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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Cyclist gobs of to motorist, chases him down the road, aggressively bangs on the windscreen and shouts at the driver. Passenger jumps out of car and dumps the cyclist on his arse.

Question is this. Was the passenger right in jabbing the cyclist or should he have gone with a right hook?
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I see people are ignoring the second thing cyclist did wrong and which provoked the driver, and that is grabbing hold of his car.

If a car driver reached over and grabbed hold of a bicycle while driving I'm sure we'd never hear the end of it.
That's what rule 169 of the Highway Code requires of ALL slowing moving vehicles that cause a queue of traffic behind them, not just large ones.
'Long' queues.

What it quite clearly doesn't say is that any vehicle moving at less than the speed limit has to take the earliest opportunity to let faster vehicles past which is how you seem to be reading it.
'Long' queues.

What it quite clearly doesn't say is that any vehicle moving at less than the speed limit has to take the earliest opportunity to let faster vehicles past which is how you seem to be reading it.

Interpret it how you want. The fact is that if these cyclists had interpreted it correctly in the way I have outlined and complied with it, this incident wouldn't have occurred. Therefore it's one of many wrong decisions they made that day.
Interpret it how you want. The fact is that if these cyclists had interpreted it correctly in the way I have outlined and complied with it, this incident wouldn't have occurred. Therefore it's one of many wrong decisions they made that day.
Lol. Your interpretation of the rule makes cycling anywhere on single lane roads effectively impossible as you'd have to pull over constantly to let every car behind you pass legally. That may be the law you want but it's not this and it's not going to happen.
Lol. Your interpretation of the rule makes cycling anywhere on single lane roads effectively impossible as you'd have to pull over constantly to let every car behind you pass legally. That may be the law you want but it's not this and it's not going to happen.
Always very worrying when drivers show their ignorance and excuse violence. The driver managed to hit another cyclist with their car whilst punching the other one ffs.
Lol. Your interpretation of the rule makes cycling anywhere on single lane roads effectively impossible as you'd have to pull over constantly to let every car behind you pass legally. That may be the law you want but it's not this and it's not going to happen.

No, only when necessary to not hold up a long queue of traffic. That's literally what the rule says, like it or not. It certainly doesn't make cycling impossible.
Always very worrying when drivers show their ignorance and excuse violence. The driver managed to hit another cyclist with their car whilst punching the other one ffs.

Should have bought a bigger better SUV with auto braking, the mk1 Juke is shite.
So why was the cyclist grabbing on to the wing mirror of the moving car? Is that taught by roads.cc as best practice?
To steady himself while he spoke to the driver. I'm glad you've pointed out that an appropriate and legal response to someone touching your property is a punch in the face. I'm going to chin the postie tomorrow.
To steady himself while he spoke to the driver. I'm glad you've pointed out that an appropriate and legal response to someone touching your property is a punch in the face. I'm going to chin the postie tomorrow.

We don't know why the driver decided to punch him at that point. Perhaps the driver apprehend the immediate use of unlawful violence by the cyclist and acted in self-defence.

Perhaps that's why he "only" got a caution.
Here's some selfish driver behaviour I spotted earlier today. The apologists will have to deal with this one by saying it's pedestrians/wheelchair users/partially sighted people who provoked this act and who have only got themselves to blame.

Parked diagonally across the pavement and part of the dropped kerb crossing. I think it belonged to the guys sitting outside the cafe. I could have said something to them but didn't feel like getting assaulted early in my day.

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Here's some selfish driver behaviour I spotted earlier today. The apologists will have to deal with this one by saying it's pedestrians/wheelchair users/partially sighted people who provoked this act and who have only got themselves to blame.

Parked diagonally across the pavement and part of the dropped kerb crossing. I think it belonged to the guys sitting outside the cafe. I could have said something you them but didn't feel like getting assaulted early in my day.

View attachment 288021

It’s an Audi so the driver is probably a twat. You don’t have to be a car abolitionist to realise that.
The wanker who sits outside my kid's primary school every morning pumping exhaust into a crowd of 4-10 year olds is in some Volvo SUV/tank. I hope he dies of syphilis.
Why don’t you just have a word with him? Even if he’s the most selfish cunt in the world, he’s killing his own kid too.
Why don’t you just have a word with him? Even if he’s the most selfish cunt in the world, he’s killing his own kid too.
His kid's sat in the car.

And because I've never ever had a good reaction from any driver when criticising their behaviour and have promised not to start fights at the school. I'm not the charming, persuasive type.
Probably more localised particulates produced by the school canteen or the school’s gas boiler than a single idling car. Perhaps you should do an interior air quality survey of the premises to inform your syphillis-wishing.
Probably more localised particulates produced by the school canteen or the school’s gas boiler than a single idling car. Perhaps you should do an interior air quality survey of the premises to inform your syphillis-wishing.

And if the school had 300 gas boilers, that’d be a priority.
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