drivers dto think they have the right to go wherever they feel like, just like how many gun owners think they've got the right to go around shooting everyone. At least gun owners don't cause as much societal harm as car owners do, though. A back-of-the-envelope calculation puts car owners at 350% worse. At least.
love to see the formula you've used for that calculation.
As for other assertion, I DO have the right to go wherever I feel like, as does someone on a bus except I am exercising my other right to use my car.
I think his being a joyless fucker trumps the car ownership. He probably drove something like a 1 litre Micra L .I also believe him to be the sort of person who makes porridge with water and salt. As I imagine you do.
In defence of the humble Micra, until recently, Mrs Tag was driving around in one that was 20 years old. It never let her down, it never owed her a penny and since giving it away it is still going strong. If you look around, as we do, there are still dozens of old Micras out there being driven still.
Congratulations everyone. Hopefully the time you have spent making up your counter-arguments has distracted you from doing something harmful like driving to the shops in your Audis, which by the way you have failed to lend to NHS workers to let them drive to work safely during the pandemic.

On the other hand, by getting out of their personal heart attack/depression machines and walking more, they may well have reduced future demand on the NHS by some small amount.
I wish Brixton could be car free. It would be bliss. The drivers here are such cretins. The pollution on the South Circular even got a mention at an autopsy recently, as a cause of death.

Did I mention that my neighbour ran me over when he was high? He's so careless that a week later his car caught fire.
Or the equally magical delivery vans that nowdays make nearly as many journeys on residential streets as privately owned cars do, just to deliver on a pretty much daily basis all those essential items from Amazon that one couldn't be arsed to go out and buy from the shops, even before the pandemic when everything was open. That's okay, those highly convenient delivery vans don't pollute, congest, or maim either :)
One van making a round of deliveries for 30 or more people will create a hell of a lot less pollution than if those 30 people all got in a car and went to the shops.
Unless of course they bought less or, heaven forbid, they walked to the shops and back. Morrisons, bless em, I have discovered try to arrange your delivery when they are already in your area.
They all do that, it's just Morrisons are trying to con you that it's their idea.
In defence of the humble Micra, until recently, Mrs Tag was driving around in one that was 20 years old. It never let her down, it never owed her a penny and since giving it away it is still going strong. If you look around, as we do, there are still dozens of old Micras out there being driven still.
Mrs Q has a 2007 Micra which she bought at the end of 2009, we've still got it. I've been through 4 vehicles in the same time, even our son who passed his test in the same year is on his 3rd.
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