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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

What do you drive? Most cars look pretty interesting these days so don’t be shy.
A 13 year old Fiat Panda and an 11 year-old Skoda Yeti. Neither were purchased as anything other than necessary tools suited to the job they were needed for.
I was chatting to a fella this morning, explaining to me how he spent £3k putting carbon wheels on his motorcycle, to save 6kg. We were at The Super Sausage, and he told me this whilst tucking into the jumbo breakfast. He must've weighed 18st!
Even funnier is people buying carbon bikes with carbon everything. They're always the ones who pretend they're cycling to keep fit and healthy, when a heavy steel bike would obviously be more suitable than a carbon one for this purpose. They're just posers, and you can guarantee each and every one of them has a macbook pro in their backpack.
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Even funnier is people buying carbon bikes with carbon everything. They're ways the ones who pretend they're cycling to keep fit and healthy, when a heavy steel bike would obviously be more suitable than a carbon one for this purpose. They're just posers, and you can guarantee each and every one of them has a macbook pro in their backpack.

Thanks for repeating my point and glad you agree about car wankers.

Although aluminium is lighter and cheaper than steel so prob better for most.
Even funnier is people buying carbon bikes with carbon everything. They're always the ones who pretend they're cycling to keep fit and healthy, when a heavy steel bike would obviously be more suitable than a carbon one for this purpose. They're just posers, and you can guarantee each and every one of them has a macbook pro in their backpack.
Both are nuts. The vehicular equivalent of 'audiophiles' with their £15k speaker cables.
They pretend to themselves that a Porsche or Volvo or range rover is a reflection of their discerning taste or wealth or vitality or whatever while they travel around in a four wheeled monument to the skill of marketing agencies (most likely staffed by people with MacBook pros and carbon fibre road bikes).
Both are nuts. The vehicular equivalent of 'audiophiles' with their £15k speaker cables.
I'd argue that pedalphiles are worse than audiophiles. Audiophiles tend to keep their nonsense confined to their own homes, but pedalphiles spend their fortunes on eye candy that they want everyone to see. It's purely an exercise in vanity and a show of wealth.
They pretend to themselves that a Porsche or Volvo or range rover is a reflection of their discerning taste or wealth or vitality or whatever while they travel around in a four wheeled monument to the skill of marketing agencies (most likely staffed by people with MacBook pros and carbon fibre road bikes).

I trust your home was acquired, fitted out and decorated in the cheapest, minimum possible fashion as required by cold hard necessity?
I'd argue that pedalphiles are worse than audiophiles. Audiophiles tend to keep their nonsense confined to their own homes, but pedalphiles spend their fortunes on eye candy that they want everyone to see. It's purely an exercise in vanity and a show of wealth.
They are exhibitionists. Explains the lycra.
I'm pretty sure that people that spend several grand on a carbon bike are exactly the same people that'll spend 50k+ on a flash car. IME road cyclists on expensive bikes are usually motorists as well and you'll see very few flash racing bikes doing daily commutes.
I trust your home was acquired, fitted out and decorated in the cheapest, minimum possible fashion as required by cold hard necessity?
Certainly not. Just pointing out that your beloved vehicles are all designed and marketed by people like me in London.

It's pretty funny when you people fall for it and but them to be honest.
Anyway, this thread has shown that most of you are just listing after fancy cars and then go and buy a Volvo instead.
This guy’s got a point and Insulate Britain have a much better cause then black cab drivers ever did.

Because they blocked Parliament Square, which is the one road that everyone critising Insulate Britain says they should go and block instead.
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They've blocked other roads. I remember one round Waterloo and one round Tottenham Court Rd.

Yes they blocked Tottenham Court Road once to protest against it being permanently closed to cars. In this case their protest method aligned perfectly with their aims and highlighted the disruption that closing the road would cause.
Yes they blocked Tottenham Court Road once to protest against it being permanently closed to cars. In this case their protest method aligned perfectly with their aims and highlighted the disruption that closing the road would cause.
And no-one demanded that they be run over or locked up.
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