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Electric scooters

If a pedestrian causes a cyclist or motor vehicle user to take emergency evasive action because of their reckless lemming-like behaviour that results in a crash and damage and or injury to anyone else, they should certainly be liable.
Of course they should, as should cyclists who run into parked cars. But have a look on YouTube, and when stupid cyclists run into parked cars, they act like they're the victim, then they just get up and ride or carry their broken bike away, without a thought for the damage they did to the car, or the emotional trauma, cost and inconvenience they inflicted on its owner.
I was parked at the side of a road in Sheffield back in the 90s, asking for directions to a rave, when suddenly there was an almighty bang. A cyclist had run into the back of my car and landed on the roof, and the cunt just brushed himself off and went on his merry way. I'd probably have stopped him and asked him to pay for the damage but I was so full of coke and E that I probably didn't need the inevitable attention from the law if/when he refused to pay.
On a dual carriageway you don't have the constant worry that someone's going to try and overtake you at the same time as something else is coming the other way, nor the worry that someone doing a stupid overtaking move in the opposite direction is suddenly going to appear in front of you. Plus you're not going to get angry motorists hanging on your tail because they can use the other lane. Plus there's usually just more width in general. And they are designed with good sightlines.
If a pedestrian causes a cyclist or motor vehicle user to take emergency evasive action because of their reckless lemming-like behaviour that results in a crash and damage and or injury to anyone else, they should certainly be financially and/ or criminally liable.
Oh fuck off :D
If a pedestrian causes a cyclist or motor vehicle user to take emergency evasive action because of their reckless lemming-like behaviour that results in a crash and damage and or injury to anyone else, they should certainly be financially and/ or criminally liable.
This is why we should never have abolished corporal punishment. Many cyclist and pedestrian infractions fall a little short of execution but most deserve a good birching. The worst of the cyclists, people like teuchter and SpookyFrank could even be given their lashes monthly in advance.
There also should be a law that lets you shoot toddlers on sight if they are about to put their grubby hands on your carefully polished paintwork in supermarket carparks.
Licensed/insured or not, can we all agree that it's not a GREAT idea to use a motorised scooter weaving between buses and cars at well over 15mph, if there are TWO tall young men (neither in a helmet) riding on it at once :eek: which I saw on Acre Lane yesterday :facepalm::mad:
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Licensed/insured or not, can we all agree that it's not a GREAT idea to use a motorised scooter weaving between buses and cars at well over 15mph, if there are TWO tall young men (neither in a helmet) riding on it at once :eek: which I saw on Acre Lane yesterday :mad:

drive them on the sidewalks (sorry) here and they're intimidating. Main street where I live is a wide boulevard and they can max out in-between intersections. Helmets not obligatory either.
On a dual carriageway you don't have the constant worry that someone's going to try and overtake you at the same time as something else is coming the other way, nor the worry that someone doing a stupid overtaking move in the opposite direction is suddenly going to appear in front of you. Plus you're not going to get angry motorists hanging on your tail because they can use the other lane. Plus there's usually just more width in general. And they are designed with good sightlines.

Fair enough, I try to avoid cycling on roads as much as possible and would never go on the fast A roads, just takes some dickhead to be having a row on the phone or picking his nose and that's you wiped out in a second.
Coming to London next month

Need to know:

- The rental scooters will be legal for use on roads and cycleways, not pavements or pedestrianised areas

- Rental pricing will be set by the separate operators, and discounts will be on offer for certain groups, including key workers

- The e-scooters will have a top speed of 12.5 mph, with boroughs able to specify go-slow zones where the maximum allowed speed will be 8 mph

Helen Sharp, TfL’s e-scooter trial lead, said:

We’re doing all we can to support London’s safe and sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and it’s clear that e-scooters could act as an innovative, greener alternative to car trips... We will also continue to work closely with all of our stakeholders, including TfL’s Independent Disability Advisory Group, to ensure that the trial meets the needs of everybody living in, working in and visiting the trial areas.
The trial will start on 7 June, and data and insights gathered during the trial will be used to inform TfL's longer term planning for what role e-scooters can play in London's transport network. Details for how to access the e-scooters — including collection and parking spots — will be announced later in May.

This will result in lots of complaints about them being left all over the place and people riding them pissed whilst us sensible scooterists will continue to get harassed by the police (as was happening in Brixton yesterday)
Really needs to be an education campaign about the riding pissed thing. Of course it is dangerous, but not massively more than cycling after a few shandies, but unlike on a bike, if you have a driving licence you lose it for riding a scooter pissed, which does seem unduly harsh. A number of people have already found this out the hard way, but once unleashed on London I suspect the courts will be clogged up with cases.
This will result in lots of complaints about them being left all over the place and people riding them pissed whilst us sensible scooterists will continue to get harassed by the police (as was happening in Brixton yesterday)

Got this problem in Birmingham, they are left lying around all over the place, often in stupid positions where wheelchair users/guide dog users etc can't easily get round them.
Really needs to be an education campaign about the riding pissed thing. Of course it is dangerous, but not massively more than cycling after a few shandies, but unlike on a bike, if you have a driving licence you lose it for riding a scooter pissed, which does seem unduly harsh. A number of people have already found this out the hard way, but once unleashed on London I suspect the courts will be clogged up with cases.
not to mention the hospitals
There has not been any hospitalisations on the hire scheme according to figures given in the House of Lords, even pissed up riders but yeah, it is not a great idea to get on one pissed up

There has not been any hospitalisations on the hire scheme according to figures given in the House of Lords, even pissed up riders but yeah, it is not a great idea to get on one pissed up

Going to be hard to resist hiring one for a bit of scoot stick action after a skinfull though!
Licensed/insured or not, can we all agree that it's not a GREAT idea to use a motorised scooter weaving between buses and cars at well over 15mph, if there are TWO tall young men (neither in a helmet) riding on it at once :eek: which I saw on Acre Lane yesterday :facepalm::mad:

Nor to weave around pedestrians at high speed on pavements, which seems to be an increasing occurence. Whether or not in results in an accidents is irrelevant.. I'd like to be able to walk on the pavement without some young "twerp" treating me as some sort of obstacle to get as close as possible to without hitting.. as happened twice in a 10 minute walk tonight.
Nor to weave around pedestrians at high speed on pavements, which seems to be an increasing occurence. Whether or not in results in an accidents is irrelevant.. I'd like to be able to walk on the pavement without some young "twerp" treating me as some sort of obstacle to get as close as possible to without hitting.. as happened twice in a 10 minute walk tonight.
Clothesline sorts that right out.

A punk on a Lecky scooter went flying past me last night when I was returning from a job to the office. It was a busy main road, he must have been doing 35 mph, squirting liquid from a bottle at people as he went. :facepalm:
A punk on a Lecky scooter went flying past me last night when I was returning from a job to the office. It was a busy main road, he must have been doing 35 mph, squirting liquid from a bottle at people as he went. :facepalm:

Hence rules need to be put in place immediately and laws enacted. So dickheads like this can be dealt with instead of huge amounts of police resources wasted cracking down on the 15MPH none pavement scooter crew.
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