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EDL watch

from Hope not hate...
Guramit "Muslims burn in hell" Singh of the EDL has been arrested for his speech made in Peterborough at the EDL's recent hate rally.
78 English Defence League supporters claim whiplash injuries...but only 25 were on the coach.

A spokeswoman for Caris Coaches in Gateshead, said she is now considering legal action. She said: "They must think we're idiots."

Yesterday even their own supporters were protesting. EDL's Alan Spence wrote on the party's Facebook site:

Are you taking the p*** or what? There were only 20 people on the f*****g coach.


Always cheers me up reading about the antics of the EDL - long may they fail in public. If one never actually saw any of them it would be fully possible to think they were a troll.

Always cheers me up reading about the antics of the EDL - long may they fail in public. If one never actually saw any of them it would be fully possible to think they were a troll.

not sure if their 'public failures ' are important tbh - meanwhile if the football related forum I go on is anything to go by, they're seeing the Luton Feb 5th demo as their chance to up the antes / do what they see the students as having done - ie : change the political climate with regard to their 'agenda' via militant, big numbers on the street, as opposed to the 1.5 k at most they've got out so far ( a 1.5k that would scatter 10 k UAF given the chance). The fact their 'agenda' is a joke maybe become an issue further down the line,( unless they manage to cobble together a coherent one as they go ) but for now I see some momentum behind them going into 011.
I'm hearing that quite a few racist Facebook pages were brought down last night by a groups called "ZHC" and "team poison".
you couldnt make this shit up could you?

they have put out a stament saying something like, he was told if he admitted it then nothing more would be said, so they stiched him up!!

not read the main EDL page yet as in work....

NS !! lmfao
They're saying that he got the pc 2nd hand and the pics weren't his, nonetheless he pleaded guilty " something that any man in his position would be forced into doing." - big mistake to try and defend him. I know why they're trying to keep him onside though. He knows where the bodies are buried.
^^ Any man would obviously admit to being a nonce to limit damage to their reputation :hmm: he is in the EDL though.
can anyone post up the EDL staement? i can't view facebook in work and fancy a laugh.

A reply by Tommy Robinson

On the 10th October 2009 the English Defence League held a demonstration in the city of Manchester. On the morning of the demonstration one of the members of the EDL, Richard Price, had his house unfairly raided by West Midlands Police Force. This was a tactic often used by the police in the early days to try and prevent demonstrations going ahead.

When his house was raided the police took a number of items from his house, including his mobile phone and his computer, which he had recently bought second hand. After investigating his computer further, West Midlands Police informed Mr Price that they had found 5 photographs of children on the computer. Although they would not show him, he was informed that photographs are put into a scale of 1 to 5 - where 1 being photographs of children in a swimming pool and 5 being indecent photographs. All 5 of the photos that where found where scale 1 images. Mr Price has no idea what these photos are and how they where on his computer.

The police however informed him that if he pleaded guilty to possessing them he would be put on the sex offenders register and no more would be mentioned and nothing would be made public and all would be finished with. If, however, he pleaded not guilty there would be a public trial and he would be miss-represented by the UK media as being a paedophile. After legal advice Mr Price felt he had no choice in the matter and since the photos where not of a paedophilic nature chose the option of pleading guilty, something that any man in his position would be forced into doing.

Our good left wing friends have since got wind of this story and have been in collaboration with the Times who tomorrow will run a story on this matter. The story will also point out that Pricey is a leader of the EDL.

The EDL would like to point out at that although Pricey is a trusted member, at no time has pricey ever been a leader of the EDL or even a Regional Organiser and this can be confirmed by reading this release back in July which details the leadership structure:


The EDL have been in contact with the Times throughout the evening and we have asked why they believe Pricey to be a leader and their answer being 'a Left-wing blog sites have told us so'.

We have now come to realise through information fed to us that this is an attempt by the left wing to use 'Word Association', so that when the story is told second and third hand all that will get told is EDL leader is a paedophile. This has been done by the lefties in a blatant attempt to slur the name of the EDL leadership.

Well the EDL will fight on no matter what you throw at us and we will be in Luton bigger and stronger than you could ever imagine.

No Surrender.
few it's all forgoten now, Tommy has come out and said he's now ex-edl so everything is cool....
Latest statement from Yaxley Lennon from the EDL Facebook page, completely contradicting what he saud yesterday after he was exposed covering for his nonce friend

Richard price pleaded guilty, we condemn him. He is no longer and will never be in the edl. Our original statement was wrote before the times article come out. We were going on what we were told. All peadophillia is sick. And it's one of the main reason we stand against Islam. The point I made was that from July, 6 months ago, pricey had no involvement as seen in our leadership statement. Yes he was one of the founding members but no longer has any involvement with this movement. We can't be held responsible for individuals actions no matter how backward and disturbed they may be. Pricey= ex edl

The leadership are currently in crisis and their facebook pages is getting spammed to death with trolls making paedo jokes, so much so they are having to close comments until there are admins available. Any post on their discussion board is deleted and all posts by their own members are being deleted. Beautiful!

yeah i saw EDL chat get closed last night, anything before that the mentioned Ricard Price was wiped, also on the EDL forums all threads where wiped/locked.

anyone who spoke out about it was not real EDL and comments where wiped, most of the thick fucks think he was stiched up and it's old news, time to move on etc.

Then last night Tommy posted this massive thing about Heroin which to me was just a massive smoke screen that they wanted to move talk about Pricey and onto the evils of drugs... which is a massive LOL if you ask me.

Well an EDL member posted this on the smokescreen post and it got deleted within minutes

My prediction for the EDL is that thee will be a massive scam pulled on the merchandise, a lot of orders will go missing and someone will do a runner with the cash.

They charge £10 for a face mask inc postage, they claim they have 70,000 members, if only half of them buy something, face mask hoddy etc.. that's a lot of cash to be floating about, and lots of it is made to order from what i have seen.
Edl,fighting to protect great English traditions from the islamofaction of this country, such as downloading kiddie porn
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